Cape Town is/was one of the last bastions of Afrikaners in SA. It is absolutely beautiful beyond belief, but judging by this article it too has now fallen.
I can't even describe how beautiful this land is and it saddens me to think that the beach penguins will likely be another casualty.
Unpopular opinion, but the right needs to start flooding these applications with their own people to recapture these organizations and bring them to sanity.
Search those gov jobs. Get in and try to get other like minded folks in
This. Also realize that most Dems rate the current economic situation as just fine.
Except Russian government threatened his family took his first company VK when he wouldn't give up the students protesting against Putin. He publicly posted a "fuck you no" on the site and had to eventually flee Russia.
"Nazi", in the context of Eastern Europe does not have the same meaning as it does in the West. In Russia (and Ukraine) it doesn't mean anti-jewish or even "white supremacist" - it means anti -russian.
Indeed the actual German Nazis didn't consider Slavs to be "white", and by official estimates exterminated twice as many Slavs as Jews (even counting Jewish Slavs as Jewish only). Indeed much of Europe was not considered "white" by older standards - especially not Italians and Spanish. For that matter , they considered the Turks to be a superior race and they aren't/weren't white.
I don't mean this to be a "well achtchuallly.." post. You should consider:
Most westerners won't believe Ukrainians are Nazis working for a Jewish president, as in Western frame Nazi just means "someone who hates Jews".
These Ukrainian "Nazis" aren't really pro-racial supremacists as they are anti-russian.
Russians are Asians.
Vladivostok, a stones throw from north Korea is more white than most cities in Western Europe.
Really crazy to define a race on a continent name as massive as Asia. I think the older term "Oriental" or "mongoloid " was probably more descriptive, but were memory holed long ago.
Yeah, some folks can't be saved. Against all observable evidence they are continuing on a path to insanity.