SoctaticMethod1 8 points ago +8 / -0

I don't think forgiveness is an issue under two conditions:

  1. The person has suffered repercussions relative to their actions

  2. They act like people, a lot of the commies behave more like rabid animals than people. You can't convince me those that take glee in the suffering of others especially kids because they think they have it easier than them are people than they are demons.

SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a bit of a grey zone.

On the one hand, that is WAY TOO much brand risk and from all accounts Jimmy seemed like too nice a guy to be able to do something that cloak and dagger.

On the flip side, you know who gave the contact details for one of Chris' grooming targets to Keemstar, Jimmy. We also heard how Chris's sister called out her brother as a freak but said nothing on Jimmy so who knows.

Him bringing in a third party, if they are legit means he was wanting to burn this bridge for a long time but had no way to do it knowing how DEI and left YouTube and his sponsors are, getting caught being inappropriate with kids might not have been as effective for this result IF it wasn't for the recent Dr Disrespect situation so might've been the perfect time to ditch the freak.

SoctaticMethod1 14 points ago +14 / -0

YouTube REALLY want to risk this much exposure? They'd be better just remaining quiet while that supposed third party investigation is on-going.

Doing this brings into question how safe YouTube is for kids since that's what started this and you only need to look at YouTube kids to know how bad it is...

On a semi related note, I was watching the latest SunnyV2 video, half the comments were about the video's content, the other half was basically vindicating him for his Chris video.

SoctaticMethod1 11 points ago +12 / -1

The fuck is wrong with him!?! Even if we had advanced cybernetics or could grow body parts, I wouldn't be chopping off parts of my body just to skip injury time.

Is this an Australia thing as I remembered how they tried to pressure Novac to take the vaccine to play and he refused siting he'd rather wait to get the title and record than risk his body to do so. He was at least foreign so could escape the prison colony so I can't imagine the pressure domestic athletes are under who have no escape.

SoctaticMethod1 8 points ago +8 / -0

I reserve standards for people, given how much glee they get from the suffering of others they're more demons than people.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

It ain't just Japan, ALL of Asia still understands beauty

Look at the women in Korean Manhwa and Chinese Manhua, they are all VERY beautiful unless they are the old disgusting villian stereotypes and same for men as they tend to go fir the stoic handsome muscular man archetype.

Did notice there is a lot of focus on the hourglass sizable booty types with both, look up the Korean Reality Quest and the Chinese I am the fated villian to prove my point.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

The only positive is they'll lose to China on that one as if they tried to mass migrate like in Europe and America, China would just be going "This no good, these organs not that healthy, just have to burn them as not useful'...

They want to diminish one culture because when it is intact it is powerful enough to form alliances and Empires. When you look throughout history, a lot of wars were skipped because of the reputation of one side that they thought it better to cut a deal than fight. The current Third worlders would NEVER touch a European or American if we were back in the 1900s because they knew the storm that would come with that decision.

SoctaticMethod1 23 points ago +23 / -0

Copy leftist tactics on this and broadcast it as LOUD as possible so that Amazon is forced to respond.

Fuck 'moral high ground' on this one, we either win this time and America only has to suffer significantly for a bit to later recover or we see a full collapse.

SoctaticMethod1 15 points ago +15 / -0

For example, religion, conservatism was A LOT stronger when you had communities focused around a church than current climate.

SoctaticMethod1 28 points ago +28 / -0

Probably because they understand culture WAY better than average Republicans, at least those in office definitely.

Those Republicans position themselves as a reaction to the left if they aren't uniparty and dismiss Anime as cartoons and gaming as frivolous.

The Anime enjoying Republicans understand how stories are VERY important to changing the ideas and culture of the public at large as well as introducing concepts. You got everything from AoT, FMA, Gundam, Evangelion, Spice and Wolf etc exploring concepts in an engaging way than just droning on at you like you're stuck in a class or in the most boring sermon. You'll get more people to accept family values by watching Anime (Praise Abe) than having some old Republican drone at you.

SoctaticMethod1 19 points ago +19 / -0

That's probably it, their useful idiots have now become a liability, as even shown when Netanyahu praised some college jocks for defending the US flag in his speech.

Everywhere they can step, there are landmines of their OWN creation so they can't make the same moves as 2016 or 2020 without setting them off. I doubt there will even be another presidential debate as Trump would decimate her as her only argument is 'ABORTION!' and Trump can just say 'yeah left that to states to choose hey aren't you the border czar fir the past 4 years?'

SoctaticMethod1 45 points ago +46 / -1

Using the grooming victim's testimony to confirm they weren't groomed is like asking a person with Stockholm syndrome how we should punish their captors...

Of course that flies over these retards heads, they still don't get why people don't care about loli art but DO CARE when it's of REAL people like with the Shadman stuff Chris was supporting. We need them ALL to be barred 100 miles from ANY kids.

SoctaticMethod1 8 points ago +8 / -0

I actually doubt this is what the warhawks want, they want a good long.war to line their pockets.

This sounds like he'd turn Iran into a parking lot which knowing US weaponry, would take a week tops..

SoctaticMethod1 25 points ago +25 / -0

As I said, this stupid game has revealed how many snakes there were in the grass, it's great. Looking forward to it flopping too.

Now we just need the Biden administration gone so more pressure from them on the Japanese legislature and then we can fully focus on gatekeeping entertainment.

SoctaticMethod1 14 points ago +14 / -0

I mean, they still have squat toilets, what do you expect.

The West is slightly behind Japan only on design not etiquette as once you have a bidet, why go back?

SoctaticMethod1 25 points ago +25 / -0

how can we tell they are Chinese?

I'm not Asian and even I can TELL they are Chinese. It isn't that hard when you've encountered them enough times. It's like telling the difference between a Ghanaian and a Nigerian. There's quite a few behavioural 'tells'

SoctaticMethod1 17 points ago +17 / -0

There must be lawyers right now salivating using the Alex Jones precedent to use the Firefighter's family for a payday...

SoctaticMethod1 42 points ago +42 / -0

You know, if we didn't hear it was transphobic to demand repercussions for a tranny grooming minors, we wouldn't think trans was linked to pedophilia.

Like when was the last time you heard attacking some White pedo was racism towards White people? You're inferring it's a feature not a bug that trans have a higher chance of messing with kids..

SoctaticMethod1 35 points ago +36 / -1

Oh that's easy, get the Koreans and Chinese on that call and they'll go 'The Japanese didn't have Blacks they enslaved OUR people when they had the chance and they weren't around any niggers!'

SoctaticMethod1 15 points ago +15 / -0

Ah the Sony way of slowly becoming irrelevant

Difference is, despite boneheaded management , the assets Sony has naturally make money anyway, Capcom isn't in that kind of company they're more like Ubisoft and, well, have you SEEN how Ubisoft is currently summoning the rising sun because of their stupidity?

SoctaticMethod1 28 points ago +28 / -0

Syria was just such a shit storm along with most if not all of 'The Arab Spring'

Turns out, those rulers and regimes were keeping all the Islamists in check and when they were either ousted or weakened they came out the woodwork.

If the West didn't get involved in Syria and especially Libya, there probably wouldn't have been a migrant crisis at all.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +11 / -2

It all comes to 'reality/fiction divide' that the West hasn't properly enforced since trans shit but even before that.

I have the perfect example of this: Projekt Melody and adult Vtubers like her. They HATE her because she can do all kinds of lewd stuff with her models but when she turns off her computer, she can live a normal life and not have it affect her in any way.

Compare that to onlythots and we all have seen the amount of shit that has come from that. It's easier to make degenerate ideologues when you cannot divide the fictional kinks from reality, it's why cute Anime girls NEED to be censored because they don't want people applying their kinks in a safe fictional world, they want them all in the real world so they have more leverage on them to become BIGGER degenerates.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Insert the traitor meme..

I swear these ideologically captured are giving those of mixed birth MORE prejudice then any of the racists that live there. They think of these pricks than just someone slightly different.

Yeah, China supports you, that's why they have a giant online firewall and they're TikTok is sanitised to hell.

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