Well, he was probably stoned at the time :/
Being in prison for so long will change most people for the worse. Once out (with pockets FULL of money) the urge to "catch up" on lost years of debauchery may be overwhelming, eh?
Too bad there wasn't some support system to re-integrate him into society. That's the cause of the tragedy here.
Good for him! They told him not to wear the "I 💖 Jesus" ever again & fined him too (iirc). Threatened suspension.
So he wrote "Jesus 💖 You" on the next armband. No fines or suspensions yet, afaik.
Meanwhile? A Muslin player flat-out refused to wear the rainbow. No fines, press coverage, threats of suspension. Of course!
Surprisingly it doesn't. Female executives pass over women more often than male execs do. Rabid feminists don't tend to rise up the corporate ladder, so there's that too.
Any female business or "collective" run by feminists inevitably falls into "high school clique madness" and tears them apart.
I explained this to my old-school feminist (hippie) friend. She later joined a neighborhood committee and lo! Within weeks it played out just like I told her. She was shocked! 30 & 40+ year-old women acting like they're 15 again: catty, nasty petty & etc.
Wow! Your powers of ESP (projection) are amazing! Now tell me what number I'm thinking of... idiot.
You know who talked about the exact same things? Ancient Greeks. Who else? Ancient Egyptians! Those "problems" have been around literally forever ok? Hitler didn't invent them, idiot.
Edit: (although your opinions on anime seem intelligent, you're just being a troll saying I'd be a Nazi... because I don't agree with the OP's nonsense? Not smart.)
The only reason the Nazis fought Stalin's minions was because both were trying to control Germany. After Hitler solidified control, ALL the former Redshirts fell right into line: their values were pretty similar.
Having a similar name to a group from the 30's has no meaning unless that group has existed throughout the decades in between. Which they clearly did not.
Antifa are Nazis, plain and simple. Their "nationalism" is their leftist belief that there are no legitimate nations, only one Glorious Politburo to rule all the masses! (with themselves highly ranked, of course!)
Central control of 8 billion people, what could possibly go wrong? 😜
At first they were Brownshirts, but after BLM started Antifa was essentially Blackshirts :/ and BLM the soon-to-be-disposed-of Brownshirts.
It doesn't matter at all that a German group in the 30's had a similar name & were Commies, modern Antifa are all Nazis (who were also rather Socialist too).
That seems odd to me. Is this university-age only? Are there way more male professors than females?
I would think that for every male giving out a "pretty pass" there'd be a vindictive (feminist) twat down-marking her. :/ But if the ratio M/F teachers was high then this finding would be a natural.
2 of the 3 nymphomaniac women I've met were "pretty" at best, most would consider them unattractive or even ugly. The other one was an absolute knockout. 😋
Ugly guys can have confidence, skills and personality too. There's handsome men who are repulsive once you get to know them :/
I thought they meant that the Angel (Or Archangel) gave Mary a choice? She could have refused, iirc. Thus Mary was a model for Christians to follow.
She also had 7 kids with Joseph after Jesus, not a "perpetual virgin' except in spirit maybe?
"Catholics for Choice" what a joke! That's like "Muslims for Pork" or something. (They are WAY more uptight about pork than most Jewish folk are)
When even Atheists & Muslims are calling out your stupidity? You know you should just shut up.
"any and all he may have done or taken part in"
Pretty much covers everything for the past 10 years.
Investigate him like they did to Trumps friends for the next 4 years: he'll have coke on him sooner rather than later. :/
Absolutely disgusting.
He's a "lame duck" though. I thought ALL his Presidential Orders had to be re-signed by the next President?
In any case. Trump should find a way to Un-pardon him, or use this precedent to start pardoning "right wingers" by the tens of thousands. Like Giuliani for example.
Oh ok then! Yes Americans liberated some, possibly other nations too. Russia did find most of them, which were in Poland after all. This one was in Austria.
Perhaps technically it was a "work camp" but the prisoners died like flies & were all in skeletal starvation when they were finally freed.
Not "the very first camp found ever" but rather the first camp found by American troops ok?
Command knew what was there, and sent the Black troops first in case there was diseases or something that would harm the troops :/
And yes there were Black US units in WW2. Usually engineers, usually with mostly White officers & etc.
Catgirl In a swimsuit: https://meta.ai/s/8AyKXuU2hDKBD1oj/
Well, 1 out of 4 ain't bad! 🧐
For the furry lover (regenerated the lower left image & got this!) https://meta.ai/s/PjSTsiwJXPECWAW7/
SFW of course.
Draw a nekomimi wearing a bikini: https://meta.ai/s/dH38QAN1pez6ETPz/
3 out of 4 is pretty good!