I really hate the ebonic-fication of language including among white zoomers.
When I was in like middle school, people would just for fun, but ironically and not as actual part of their conversation say things like fo-shizzle my nizzle.
It was a knowing thing of just a funny thing to occasionally say because it sounded funny and it was a snoop dogg thing. It wasn't a common thing, I just remember it being a thing on the school bus of people saying the various snoop dogg stuff, but otherwise that was the extent of ebonics bullcrap. Another way to say it is you had to very intentionally and knowingly say it, there was no casual or subconscious incorporation of "derizzles, and fo shizzles". It was not a part of our subconscious in any way. There really wasn't much of a different way of talking than my parents or any other adults. No real slang barriers.
Now, just all over the internet, gen Z and whoever uses slang like, "you know you're cooked when...", "on God", "bruh" "glazing" "no cap"
And it's literally a part of their language. Again, I was born in the early 90s....I really don't remember there being language that people had to go "what?" and look up to understand what we were saying. We just talked like normal people. And we used normal words like faggot and retard, staples since the 70s at least.
I remember going to camp one summer and there was a group of black people there and I didn't understand like 80% of what they said because it was so full of Ebonics. You needed a translator. It was like one step away from Jamaican. That's now bled it's way into general society it seems.
This ebonicsification of all of American demographics makes me feel a sense of hopelessness.
It makes me want to make a youtube video tutorial called "How to de-faggify your speech"
Embrace the "stormfornter" label. It will be applied to the mildest pushback against nigger supremacy.
edit: and even if you don't want to put yourself in that category at least don't countersignal the guys who do put themselves out there and embrace it, they may be retarded but they are OUR retards
Yeah, I reject the concept of racism. It's a marxist word that has never been used in any way except as a weapon against white people.
I don't play those games, if people call me racist, I laugh and don't care, and I don't care about the perception of racism.
That said, there is a legitimate type of person who says "Hitler was right" and "all black people should be lynched" and I'm not going to embrace that just because the left calls everything nazi.
That's sort of like people saying the star wars prequels are good because the Disney star wars movies are garbage....No, two things can suck at the same time. Both suck for different reasons.
I want society to have the uncomfortable conversations about race and the inner city that they would rather gouge out their eyes than begin to have those conversations, but there's a difference between that and "black people are subhuman".
As a Christian, though I do believe in biological differences, I reject evolution, and believe all people descend from Noah's 3 sons, as it says in scripture, so while I'm not a denier of biology differences (because they're easily observable) like much of the church tries to be because the implications are too scary to wade into, my belief in biological variances and determinism ends where evolutionary arguments begin, and most stormfront people literally believe black people are not made in the image of God and are not as human as white people, and they rely on evolutionary arguments and don't start from scripture.
I don't think the philosophical questions such as are blacks human can be answered or are even relevant. The biological question is obvious, they can interbreed with other human subspecies therefore they are human at least on the biological level.
The practical concerns are what matters. The bottom line is the higher proportion of blacks there are in a given area, the lower the quality of life becomes for everyone. This is an indisputable fact.
Those with <90 iq just become accustomed to that environment as they don't have the reasoning ability to identify the problem, or the mental capacity to imagine it could possibly be better. Ignorance is if not bliss, then a comfort.
Those who are more intelligent are under constant stress because they not only see the problem, know that it is a cultural taboo to publicly state that they notice it, and expend a portion of their cognitive capacity pre-empting black opportunism or mentally hardening for possible confrontations. Literally the only solution smart people have is either being so rich that they can spend a portion of their resources to create buffers to minimize interactions, or moving away from them to an area that hasn't been infested yet, knowing that they will probably have to do it again in a decade or two.
I don't hate racoons who would think nothing of digging through my trash, I don't hate cockroaches who would eat off my counters, and I don't hate blacks who would rob me or worse if given the opportunity. But I don't want to live with them. And I will take steps to minimize the chances of other beings, be they animal or human, taking opportunistic advantage of me.
This makes me a "racist", which I've been told basically since birth is the absolute worst thing a White person can be. But eventually I realized that the only reason I've been told not to be "racist" is because those who try to hold it against me want to make me an easier target for victimization.