Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you guys ever figured out what was up with the r/drama shit, like to what extent it went? They caused a lot of havoc (hacked the board at one point iirc) and had almost as many seasoned sockpuppets as the insurgency. Always wondered if they were one and the same

Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0

When I saw this post yesterday, hours after you had made it, the ratio was like 95% positive ({+19,-1} or so), now it’s like 60% ({+29,-10}). I don’t understand people who see things like that as organic. It’s like those graphs of the biden votes lol. Clearly you struck a nerve of the operation but it took a little while to mobilize and SHUT IT DOWN

The only reasonable explanation is most people don’t pay attention to these kinds of details, and bad actors use that to their advantage

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

The joke itself is hilarious, but i want to point out an easy to gloss over angle:

In real life, {nefarious forces} killed ~3,000 people in an unbelievable spectacle (9/11) and then used that to motivate thousands of dead American troops(edit: tens of thousands or more veterans abandoned and left to feel like they fought for nothing, resulting in horrific levels of suicide), millions of dead iraqis, afghanis, syrians, etc, trillions of dollars pissed into a {black hole} and the perpetuation of endless war

The same nefarious forces used russias logical response to NATO expansionism and staging a coup in Ukraine (2014) to motivate pouring hundreds of billions of dollars of fuel on a fire that’s only going to kill people who look and think like us and perpetuate more endless war

Those are the most extreme examples of psyops, with massive body counts, which physically reshape things, but we shouldn’t neglect the psyops meant to change our mental landscapes. The “muslim terrorist” archetype was being seeded in the popular consciousness long before it could have organically appeared. So many “blockbusters” used the trope it was almost prophetic. But I’d call it predictive programming.

I dunno, maybe people don’t go as far as me and don’t connect as many dots as I do. If anyone sees this and wants to start a fight about it, just pretend I said nothing more than “Norm will forever be a treasure; on an unrelated tangent we should also be on guard against propaganda campaigns meant to drive the collective unconscious towards malignant ends”

Graphenium 11 points ago +11 / -0

at this point

It’s actually been going on for a while already:


Dave Chappelle (2006) “they put us in dresses” - why he walked away from the $50,000,000 contract

Though these days the skip the middle man (straight blacks) and just only hire flaming queers who enjoy wearing dresses

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

No one is imp-tier psycho here outside of him.

You’re right, but only in the much sadder sense, that the other psychos here can’t even measure up to imp of all people - hence his “ironic” fanclub

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

I can acknowledge the forum sliders are using: porn, gore, child abuse advocacy, concern trolling, and anti-women posts. In addition, they are using anti-black (look at these dindus shooting eachother in the head!!! They’re all like this!), and anti-jew posts

And no “anti-“ doesn’t mean “look at this fact or let’s have a reasonable discussion about reality”, but again, imp-tier psychopathy

I’m not trying to turn your point/the discussion on its head - I’m looking to fucking add to it. Expand it. Bring it closer to reality.

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know you guys have put in legwork to clean up ConPro in recent months, so that’s part of it for sure, but I’m pretty convinced that the same influence operation we saw at ConPro (which was clearly connected to one occurring on TD and GA) has shifted its focus here now. Atleast a large part of its focus:


(A clear insurgent alt, riding on the “jeet’s” wave, here)

Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can’t forget the one bullet that hit anything was into a hard drive they kept in a back room lol!

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1





Do those accounts have have legitimate looking post histories? Is the vote count on the post reasonable for a text post made 9 hours ago (i.e. over the early morning in NA)?

And that’s not to say the anti-women thing isn’t ABSOLUTELY a part of it. I just think it goes way beyond that single tool and I don’t get why you want to talk about that to the neglect of the other means that are being used. The goal is to get us to cut ourselves off from eachother

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

It was certainly presented that way when the subject was being used as one wrench in the astroturfing and D&C toolbox.

Anyway, I didn’t share the reality of the situation to argue about it. Do whatever you want with the information that this forum is being manipulated. Cheer it on for all I care, that’s what happened at ConPro too lol

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

Every day there would be another screenshot of another article about “Lesbian Pastor holds furry-themed youth group to reach out to muslims and hindus!” As one example among many

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

So were insurgent’s posts on “christcucks” - doesn’t change the fact it was part of a divide and conquer psyop influence campaign that most were too stupid to pick up on for the first two years

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

The posts here are nothing like Insurgent and JG5. Insurgent would constantly post [easily upvoted “junk food posts” that most people agree with]

But 6,000,000 threads on yasuke is totally natural and organic because “it’s a gamergate forum!!!”


Graphenium -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is a terrible example of “brigading,” since Yasuke is directly from a video game and is thus arguably the most directly “on topic” subject this board has had for months. It’s such a terrible example that it makes me assume you have no ability to evaluate what is and isn’t a decent post

Then, no offense champ, this is a blind spot of yours.

No fucking shit the brigade/flood posted subject needs to be tangentially relavent to the theme of the board. Otherwise everyone sees the psyop for what it was and it doesn’t achieve the desired effect

If a fed was going to groom a muslim into exploding himself, would he approach the muslim through the things he’s interested in or through the things he isn’t interested in?

If a nefarious group was going to psyop a bunch of weebs and other flavors of retard, they would obviously worm their way in with “communal junk food”

The fact this isn’t obvious to you makes me wonder if there’s something fundamentally wrong with your ability to see the relationships between certain things.

Graphenium -3 points ago +1 / -4

No, I don’t see “anti-women sentiments” rising to the level of psychopathy (imp-tier, or that race creates culture guy) anywhere near as often as it does for the yids. Like I said you should be allowed to say anything you can make a rational argument in support of. So that explains the different levels of complaints in my mind. I also think the guy who posted that is one of the brigade accounts.

The Trump thread is more upvoted and has way more comments. I don't know what you are proving with that.

…trump got fucking shot (the site had tons more people therefore), the post got 90 upvotes in 12 days and 350 comments. The sketchy thread has 59 upvotes in 6 hours (wow hasn’t changed in the last hour fancy that almost like it got a ton of fake upvotes to boost it and make sure it dominated)

It was Insurgent alts and JG5

It was this, but the shit they were posting is the same shit people are now “concern trolling” about here.

Graphenium -2 points ago +1 / -3

I said I don’t see it, how is that a dodge lol. Call me blind or link to some examples or some users who I must be forgetting.

I don't see how you are going to verify your claim


That’s what an organic, intense thread looks like. The other one I linked is so obviously heavily vote manipulated it hurts that it’s even a debate

Regarding mod choice, yeah we can only hope, though I’d point out the astroturfed thread was started by a 4 year old account with 4 year old threads here. So all is not as it seems, and I guess I can’t blame people for not seeing it the same way I do.

Did you spend much time on ConPro? Did you see what happened there? I see the exact same slides and attacks happening here.

Graphenium -4 points ago +1 / -5

Also, if who you're talking about is running or participating in the brigade, and running bots...wouldn't they also run bots on the pedo, who is also part of the brigade? Why wouldn't pedo posts be upvoted, if it's all some big conspiracy? Would certainly help his goal of shitting up the place, if he could pull dozens of upvotes, instead of downvotes.

Problem > Reaction > Solution

Jeet > (amplified) complaints > communist revolution

Every individual case is obviously debatable, the pattern is indisputable

Graphenium -6 points ago +1 / -7

No, it doesn't. It's only certain things that rise to R16 violations. As far as I can tell, you can call for repealing the 19th. You just can't justify it with a claim that women are inferior, for example.

Which is how it should be, don’t you think? You can acknowledge facts about the group, like a general inadequacy towards certain physical tasks like “being a secret service agent”, but you can’t just make broad, blanket, (incorrect) statements

It's not fake. It's a real problem.

It’s a real problem with a mountain of astroturfing on top


This thread, which was created by an account dormant for three years until the last 6 months and the start of the brigade, got more upvotes, faster than the fucking trump shooting thread (before the site broke). And it’s fucking 3am on a Friday and the thread is 6 hours old (i.e. posted at a generally quiet time), and it has more than a few blatant socks in it

Graphenium -9 points ago +1 / -10

That stuff gets you banned mercilessly and I frankly don’t see it anywhere near as often. I’m talking about when it becomes pathological like with imp or the jeet. And actually when you think of it, there’s a ton of fake concern trolling over the jeet, to try and “overthrow” dom

Graphenium -11 points ago +2 / -13

Having every.single.comment. and post on ConPro being wahhh wahh the kikes and wahh wahh the niggers is literally soul killing. Nothing good comes from wallowing in shit

This place strikes a good balance of factually calling out everyone for their bullshit, but it’s undeniably being brigaded/astroturfed on top since it kicked into overdrive ~5 months ago. If dom added the word yasuke to an auto filter we would lose half the daily posts and none of the comments

Graphenium 2 points ago +4 / -2

Dude it’s so obviously a joke lol, our friend piroko has what’s called a “nuanced take”

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

Might be worth asking the mods of TD/GA/ConPro or sending doggos/C a dm (site admin)

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

Like to automatically post a mod comment in a thread? To do that I think you would need to code an actual bot that’s signed into an account. The ConPro top mod made one to undo accidental nukes

For setting flairs? I don’t know I think that has to be done manually. Or you mean to make new flairs? For that you need to know some CSS and mess with the style sheet page, but I think that’s generic and not unique to scored so you could use reddit resources for that probably

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