acp_k2win 14 points ago +14 / -0

Never understood the fascination with that guy. He isnt insightful or clever and he isn't optical or attractive. At best he is sometimes adjacent to other more interesting people.

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

Until red states haul gay commies off to jail for doing gay commie stuff, and red state judges deny bail for flight risk, nothing can change for the better.

acp_k2win 14 points ago +14 / -0

The ultimate goal of "civil rights" is negros do whatever they want and Whites are fined, go to jail, or are killed for interfering with negro whims in any way.

acp_k2win 8 points ago +8 / -0

The ching chong games don't have negros or fatties and that alone makes them better than western games.

And no matter what you think about the gatcha or monetization genshin impact is a well made game.

It runs perfectly on mobile compared to many games that don't even consider optimization. It uses Unity but is so customized that you can't find any "unityisms" that make it obvious what engine is behind it. The writing may not be the deepest but it is wholesome and fun and has a great saturday morning cartoon lighthearted adventure feel.

acp_k2win 32 points ago +32 / -0

Its like they only have one person doing the jaw models but it is a DEI hire so nobody can give honest feedback about how hideous it is.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMO it is less that they idolize thugs than they have nearly perfect racial solidarity enforced by basically exile from your own race for any black that breaks it.

I think this is one thing Whites can learn from blacks and I'll never publicly condemn Whites no matter what they did. But we aren't yet to the point where there is any social benefit to beclowning ourselves defending obviously bad Whites like there is for blacks defending bad blacks so I just keep my mouth shut.

acp_k2win 16 points ago +16 / -0

They are (rightly) afraid of slippery slope and the directionality of public perception.

If we can get late term made illegal then there are sympathetic edge cases that could be used to push for more restrictions.

It comes down to the idea that there are considerations other than a woman's whims. Women hate that idea.

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

the gay commies are anti-musk not because he doesn't agree with them but because he doesn't perform the public rituals demonstrating his loyalty that they require and he seems like he is too autistic to understand why they require those performative rituals

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

nothing ever happens

north korea also has elections

acp_k2win 25 points ago +25 / -0

reddit died the day they banned fatpeoplehate and coontown

it had been spiraling before that but that day was when it was made utterly obvious to everyone

acp_k2win 36 points ago +36 / -0

Calling someone racist is a socially acceptable way to state "this person should be killed"

It is a justification for violence, social, economic, and physical, against an enemy of the revolution.

acp_k2win 6 points ago +6 / -0

It isn't minimum wage it is government stealing your, and more importantly a business owner's freedom to contract.

Once again something that only affects White business owners because the beaners pay their cousins under the table.

acp_k2win 59 points ago +59 / -0

"male gaze" = "male enjoyment"

so yes they are incensed by the idea of men enjoying anything

acp_k2win 5 points ago +5 / -0

On a side note I had a zombie apocalypse idea where in a near future everyone carries nanobots for health telemetry. Part of the standard diagnostic procedure is biting on a medical instrument to pass the bot data to the cloud. Somehow the bots get a malware update that is spread by bodily fluid contact and controls the bodies of the infected to move toward and bite any other nanobot carrying person.

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

Both have their place. I don't think slow works in film, unless it is filmed specifically to mimic comic panels with small vignettes timeskipping to capture the relentless and infinite hordes. Because there is never immediacy to the threat.

I liked the 28 days zombies because it wasn't just the speed but also the 1 drop of blood and 10 seconds to turn that kept the tension permanent. At least until they had to throw in the obligatory "White man is the real monster" 2nd half.

acp_k2win 5 points ago +5 / -0

The worst part of a zombie apocalypse is when 95% of the population is technically dead then democrats can't lose.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

women are the midwit meme

their herd mentality doesn't allow for innovation or excellence

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

I play videogames because my brain was acclimated to the supernormal stimulus at a very young age and continued using them because they represented risk free rewards without exposure to stress-inducing uncertainty after enough repetition.

acp_k2win 8 points ago +8 / -0

My best friends in middle school were the black nerds, but in high school only the truly outcast blacks that the other blacks hated would still do the nerdy hobbies like d&d and battletech. The others literally had one monoculture: sports, drugs, shoes, "beefing", showing off for white and asian girls by being anti-social. The only ones who were "civilized" were the obviously gay ones.

acp_k2win 16 points ago +16 / -0

Not that I would voluntarily interact with them but back in my lolbert days, when I still believed in blank slate and "gave everyone a chance", I don't recall ever meeting a black woman with an actual hobby much less a technical or nerdy one.

The one I can think of was at least 80% White, and she was into a reading comic books, like real ones, before marvel movies came out.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +3 / -1

ChatGPT tl;Dr

The post discusses the influence of personality on video game preferences, identifying three core gamer types. First, those who thrive on competition, viewing games as a means to test their skills against others. Second, players who enjoy challenging the game's design, where success comes from mastering complex sequences and overcoming the challenges set by the game developers. Third, gamers seeking escapism, using games as a portal to immerse themselves in another world, sometimes enhanced by realistic, complex controls that mimic real-life activities. The post also criticizes the current state of AAA gaming, suggesting that poor storytelling, oversimplified gameplay, and a focus on diversity over quality are leading to a decline in the industry's standards.

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