Post your high scores to c/HighScore (so we don’t clog up c/gaming). Post as many scores as you want, for one or both tables. Two weeks from now (~Feb 7th) I’ll go through the scores, congratulate the two highest, and we can pick the next set of tables. Feel free to post table suggestions in this thread, call someone out to settle your differences on the playfield, talk shop, whatever
If anyone needs help getting it running feel free to ask!
Tables go, unzipped, into the /Tables folder
Roms go, zipped (they should download like this) into the /VPinMAME/roms folder
You then open the table file using the VPX editor, and hit the play button
iirc, by default, the controls are (4) or (5) to add credits, (1) to start the game, (enter) to use the plunger, and the flippers are the left and right shift keys
Controls can be changed by going to Preferences > Configure Keys, Nudge, and DOF in the editor
I used to go to a video game convention that also had over a million dollars worth of pinball machines that you could play. Me and a friend spent probably a dozen hours over at those machines lol.
I've been meaning to respond and just haven't till now. Sorry about that part. Modern arcade stuff has always been just outside of my price range. I much prefer wedge heads.
Fair enough. And this IS the first time I've ever heard of Beatles Diamond anyway--and on a game that is nowhere near good enough to justify the price.
Pinball is one of those autism rabbit holes that seem so deep and passionate that I cannot even begin to understand it. No shade, just my mind cannot see what you see.
I wish you guys the best of fun and luck though because we need more things like this for all our hobbies.
I had begun to look into the rabbit hole thanks to the Algorithms of the Internet. So I know a thing or two about it, but I haven't even bought a table. Except that one from Steam
Come check it out! No stack of quarters required!
(Posting it like this because the crosspost feature on this site is dogshit)
Edit: Thanks for the sticky DoM!
Okay, but how do I play?
Here’s my comment from that thread (it’s got everything needed to get started) :
Hey gamers. Considering the pretty positive reception on the last post, I figured it was worth a shot to get this going. Basic outline of things:
The game is VPX - aka Visual Pinball 10
Available here:
The idea is to include both an older and a newer table for each tournament. For this first tournament I picked some fun ones:
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (Data East, 1991)
Table available here:
ROM available here:
Big Buck Hunter Pro (Stern, 2010)
Table available here:
ROM available here:
Post your high scores to c/HighScore (so we don’t clog up c/gaming). Post as many scores as you want, for one or both tables. Two weeks from now (~Feb 7th) I’ll go through the scores, congratulate the two highest, and we can pick the next set of tables. Feel free to post table suggestions in this thread, call someone out to settle your differences on the playfield, talk shop, whatever
If anyone needs help getting it running feel free to ask!
Tables go, unzipped, into the /Tables folder
Roms go, zipped (they should download like this) into the /VPinMAME/roms folder
You then open the table file using the VPX editor, and hit the play button
iirc, by default, the controls are (4) or (5) to add credits, (1) to start the game, (enter) to use the plunger, and the flippers are the left and right shift keys
Controls can be changed by going to Preferences > Configure Keys, Nudge, and DOF in the editor
wine friendly?
Looks possible, with some fiddling:
I used to go to a video game convention that also had over a million dollars worth of pinball machines that you could play. Me and a friend spent probably a dozen hours over at those machines lol.
So they had 10? These machines run the same amount as modern cars.
Maybe about $20 million then :)
Pinball fan here. The most expensive ones run upwards of $10,000, so about 100.
Dude, the Beatles diamond edition was $50,000
You waited over three days to say this?
You're really judging the entire art form based on a single outlier? One that's just a gimmick price designed to get you talking?
I've been meaning to respond and just haven't till now. Sorry about that part. Modern arcade stuff has always been just outside of my price range. I much prefer wedge heads.
Fair enough. And this IS the first time I've ever heard of Beatles Diamond anyway--and on a game that is nowhere near good enough to justify the price.
Yeah, I've played it, and was not impressed. Of course I'm a Shrek or Godzilla fan so I may not be the audience.
I used to be an op.
Pinball is one of those autism rabbit holes that seem so deep and passionate that I cannot even begin to understand it. No shade, just my mind cannot see what you see.
I wish you guys the best of fun and luck though because we need more things like this for all our hobbies.
I had begun to look into the rabbit hole thanks to the Algorithms of the Internet. So I know a thing or two about it, but I haven't even bought a table. Except that one from Steam
I don't have the free time for a high score chase but thank you for turning me on to a new pinball game. Steam is totally lacking in real table games.