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So, as I have discussed it with some of you here, our almonds have been activated, but even weaponised autism bodies need the fuel.
All jokes aside, inflation is crazy everywhere. Just ordering some stuff was viable some time ago, but it's getting less so. Plus, tasty food is good for your general well-being and making it so is not only a skill all adults should have in my opinion (you are strong, independent adults, learn life skills that make you depend less on everyone else), but it can also be fun.
As much as I would love to feed you all, that's obviously impossible. The next best thing is, I curate a little collection of recipes and break it down so you can make it with relatively simple ingredients that don't depend on specific brands and using from scratch stuff as much as it is viable. Making your own pasta and churning your own butter would be fun, but I work a full time jerb that's not ASMR whisper cooking on Tiktok in a peasant dress.
It's going to be a combination of food from all different kinds. Some Hungarian (none of the war crimes Americans call goulasch), some Asian, some inauthentic shit that will get you cancelled, some mains, pasta, soups, desserts.
So gather around, my friends and eat like kings.


If the next 20 years play out anywhere close to how the market has performed over the previous 20 years, I'll be golden.

The problem is that I have very little faith in the system. Globalists are getting desperate, and we know they're willing to burn everything down if they think they'll rule over what's left.

Obviously I can't just stick my money in a mattress because inflation would kill me. I own gold and BTC (combined about 10% of the total), but otherwise it's mostly in VOO with sprinklings in individual stocks.

I feel like my only real option is to let it ride and hope I can retire before the collapse. Even if the market only slightly beats inflation I'll still be set.

Anyone disagree and think there's a better option?


We have all known since forever that games don't cause things like real world violence because people have the ability to tell the different between a game and real life and a normal moral compass isn't thrown off by fiction. No one went on to shoot up an airport because they played the No Russian level.

But my question is, do you think there will come a time when the ability to portray a fictional world or event can become so realistic that the human brain actually can't tell the difference, and what do you think the effects of that will be? Like imagine if something like Star Trek holodecks or full dive VR from all the VR animes became real and creators of games, movies and the rst had the ability to portray their fiction in a perfectly realistic way. Do you think there is a threshold that could be reached where the human brain actually can't tell the difference anymore and it starts absorbing and interpreting the fictional events in the same way it would real ones? Like if you ran a holodeck program where you're taking part in the D-Day landings, would you get PTSD from it?

I can say for myself that I am extremely arachnophobic and I can trace when I become that way back to watching the movie Arachnophobia when I was about 10 years old. I can't even see a picture of a spider on a screen now without freaking out and I remember that not being the case when I was younger. So that is a definite case of fictional media having a real life scarring effect, and it isn't even close to being realistic.

Do you think there will come a time with graphics, display technology, VR, real life lighting, all that stuff, where a person can play a game, and their brain actually can't tell the difference?

If I made you walk through a crime scene of a cult brutally torturing and dismembering children, that experience would traumatize you and stay with you for life. And yet, there are games right now with very similar imagery, and those do not have the same effect. So we're clearly not there yet. But is it possible we might be someday, and what sort of effect on people do you think that could have?


Movie plot

Five months after Thaddeus Ross is elected President of the United States, he sends Sam Wilson and Joaquin Torres—the new Captain America and Falcon, respectively—to Oaxaca, Mexico, to stop the illegal sale of classified items stolen by the Serpent Society, a rogue special-ops team led by Sidewinder. They recover the items, but Sidewinder escapes. Torres is excited to be taking on Wilson's former mantle, but Wilson is hesitant to involve Torres in dangerous missions due to the pair not having superpowers like former Captain America Steve Rogers. After the mission, Wilson and Torres train with Isaiah Bradley, a super soldier who was imprisoned and experimented on by the U.S. government.

Ross invites Wilson and Torres to the "Celestial Island World Summit" with world leaders at the White House, and Wilson accepts on the condition that Bradley is also invited. Ross asks Wilson to help him reform the Avengers. During the summit, Ross explains that a new metal, adamantium, has been discovered on "Celestial Island", which was formed when the Celestial Tiamut emerged in the Indian Ocean.[a] The recovered items were the first refined samples of the metal and were stolen from a Japanese mining operation. To avoid an arms race, Ross proposes a treaty to govern adamantium's mining and distribution. As he is talking, the song "Mr. Blue" plays and causes several men, including Bradley, to begin shooting at Ross and other dignitaries. Apprehended by Ross's head of security, former Black Widow Ruth Bat-Seraph, the men regain their senses and deny any knowledge of the attack.

While investigating, Wilson is ambushed by Sidewinder and captures him. Torres tracks a call on Sidewinder's phone to a hidden black site in West Virginia called Camp Echo One. Ross tries to salvage the treaty, but the Japanese government blames him for the theft of their adamantium and the subsequent White House attack. Ross realizes that the mastermind of these events is Dr. Samuel Sterns, who gained advanced intelligence after being exposed to Bruce Banner's blood during the Abomination's rampage through Harlem.[b] Ross imprisoned Sterns at Camp Echo One, publicly blamed him for the Abomination's actions, and promised to release him if Sterns helped advance him to the presidency. Wilson and Torres find Sterns and learn how he uses technology and the song "Mr. Blue" to control minds. He escapes while they are fighting mind-controlled soldiers.

Bat-Seraph joins Wilson and Torres, and they meet with Wilson's military friend Dennis Dunphy, who has Sidewinder in custody. Wilson learns enough to deduce Sterns's plan to destroy Ross's reputation. Wilson, Torres, and Bat-Seraph go to Celestial Island where Ross and the Prime Minister of Japan are racing to claim ownership of adamantium. Sterns controls the minds of two American pilots who attack the Japanese fleet. Wilson and Torres intercept the planes and convince the Japanese to stand down. Torres is critically injured in the fight. Ross tells Wilson that he is dying of heart failure and had Sterns develop pills that have prolonged his life; Ross refused to release Sterns for fear that he would no longer make the pills, leading to Sterns's anger and plans for revenge.

Sterns kills Dunphy, preventing him from warning Wilson that the pills have been adding gamma radiation to Ross's body. After Wilson is consoled by his friend Bucky Barnes, Sterns surrenders himself to Wilson. Ross loses control of his emotions during a press conference and transforms into Red Hulk, destroying part of the White House. Wilson rushes to stop the rampage. Unable to overpower Ross, Wilson attempts to calm him down by reminding him of visits to Washington, D.C.'s cherry blossom trees with his estranged daughter Betty. The two fight until they are exhausted, and Ross reverts to normal. Bradley is exonerated, Wilson invites a recovering Torres to join the Avengers, the adamantium treaty is ratified, and Ross has himself incarcerated at the Raft. Wilson and Betty visit him. In a post-credits scene, an imprisoned Sterns warns Wilson of a coming attack from other worlds.


60 Minutes did another puff interview with a USAID worker that DOGE fired.

Ejecting illegal immigrants and H-1Bs is only one front of the war for America. If someone is part of the left's machine in government, I want their career to be gone. I want their chosen way of life obliterated. When they say they can't pay their bills, I say move to Canada. Move to Israel. Enrich those nations with their talent. I'd tell them to make an honest living, but frankly I know whatever industry they infest will be plagued with the disease they're carrying from Washington in their souls. I want DOGE to make as many passes over a blasted hellscape once known as the federal government as is needed to ensure every last one of these rats is flushed out.

If you think that's cruel and callous, refer back to Sam Hyde's famous quote. Consider that the strongest evidence is that Covid-19 was an American-made bioweapon intentionally unleashed on the world, most likely to destroy Trump and enslave the Western nations. Many of these people are guilty of crimes against humanity, and if the most that happens to them is poverty and destitution, that would be an incredible mercy.

Justice calls for just consequence. What is due is trials, prison, and capital punishment. Consider that Terrance Yeakey, a police officer who was first on the scene of the Oklahoma City bombing to pull people out of the rubble, was thanked for his service by beating, torture, and pistol execution because he saw something he wasn't supposed to see. No one involved has ever paid a cent for it.

If the American people knew the full extent of the perfidy and bloodshed the deep state has visited on them, January 6th would have looked like a Tyranid invasion.

Any average person left of center, the 48.5% who were brainwashed, lazy, or ignorant enough to pull the lever for Harris, needs to be gatekept out of any position of power in any organization. They should be regarded with the same suspicion and lack of charity as anyone who was singled out under the #MeToo regime. Leftist buzzwords need to take on the baggage that racism once had.

None of this is going to be easy or quick. There will be holdouts in every industry and endless complications. But the difference is the will and the persistence. He who tirelessly and doggedly returns to his goal will be the one who gains ground. He who gains ground will see his goal accomplished.

This is not vengeance and it is not un-Christian. This is necessary justice. In fact, it is only because of the sense of right and wrong placed in human hearts that this is possible. "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other." America cannot serve both the truth and the left.

You don't say! 🤣 (media.scored.co)
posted ago by XBX_X ago by XBX_X

Saw this a long time ago in grade school and remembered it being fairly patriotic (at least as a kid in the 80s could think about it). Found a copy at a used book store and watched this last night (it's available on YouTube for free supposedly but won't show on my Brave browser).

Basically it's a musical about the events of the second continental congress debating about declaring independence from Britain and ultimately culminating with the signing of the declaration.

As a whole, the movie is still pretty decent if not overly long at nearly 3 hours (the restored song doesn't help) and I think does a good job at trying to ground the first continental congress to show what kind of wheeling and dealing probably went on.

While watching it, I did a little web searching on some of the actors of the film and the film itself which was supposedly a "restored" version. Restored version?!

What I hadn't realized was that there a massive and, mostly hidden, controversy about the film at the time.

This was based on the stage play of the same name that came out in the late 60s and while re-watching the film I realized that this was actually a film of its time, replete with songs about the dead soldiers giving their lives for the rich (aka Vietnam War themes), and an all too long and histrionic song about excluding the slaves from the Declaration of Independence to get buy in from the southern colonies. While the latter is a historical fact, the song is riddled with contemporary themes, specifically calling out "black" slavery (as if there wasn't any white slavery happening at the time) and recasting the argument in contemporary civil rights terms that were common in the late 60s.

But the clencher is a song in the play called "Cool, Cool, Considerate Men" - This is a song led by the southern colonies (the slave holding ones, naturally) who sing about "moving to the right, never to the left" to insure that the "property holders" stay rich and powerful. Nevermind the fact that political lines of "right and left" weren't established at the time, the playwrights put into the play a song about the conservatives du jour keeping da poor man down!

In fact, when they performed the play for Nixon at the White House, he specifically asked for the song to be removed as it was an obvious sleight on half the country. They refused. (Shades of Hamilton, y'all?)

So when the movie was made in 1972, Nixon was a huge friend of Jack Warner of Warner Bros. Studios who had made the movie. Nixon asked for the song to be cut again and, over the complaints of the playwrights and director, Warner did just that and as wikipedia points out - " Warner also wanted the original negative of the song shredded, but the film's editor kept it in storage unaltered.[10] "

That negative was restored and added back to the film for the blu-ray release.

Showing that, once again, the leftists have been injecting their messaging into media for a long, long time and/or capturing events in history they like and recasting them as their ideas exclusively. Note they did a musical revival of 1776 in 2022 with, naturally, the entire cast being female, non-binary or trans.

Links: Youtube of the movie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7x9cv1FsyA wikipedia of the movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1776_(film) wikipedia of the musical https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1776_(musical)

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