Lol a private company. You mean a company controlled by the ccp that sends the data straight to the ccp
Men need to take back power and the weight of society or we're doomed. We also need the privileges back though and being quiet about it won't work. He might be backtracking but his video commentary on it is that he thinks redpill is too doomer which I agree with.
True or false test for you
Does China own and control tiktok and redbook?
Is Donald Trump a Russian asset?
One is objectively true and the other is objectively false. Are we just not supposed to take action because it might be abused?
There's alot of people dooming on this very post. I just watched Walshs speech on the issue and his long form explanation is far more agreeable considering how many people on this post are actually advocating giving up
We're literally in the process of trying to dethrone them. I'd be more concerned with the Republicans that tried bringing in prostitutes and queers
They don't want help is their problem. They'd rather complain and bitch.
We're not in the UK so speak for yourself
I saved enough money to buy a house in one year because I don't spend on anything unless I'm saving money and i buy food in bulk. My car is old and reliable and I don't take vacations often nor drink. I agree with him that you can pull yourself up because I went from poverty to middle class but the problem with what he's saying is that the government literally tries to disadvantage us
My guy how the fuck am I wrong when he does talk about everything you listed then throws it out the window when applied to solely men. Although he's also being a hypocrite on the inflation issue anyway since he's been railing against it for half a year prior. Maybe it's just lip service but I've listened to the man rant about the exact issues you're talking about. He's the only person I still watch at DW because he does talk about it. I'm not white but I'm pretty sure as a Christian male I'd be next on the chopping block after white people
Well he killed himself with a knife so I got the last laugh. He also threatened to bite a girls throat out because she had the same name as his made up name and someone told him they were talking to the actual girl in question
He talks about it alot but for some reason he insist on the idea that men are just supposed to weather any shit thrown at them and not fight back. It's only recently he's started actively calling out women on shit like OF. I think he's just one of those guys that grew up around men that said suck it up and move on. I did too but I'm still more of a fuck you and horse you rode in on kinda guy
I see alot of young people (people my age) driving brand new cars while having no money and complaining they can't save.
No Walsh is telling men in general that. He persist that men just have to stoically take any shit thrown their way. Not sure why you're trying to make it a race issue when Walsh is one the few mainstream voices consistently advocating for white people. He just doesn't extend the same to men as an individual group which is his biggest flaw in my opinion
Ironically Matt Walsh was one of the only public speakers that spoke out against that and got dog piled lol
That was literally sarcasm. The take in the OP is bad but using a joke as an argument is retarded
Walsh is far too idealistic for a Christian. Humans are flawed and lean towards the sinful selfish thing.
We are not a nation of cohesion anymore
Lol they did that and the ones that left enslaved the Africans
The Union razed the south so what do you think happened
It's absurd how much they center jews in their life to the detriment of noticing any other problems and who is responsible. Call out jews when they do something. Call out the Chinese black Latinos Europeans etc as well when they're some bullshit.
They act like the problem is who is doing it rather than what they're doing
A knife. I swatted it away with a ping pong paddle
I learned irl that you can't even be tolerant and polite to them. One tried to stab me because he was pissy about something
Just remembered why he was pissy. I told him to stop trying to touch me all the time
Lol I remember that too. I almost got banned for being mean to him. Same shit as that totally based feminist that kept getting posted. I thought that was a troon too
Allowing Chinese Spyware into America is a matter of natsec
Meanwhile jews propagated communism yet you have no problem supporting a communist country spreading their ideology and stealing our data
Imagine being enough of a faggot to hope someone's marriage fails. You might as well be a leftist at that point.