PraiseBeToScience 22 points ago +22 / -0

Those tags are added by users. The LGBTQ+ one is basically a way of indicating that a game is woke and to not buy it. The tag "woke" didn't really stick probably suppressed by tranny 'community managers'. LGBT however, can't really be suppressed, because there's a ton of games that are directly made by faggots who directly advertise it as an LGBT game.

It's taken a lot of push to get them consistently added to woke drivel.

PraiseBeToScience 0 points ago +5 / -5

Skyrim is objectively an utterly shit game by every metric so that helps my decision.

PraiseBeToScience -4 points ago +1 / -5

So they faked 9/11 to invade Iraq but couldn't fake a truck-mounted mobile chemical weapon lab in Iraq?


lmao, even.

PraiseBeToScience -4 points ago +2 / -6

Do you think it's just a really super fucking weird coincidence that every single conspiracy theorist website runs ads for dick pills and baldness cures? Alex Jones's entire side-hustle is literally selling "masculinity boosters" for impotent emasculated fuck-ups with shriveled balls and little dicks.

PraiseBeToScience -5 points ago +1 / -6

SO what's your answer, you manual laboring fuckup? What is the point of believing any of this faggoty conspiracies when nothing you think will ever matter?

No really, describe for the class what timeline you think you're going to get anything out of any of this.

PraiseBeToScience -7 points ago +1 / -8

Understandably you have absolutely no answer what you got out of 24 years of wasting your life on retarded fanfic LARPs. All you have is whining on the internet.

There's a reason no serious and successful person believes any of your gay shit and it's amazing you have never noticed that every minimum-wage manual-laboring piece of shit pissant redneck faggot in the country are the only ones dumb enough to believe it, and all they do is work retarded third-world-tier 'jobs' like HVAC and MUH TRADES and farm, like a bunch of disgusting third-worlders.

PraiseBeToScience -5 points ago +2 / -7

as if every plan in human history has been airtight AND was carried out perfectly.

And yet conspiracy theory revolves around the plan being both airtight and carried out perfectly, to such a level that it would require you believe the government had the power of an actual literal god to carry out.

When Building 7 was being prepped with thousands of pounds of high explosives, how is it that not one person working in this fully-staffed-and-operational office building ever once saw anything amiss? Nobody saw any contractors knocking out walls to access the structure. Nobody saw miles of wiring being run through the place. Nobody saw dozens of "Bob's Super-Honest Construction" vans constantly doing work and wheeling in crates of unknown contents during the enormous prep-time that would've been required for predemolition.

And you can't even say 'well maybe they did but they died' because it was Building 7 which was evacuated.

Not one scrap of det cord or misfired blasting cap was ever found. Through sheer coincidence the deafening sound of cascading explosives, which normally can be heard for miles, all magically were muted from the ears and recordings of everybody in the area.

And for 24 years not one of the hundreds, if not thousands of individuals who would've been required to undertake this extreme level of planning and plan execution ever grew a conscious, or ever thought it was weird and slipped a couple of documents into their pants to sneak out of the SCIF, or knows anyone who might have been involved.

As much as you may want to believe the 'official' explanation for Building 7 is a stretch, what I just described is literally what 9/11 Troofers believe, and everything I described requires even more of a stretch, bordering on believing that the government actually used some kind of supernatural power to make it happen so utterly flawlessly, because there's not any kind of reasonable explanation whatsoever for how any part of that plan could have happened with such an absurd level of detail without even one single person ever so much as getting drunk and bragging to the wrong person at a bar about it.

In fact, if you said that 9/11 was carried out by the government because they found Aladdin's Lamp and made a wish on the genie, I'd genuinely find that more credible.

This same government couldn't even fabricate fake WMDs to plant in Iraq and its grand plan to get the US involved with Vietnam was to just invent a fake story about a fake attack by fake boats and they hoped nobody would actually think to look into it more than 'not at all'.

What about the missile attack on the Pentagon? Since civilians are stupid and don't know these things, actually firing a live munition during times of peace is exceedingly rare. The process of building a live missile, preparing it on an aircraft, and getting it in the air, involves at least a hundred people having to know about it, because of all the steps involved. It's not Ace Combat where you just press 'x' to reload your whole plane.

You don't think in 24 years of being aware of the Pentagon Missile Theory, that some random airman at an air base didn't think it was really super fucking weird that they built and loaded a live missile on a plane, and it just happened to have taken off on the morning of 9/11, and landed without that missile?

Nobody noticed? The military leaks like a fucking sieve, and absolutely nobody is that loyal that they wouldn't talk.

This isn't even going into the fact that the damage done to the Pentagon utterly defies how any missile could have done damage. Explosives simply do not work that way. It literally requires yet another SUPERNATURAL belief in godlike intervention in order to happen.

PraiseBeToScience -9 points ago +1 / -10

I caught you out in a blatant lie, which you tried to cover up with more lies, before going off to cry like the bitch you are. Which is the same programming all you Qonspiracy dipshits follow. I've dealt with enough of your disgusting kind to know your script. You aren't even human in my eyes, you're a worthless robot.

And after all that, you pathetic faggots actually think you're a threat to the government when this is how you handle reality? What a total joke.

There's a reason you're all manual laborers and stupid shit like that.

PraiseBeToScience -9 points ago +1 / -10

1 -- What you refer to is a caption. The caption is not a quote of Halbig's.

It's in a video with his name on it that features him speaking, without any citation, so as far as I care it's his claim.

2 -- Adam carried three guns. One of which weighed 10 pounds. With multiple 30 round magazines. The weight could merely be a misinterpretation of total weight and not just ammunition weight.

Wow, wouldn't it be amazing if a conspiracy theorist ever "DID THEIR OWN RESEARCH", and wouldn't have to invent fucking claims like this?


Oh wait, I already did. Wolfgang made that shit up.

3 -- Finding one caption inaccuracy and then using it to assume everything else said by a different person is a lie is what makes it obvious you are retarded.

It's not an 'inaccuracy', it's a fucking lie. Absolutely nobody could accidentally make that 'inaccuracy', especially since the FBI report itself accurately stated the total weight of all the ammo, magazines, and guns. 50 pounds is a completely made-up number.

And it doesn't even matter. "Dear Wolfgang" is what conspiracy retards believe and watch and pass links around of, which means they all fell for this lie anyway. Even if Wolfgang didn't 'make up' that "CAPTION", someone else in your faggoty little conspiracy world did, and not a single one of you noticed.

4 -- Halbig neither directed or created the video you've linked.

Then prove to me who DID make it. Can you? Or is this one of those mysterious conspiracy videos that just 'appeared' out of the ether like magic?

Again, doesn't matter. This is the #1 video on Sandy Hook, and it contains an outright fucking lie that not a single one of you "truth seekers" ever noticed until now. Why is that? Is it because you're all actually genuinely fucking stupid?

You failed to address that Wolfgang himself is an obese faggot who doesn't know shit and nobody has any reason to think he knows what he's talking about. The ugly greaseball was like a fucking school principal or some shit. That means he's stupid, and he's stupid enough to make up '50 pounds of ammo'.

PraiseBeToScience -4 points ago +1 / -5

I said they sung at a football game.

They didn't. But I'm unsurprised you think they did, one of the symptoms of severe autism and mental retardation is trouble recognizing faces.

Oh but sure, I bet you think that was just another "oops". Like they thought nobody would notice, but don't worry, u/nuggetpatrol, a high school dropout who lives in some shithole in rural America in a fucking trailer, who mucks stables or snakes drains all day like some kind of third-world fuckup, was smart enough to outwit all of them!

PraiseBeToScience -9 points ago +2 / -11

Why didn't any of you sneak into the school in the weeks/months it sat empty, before demolition, to film the supposed absence of bullet holes / blood / etc.?

Did that also not occur to you?

"Oh no the government murdered thousands of Americans in various conspiracies, and I could help fight back against it, but i MiGhT gEt A tReSpAsSiNg MiSdEmEaNoR cHaRgE"

PraiseBeToScience -8 points ago +1 / -9

You wasted 12 years worthlessly crying on the internet about something nobody will ever give a fuck about.

In all that time you couldn't find any of these kids? Did they rent them from some orphanage? Did they go back to live with the parents, and if so, you didn't find them there?

The kids are all 18-20 years old now. It's not too late. Why don't you try to find them now? Or is this always going to be your excuse?

Where are they? Didn't Wolfgang leak one of their SSNs?

PraiseBeToScience -8 points ago +1 / -9

They forgot that the government doesn't actually give a shit or is even remotely afraid of gun owners. Democrats only attack guns because they want to 'take something away' from conservatives out of spite.

PraiseBeToScience -9 points ago +1 / -10

So the fact that a million other conspiracies are freely available to talk about means what about those conspiracies?

PraiseBeToScience -8 points ago +1 / -9

I’m no expert, but it fits in the category of theories that get you shut down on every major platform and you’re not even allowed to criticize it so whatever someone wants to say about it I will believe it.

Here's the problem with this 'logic': you don't get sued or attacked for talking about the moon landing hoax, or Vegas, or 9/11, or OKC, etc.

So either all the rest are fake and you're being attacked because you picked the one real one to sperg out about.

Or the rest were real and you're still mostly wrong about everything else, because literally nobody who is a Sandy Hook Truther doesn't believe a million other gay ass conspiracies.

If your standard of 'this conspiracy is a real conspiracy' is that you get attacked and sued and shut down for it, then Vegas isn't a conspiracy and frankly neither is 9/11.

PraiseBeToScience -9 points ago +1 / -10

Dear Wolfgang contains multiple outright fabrications. At one point he asserts "Adam Lanza only weighed 122 pounds and we're supposed to believe he carried 50 pounds of ammo into the school"? or something along those lines.

'50 pounds of ammo' is a retarded fabrication. Nobody ever claimed that. That was a number invented out of thin air, as part of an argument nobody ever made. It was "inventing" evidence. 1,000 rounds of .223 weighs 25 pounds. Who the fuck has ever alleged that 2,000 rounds of ammo were carried into the school?

Nobody did. Except one person: Wolfgang Halbig.

"Wolfgang", if that even is his real name, outright made that up.

And if he was comfortable lying about that, then it's safe to assume he lied about literally everything else.


21:38 is the fabricated claim.

Wolfgang Halbig is an obese nobody with no background, education, or expertise in anything. Why would you think anything he said was anything more than made-up nonsense?

PraiseBeToScience -8 points ago +1 / -9

It's been 12 years, where are they? Not one of you has managed to track a single one down in 12 years?

PraiseBeToScience 1 point ago +2 / -1

The most likely reason that conspiracy theories 'appear' out of nowhere and always are built around a suspiciously unified narrative, where people talk about it on websites that you can find on Google, websites hosted in the US that are never taken down, and why so many people can sell books and talk about conspiracy theory everywhere without any of them being drone striked, is likely that the government actually encourages, if not outright seeds the conspiracies themselves.

There's a reason every conspiracy seems surgically targeted to exactly one very specific demographic of people, and it just so happens to be the people who are the biggest threat to the government, and it just so so happens that as a result of these conspiracies, they're literally all paranoid out of their minds and scream "FED!" at anyone who says anyone should do anything besides cry on the internet.

I used to be in the conspiracy rabbithole but then I realized what a fucking gay waste of my time it was. It literally doesn't matter to anyone anywhere what anybody thinks about 9/11 conspiracy, because there exists no potential timeline where they'd ever get whatever imaginary 'vindication' they think they'd receive.

And even if they actually put in the effort to join the CIA or something, and got a guy 'on the inside' who managed to leak information, but the information said there was no real conspiracy, it actually was just pissed-off Arabs with planes, they'd refuse to believe him anyway.

PraiseBeToScience -2 points ago +4 / -6

Excellent point. I'll remember that.

I'm not 100% convinced that most of them don't know on some level that it's all a made-up LARP. Because I can't really think of any reason besides that why someone who really genuinely thought that the CIA machine-gunned 500 people in Vegas for nothing more than a laugh has decided that the proper response to such an atrocity was to just whine online and go about their lives.

The Boston Massacre involved shooting all of like 6 people or so.

My eyes nearly roll out of my head every time I hear some right-winger shouting about their guns and 'defense against tyranny'. Like you fuckin' retard you already believe that you're living under the most evil, murderous government on the fucking planet, and you don't do shit, nobody believes you're going to take up arms, especially not when you think everybody around you is a fed.

PraiseBeToScience -13 points ago +2 / -15

Again, no response. You clowns are 100% predictable in how you function. I really don't care what the government does to any of you, most of you are worthless manual laborers with no value to the world anyway.

There's a reason nobody successful believes this gay shit. You do something pathetic like drive trucks.

PraiseBeToScience -4 points ago +2 / -6

The reason anyone came up with this 'no ambulances' shit is because the ambulances never go into a dangerous situation until the scene is safe.

Cops go in first and secure the area. Then ambulances.

There was even an entire thing in CHAZ/CHOP where an ambulance wouldn't go in because a guy got shot, Antifa wouldn't let the cops in, so the ambulance sat outside and made them drag the guy to the ambulance.

PraiseBeToScience -13 points ago +1 / -14

"Approved narrative" and yet you believe the same conspiracy theory script about every single conspiracy in total lockstep with everyone else, and you talk about it on websites that are hosted in the United States that suspiciously are never taken down by feds, because your narrative is soooo "disapproved".

Are you seriously this fucking gullible that you never noticed this shit, you faggot?

PraiseBeToScience -6 points ago +3 / -9

I added a whole bunch of stuff likely while you were writing that actually talks about what you wrote.

In particular:

The MKUltra program was real.

This is the most interesting one.

MKULTRA was real and yet every single conspiracy theorist fancies themselves immune to it. They genuinely believe everything is a psyop, but even though they can never actually tell you "where" any given conspiracy theory came from, or why there is only ever "one" theory (and not competing ones they argue about), they just trust blindly that all of it is being created by their, as you described it, crack team of Batman/Rorschach "investigators". They don't ever question that maybe they could be getting fooled.

So if anything, it is evidence to suggest that conspiracy theory content is probably being created by the government.

And I think the reason so much of it is completely irrational is kind of like the same reason why phishers and scammers will intentionally make their scams a 'little' obvious: because they want to bait the dumbest, most gullible people.

It explains quite a bit, like for example, why they think the CIA used magical technology to 'hack' Michael Hastings's car, yet the CIA is magically powerless to stop anyone from talking about it on all these websites that literally operate out of the United States. Almost as if they have no interest in actually stopping anyone from talking about conspiracies.

It's a comforting thought to them. As they sit at their computers in their otherwise boring lives doing nothing of real value, it allows them to tell themselves that perusing 4chan and posting salacious things on forums is "fighting the good fight". It's the same slacktivist attitude we see over on TDW with all of the "meme warrior" bullshit. A way for boring useless people, who to their credit are at least on the right side and do believe the right things, to tell themselves that they're a soldier in the fight of good and evil, all without ever having to do anything but sit at their computer.


And it's why I fucking hate conspiracy theory.

It has turned the right wing into a bunch of impotent obese whining terminally-online fags who think they're making a difference, but are not. The amount of man-hours wasted on 9/11 conspiracy is insane, and frankly it doesn't even matter if 9/11 was or wasn't a conspiracy - all that does matter is in 2024, exactly >zero< right wingers have "done something" about 9/11 conspiracy. So if they believe it but don't do anything it, does it matter if they believe it? What is the difference in ACTIONS between someone who does or doesn't believe it was a conspiracy?

None. The people who think it was a conspiracy have exactly as much an impact on the world as the people who do not.

So with that in mind, does it actually matter if it was a conspiracy or not? It's been a quarter of a century.

PraiseBeToScience -8 points ago +1 / -9

Where have these kids been for the last 12 years then?

As always, you retards will never actually have an answer to a very obvious question that any serious person would've asked and look in to.

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