Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like I picked a good time to switch, last build. Dodged a bullet.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Brits: civilized, uptight, romantic

Russia in this case, actually.

Look it up, interesting stuff. When performances including actual soviet callbacks still manage to seem more wholesome than the West...you know something's wrong. Say what you want about Russia, the East, or whatever, but at least they're still allowed to think their own countries are great.

Meanwhile, enemies from within just tried to murder the most prominent person talking about making my country great again. Which is not even to say that he could, or is even being honest. It's monumentally depressing. What is left of the West, at this point? This just popped into my head, too.

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

you realize just how subversive it is.

To be fair, there's a big difference between 'wholesome' and 'nonwoke.'

You can have nonwoke stuff that's still degenerate, and I'd say Archer fits that bill. It's hilarious, it's irreverent, it's politically incorrect, it's degenerate, and basically every single character is a gigantic piece of shit who is terrible and immoral. It's not wholesome. OP didn't ask specifically for wholesome though.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want to be clear, these aren't the most amazing ever or anything, but I rewatched them a few months back after an extremely disappointing experience with modern entertainment (Ambulance, don't fucking watch that cancer), so they're fresh in my mind. Yeah, I don't watch many new movies.

Boss Level (2020). Not perfect, but free from a lot of modern bullshit, has a masculine lead (male, since you have to specify nowadays!), a hero's journey, and even a message of fatherhood. Also, although not directly videogame related, sort of captures the feel of a video game. Pretty good, nonwoke, nonstop action movie.

Baby Driver (2017). Slightly outside of your window, but still worth a mention. Another fun action movie, without any woke nonsense. Quite fun, and has some great scenes. Here's a scene from the movie, relatively early on. Is he slow? And the song.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could very well be the case.

Also, it's kind of ironic that the origin of the 'glowie' term advocated violence (ish), but may have accomplished the opposite.

It is kind of a funny though, and a good outcome, if a bunch of rightwing autists have had their lives saved by being suspicious of the glowies.

Also, I'd like to think, and I'm sure it has happened, that internet weirdos have actually told literal feds that they're glowies, and they should fuck off. That's hilarious.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

He might be thinking of Denver. Also, I think there were multiple politically motivated murders in Portland.

Denver dude shot a Trump supporter in the head on camera, and got away with.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yeah, wasn't even getting into that.

No officers will killed on January 6th.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

This thread, which was created by an account dormant for three years until the last 6 months and the start of the brigade

Posts from...X days ago, 1 month, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months ago. 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years. Admittedly, not a super prolific poster, but how can you just skip over all that?

What's the allegation here? Because it's been active, at least to some extent, longer than almost anyone here. Was this a con job from basically when this site started?

And perhaps the high upvotes on the post were because people are fed up with shit here? I just checked, some of my most upvoted threads have been bitching about modding...and I don't use bots. It's just a popular topic, because the mod here keeps shitting the bed.

Also, if who you're talking about is running or participating in the brigade, and running bots...wouldn't they also run bots on the pedo, who is also part of the brigade? Why wouldn't pedo posts be upvoted, if it's all some big conspiracy? Would certainly help his goal of shitting up the place, if he could pull dozens of upvotes, instead of downvotes.

Nah, I think that shit's organic. People don't like the modding here, because he keeps dropping the ball.

Perhaps the OP had good intentions or bad intentions, but that doesn't look like botting to me. For better or worse, he latched on to the zeitgeist of 'holy shit this place sucks because the mod isn't doing his damn job.'

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

I can't keep track of everyone.

Good troll, if true.

I recognize the name, and know he's been around for a while, but plenty of people reveal themselves to be retarded. I should know, I'm retarded.

Kienan 14 points ago +14 / -0

There were others, all Trump supporters, who died. I saw videos live at the time, since memory-holed, of people being pushed by police off multiple story drops from the stairs, and stuff. Not sure if they died or not. There was also body cam footage of police beating people with batons while they were already unconscious. Brutal stuff.

Mainstream media reported multiple deaths on the day, listing some as heart attacks and drug overdoses.

Four to five deaths at the Capitol on J6 sounds about right.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

I wasn't even blaming you, merely drawing comparisons. You told someone to kill themselves, and got banned for a day. Someone else argued with Dom, got banned for three months. Someone else called someone a mutt, and got banned for a month.

My point wasn't that you should be banned longer, just that there's some bullshit going around.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's kind of amazing how the people who accuse others of shitting up the place, end up shitting up the place.

Why can't everyone just be cool? But no, they have to make drama, and accuse random people with opinions they don't like of being as bad as pedo trolls, while cheering on the murder of innocent people.

It get's a bit much.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's all so tiresome.

Also, it's astounding how some of these people go mask off.

As I said in my other comment, he's going so far beyond what the "antisemites" say, and basically cheering on Jews going door to door in Gaza and murdering innocent people. As a positive. As a defense. 'See, most Jews aren't globalist puppet masters, they're just murderous monsters,' to paraphrase.

It would be funny, if it wasn't so evil.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, and all of these bans are reversable, btw. Just as long as you fix the violation.

Uh. Do they know that?

Literally never seen that.

Are you saying you'd unban Imp today if he edited his (deleted) comment?

No one has taken me up on that yet.

Again, do they know that's an option?

Kienan 16 points ago +17 / -1

For every one multi-millionaire globalist who happens to be also jewish there are a thousand not so rich israelis who just want to go door to door through Gaza hunting every person remotely associated with Hamas.

That's, uh, not the own you think it is.

Almost every instance of "going door to door" to get people is monstrous. "Remotely associated" just makes it worse.

So, and I'm paraphrasing you here, for every scheming millionaire Jew running things behind the scenes, there are a bunch of murderous Israeli Jews who want to murder a bunch of innocent people? That's, uh, that's more than most of the "antisemites" you're calling out would say.

But you do you, I suppose.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

Length of ban is dependent on the frequency and severity of rule violations. This is why Imp is banned for a year.

Which is also bullshit. And, again, you banned him for something that I said didn't go far enough, because of some some stupid legalese nonsense.

I basically said what Imp said, and then some, and you banned him for a year (and would have banned him for longer if you could, but a year is the max outside of perma), while not even warning me. Merely based off phrasing and who was saying it.

I don't even agree with Imp, and think he's a lunatic. And yet I keep having to defend him.

Kienan 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nope. They're all feds, of one stripe or another.

Kienan 18 points ago +19 / -1

DoM is right about some of you guys, the anti-semitism is as bad as pajeet is.

Man, I was with you up until you fixated on calling out "antisemitism" and the Mossad spy dog.

Fuck the SAS.

Fuck the CIA.

Fuck NATO.

And, yeah, fuck Mossad.

Awww, shit, I must be antisemitic. I was doing so well, up until that last part. Shucks.

That said, yeah, "Mossad spy dog" is hilarious.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps I'll look over it tomorrow. At the very least, at least now Dom is claiming to be thinking about more mods, so maybe something will come of that.

Perhaps putting up a list could be beneficial. I'll look into it.

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost certainly the case.

At least this isn't more gore posting. Yet.

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