That was my immediate response, and the more I think about it, the worse it gets. Not only did she want to do this, she actually went through with it because no one was there to talk her out of it. No one pulled her aside and said "hey what's going on" or "at least don't post this online". She was able to fill up a party with attendees but somehow have no friends.
reminds me of my niece, who's been described as a social butterfly. Knows a lot of people but apparently has no real friends who can give good advice like 'hey, maybe going into a foreign country with ONLY a male you're interested in who's 2 years older than you (20) when you're just turning 18 is a BAD IDEA'
She helped bring this state of living onto a lot of people who would've otherwise lived normal lives. It's hard for me to be overwhelmed with sorrow for her.
I don't feel "sorrow" for her so much as think in a more civilized timeline she's married with kids and makes a respectable living styling hair. And selling Avon on the side.
And that I would much prefer living in that timeline than this one.
Yeah, it's kinda like Joe Biden. What's happening to him is elder abuse, but man is he a piece of shit. He's genuinely the type of criminal who'd sell fentanyl to elementary school kids, but he was born with a silver spoon; so he just sniffs them, uses his son as a financial vehicle, steals money from people sympathetic to Beau's death, and hunts/threatens/persecutes his political opponents.
I wouldn't wish this, but I can't help but think this is what a Christian would mean when they say "God's Wrath". He gonna cut deep until you learn.
i dunno, i can think of a few folk who deserve, and whom are deserved by, Miss Sarkesicon, not that i'd describe them as enemies per se, i endeavour not tho think of them at all in fairness
It hurts to watch this happen, even to someone I harbor animosity for. This isn't right, and what's worse is she won't be the last one to do something like this. There's an entire generation that's going to end up sad, lonely, and utterly miserable and when they finally realize why many are going to take their own lives. Society failed these people utterly and it didn't have to be like this.
Anita should have been married to the owner of some local car dealership and remained unknown outside of the city in which she lived. In that life she could have been married with kids and been perfectly happy without fucking with people's vidya.
Whatever "sympathy" I have for her is that she felt compelled to do more than that with her life, and that other people enabled her to do it.
Marriages have become all about people being enslaved to a woman for several months. Whereas she makes no particular obligation herself -- heard of a runaway bride? Or a divorce? She's like : Drop the pretense; this is just a "me" day.
This would be the plot to a 90’s rom com where the girl has wedding birthdays to be quirky and ends up meeting someone to fake an actual wedding to get her parents off her back and she ends up falling for him
the worst part is the ones that slam into it without a family know they missed out, so they spitefully gaslight young women who have a chance that living solipsistically like they did is the best thing ever
Unmarried women over 30 are petty much civilizational cancer cells. If they live quietly and keep to themselves, which very few can because attention whoring is one of the 3 prime directives that drive women, they are tolerable. But if they get uppity and aren't put in their place we have the situation we are in now, a civilization-wide shit test that we have been failing for the last 150 years.
I would say it is a brilliant idea to make the dating scene less competitive for boys (why would a girl date someone her age if some older guy with money is just a swipe away?) by making dating younger women taboo, but I know the reality is that these gen z girls who aren't morbidly obese are sharing a few Chads and Tyrones while the rest of the boys are increasingly forever single, and the boys will only be left with the hand-me-down whores with two poorly-behaved mixed race children.
Maybe I've just been lucky about the Zers I come into contact with. The younger millennial are trying to say your brain doesn't develop until 30 now, lol
This. Misery likes company. Trannies are sad. So they want other people to he sad too. It makes them feel good.. like asking people what their score was and if they say a lower score, they feel better.
Well she has like 3 friendzoned simps in the background when she wants a dick and let's be honest, she never had a chance with a Chad or even a 7/10 in her prime so idk if you can call this the wall. Just the continuation of a pathetic life
Yep. At the time, I only saw attention-whores whoring. It was so outrageous to see people suddenly acting that way, it took several months to a year for it to sink in what was happening.
To be fair to them, she was VERY slightly above average when GG first happened
And who knows, maybe she was one of the few feminists that after a good dicking down, settles down to enjoy a family and becomes sane. We'll never know going by this photo..
Normally I would say "if someone wants to spend 5 digits of their money on a retarded birthday party, I don't care." except it's not her money, it's money grifted from other people.
She's a femcel. Women have two avenues - either they have dropped out of the dating market altogether or they have options (but possibly all those options are not good enough for me). Neither avenue is involuntarily and femcel does not equal female involuntary celibate.
She doesn't have any kids to raise. You tend to accumulate a decent amount of money if you remain without a family into your middle age (especially if you are an unscrupulous scam artist).
These are the women trying to remake society in thier image. And for some reason, everyone in a position of power listens to her. Shows all you need to know about thier actual intentions
Some of this sounds funny. Honestly, could be a fun theme...but the birthday girl shouldn't have dressed up as the bride...that just brings it down to utter cat lady cringe.
This seems incredibly sad.
That was my immediate response, and the more I think about it, the worse it gets. Not only did she want to do this, she actually went through with it because no one was there to talk her out of it. No one pulled her aside and said "hey what's going on" or "at least don't post this online". She was able to fill up a party with attendees but somehow have no friends.
They don't have friends; only allies
reminds me of my niece, who's been described as a social butterfly. Knows a lot of people but apparently has no real friends who can give good advice like 'hey, maybe going into a foreign country with ONLY a male you're interested in who's 2 years older than you (20) when you're just turning 18 is a BAD IDEA'
Sure its a bad idea but its unreasonable to act like 18 & 20 is an unreasonable combination.
She only knew the dude for 2 months. And turning 18 not turned 18 so its more like 17 and 20.
And she thought going into a foreign country with him alone where he's the one controlling the means of transportation (car) was not a horrible idea
Tell your brother/sister they failed as parents.
My sister in law. But yeah, they kind of have. Considering my nephew stole 12k from his grandma to spend on genshin impact and now this
She and her quimsical ways...
Even Carl agrees. A legit "I wouldn't wish this on my enemy" moment.
She helped bring this state of living onto a lot of people who would've otherwise lived normal lives. It's hard for me to be overwhelmed with sorrow for her.
I don't feel "sorrow" for her so much as think in a more civilized timeline she's married with kids and makes a respectable living styling hair. And selling Avon on the side.
And that I would much prefer living in that timeline than this one.
I hope Generation Zyklon and Annihilation put an end to the post-WW2 mindset. They're plenty pissed off.
Yeah, it's kinda like Joe Biden. What's happening to him is elder abuse, but man is he a piece of shit. He's genuinely the type of criminal who'd sell fentanyl to elementary school kids, but he was born with a silver spoon; so he just sniffs them, uses his son as a financial vehicle, steals money from people sympathetic to Beau's death, and hunts/threatens/persecutes his political opponents.
I wouldn't wish this, but I can't help but think this is what a Christian would mean when they say "God's Wrath". He gonna cut deep until you learn.
At least she got gaming companies to turn "damsels in distress" into powerful girlbosses, that has to be comforting in the cold, lonely nights
I almost feel bad for her.
i dunno, i can think of a few folk who deserve, and whom are deserved by, Miss Sarkesicon, not that i'd describe them as enemies per se, i endeavour not tho think of them at all in fairness
It hurts to watch this happen, even to someone I harbor animosity for. This isn't right, and what's worse is she won't be the last one to do something like this. There's an entire generation that's going to end up sad, lonely, and utterly miserable and when they finally realize why many are going to take their own lives. Society failed these people utterly and it didn't have to be like this.
Anita should have been married to the owner of some local car dealership and remained unknown outside of the city in which she lived. In that life she could have been married with kids and been perfectly happy without fucking with people's vidya.
Whatever "sympathy" I have for her is that she felt compelled to do more than that with her life, and that other people enabled her to do it.
Marriages have become all about people being enslaved to a woman for several months. Whereas she makes no particular obligation herself -- heard of a runaway bride? Or a divorce? She's like : Drop the pretense; this is just a "me" day.
dating scene is pretty bleak.. most women dont have anything to bring to the table these days.
The women left in the dating market ARE the table nowadays.
Then they need to get on all fours and shut up.
Wine aunt/cat lady type behavior.
This would be the plot to a 90’s rom com where the girl has wedding birthdays to be quirky and ends up meeting someone to fake an actual wedding to get her parents off her back and she ends up falling for him
This was my immediate response.
Leftist white women are basically going fucking senile from "baby crazy" and not being able to have long-term relationships.
Many of them were warned this is where their path would lead, the advice was ignored and even attacked. They are now experiencing the results of FAFO.
I see the wall remains an undefeated champion.
the worst part is the ones that slam into it without a family know they missed out, so they spitefully gaslight young women who have a chance that living solipsistically like they did is the best thing ever
misery loves company
I remember when 30- something Xers were telling us it was abuse to date anyone under 25-- all of us abusers needed to date them instead, lol
There is a reason witches were burned.
Unmarried women over 30 are petty much civilizational cancer cells. If they live quietly and keep to themselves, which very few can because attention whoring is one of the 3 prime directives that drive women, they are tolerable. But if they get uppity and aren't put in their place we have the situation we are in now, a civilization-wide shit test that we have been failing for the last 150 years.
Gen Z is even worse. Dating any girl under 26 is abuse and age gaps over 2 years might as well be pedophilia.
I would say it is a brilliant idea to make the dating scene less competitive for boys (why would a girl date someone her age if some older guy with money is just a swipe away?) by making dating younger women taboo, but I know the reality is that these gen z girls who aren't morbidly obese are sharing a few Chads and Tyrones while the rest of the boys are increasingly forever single, and the boys will only be left with the hand-me-down whores with two poorly-behaved mixed race children.
I first heard that from the older Millennials lol
Maybe I've just been lucky about the Zers I come into contact with. The younger millennial are trying to say your brain doesn't develop until 30 now, lol
The urge to rationalize decisions you made 15+ years ago -- which with each passing year become increasingly difficult to undo -- is quite strong.
This. Misery likes company. Trannies are sad. So they want other people to he sad too. It makes them feel good.. like asking people what their score was and if they say a lower score, they feel better.
and cats
The wall hit her a long time ago. Must have been the ugly and evil thoughts constantly running through her head.
Well she has like 3 friendzoned simps in the background when she wants a dick and let's be honest, she never had a chance with a Chad or even a 7/10 in her prime so idk if you can call this the wall. Just the continuation of a pathetic life
The men are just there for the open bar.
But why
makemale models? 🤔She was born right into the wall.
she was born flooring the accelerator
idk, I distinctly remember some people in KIA saying she was attractive.
In reality she's the average girl surrounded by uggos.
The Wall is like Hulk Hogan.
Wamen: Can I have my cake and eat it too?
Wall: That won't work for me sister!
Since we're in the middle of GG2 Electric Boogaloo
I never thought I'd be happy to see it come back. Ignored the first one hoping this stuff would blow over if they didn't get attention.
unlike cancer, there is zero chance that Chaos/gay commies go away if you ignore it
Yep. At the time, I only saw attention-whores whoring. It was so outrageous to see people suddenly acting that way, it took several months to a year for it to sink in what was happening.
Wow, tell me you live alone with an army of cats and drink a lot of wine without directly saying it.
Dear god, I can feel the cope from thousands of miles away..
So this is what it looks like to hit the wall in the public eye, only being known in infamy and no personal achievement to show for it.
I can smell the cats from this image.
After she inserted herself into GG I remember hearing people say..."Yeah she's dumb as fuck, but I'd still do her." Fucking woof dude.
To be fair to them, she was VERY slightly above average when GG first happened
And who knows, maybe she was one of the few feminists that after a good dicking down, settles down to enjoy a family and becomes sane. We'll never know going by this photo..
I think feminism has claimed more pretty faces than plastic surgery at this rate.
Normally I would say "if someone wants to spend 5 digits of their money on a retarded birthday party, I don't care." except it's not her money, it's money grifted from other people.
Anita was the real incel all along.
She's a femcel. Women have two avenues - either they have dropped out of the dating market altogether or they have options (but possibly all those options are not good enough for me). Neither avenue is involuntarily and femcel does not equal female involuntary celibate.
Male incels have never had sex. Ever.
Femcels are 'Oh, it's been so long since I've had sex, woe is me, several years, it's so horrible, wah'.
There's a reason they had to separate the two communities on reddit, why one is private and invite only, and it isn't the Incel one...
The sacrament of marriage is almost completely gone at this point. We are unmaking civilization
You reap what you sow.
She could afford to travel to Stockholm in order to have a pretend wedding with all of her friends.
Nothing out of the ordinary here.
Light a candle for her cats. They're in for a rough time when she has a shocking moment of clarity and starts hitting the boxed wine.
Starts? 🤔
They'll have the last laugh as they dine well on her corpse, left alone in her apartment while not a single soul in the world thinks to check on her.
How much free time and passive income must you have to make this an option, not just for you, but the people that you know?
She doesn't have any kids to raise. You tend to accumulate a decent amount of money if you remain without a family into your middle age (especially if you are an unscrupulous scam artist).
Mid life crisis alert!
Looks like some woman in charge of ten 3-drawer filing cabinets in the basement
These are the women trying to remake society in thier image. And for some reason, everyone in a position of power listens to her. Shows all you need to know about thier actual intentions
The scene early in rom-com where this is the impetus for her 2 friends to find her a simp so she doesn't die alone.
what a loser
That's some next-level uncanny cringe.
"She needs to get laid bad." Stewie Griffin
How embarrassing.
Some of this sounds funny. Honestly, could be a fun theme...but the birthday girl shouldn't have dressed up as the bride...that just brings it down to utter cat lady cringe.
My congratulations to McIntosh
Wait until she finds out that no marriage = no divorce rape.
Presumably the bride of satan.
I don't think he's that desperate.
You need a man to want you to get married.
And this is the most influential person in video games of the last 5 years. We're fucked.
Even Lindsey Ellis managed to get a husband and multiple children out, and she was just a little sycophant of this bigger fish.
I know she meant "bearer", that makes it even more pathetic and depressing.
Did you just assume their genders? Let’s be honest, any orbiter of hers probably doesn’t qualify as a man.