ger111 31 points ago +33 / -2

lol ok sure it was just a convenient coincidence that they were all the camps that the soviets happened to find. How mighty convenient .

ger111 39 points ago +39 / -0

All the extermination camps were found by the Soviet Union and not the Americans for some strange reason

ger111 4 points ago +4 / -0

when you are talking to normies like this, you need to realize you are basically talking to the TV.

ger111 4 points ago +4 / -0

When tested,

Asian Americans have the same average IQ level scores as Asians in Asia.

African Americans have the same average IQ level scores as Africans in Africa

Face the facts.

ger111 2 points ago +4 / -2

And? The same rules still apply.

Why are you trying to pretend like all races are the same? Are you black or something? or did you marry a black person? or do you have black grandchildren?

This topic seems personal to you.

ger111 7 points ago +9 / -2

i take it you think that Pitbulls are the same as Labrador retrievers and that you think its nothing to do with their breed that Pitbulls are 6% of the dog population yet are responsible for 60% of dog attack fatalities

ger111 7 points ago +8 / -1

there are tons of blacks who can read, and there are tons of whites who can't read

Now I know you are either a retard or a shill

ger111 8 points ago +11 / -3

The belief that all races are equal is another communist belief

ger111 14 points ago +16 / -2

Maybe you should look up what the founding fathers originally intended for America https://postimg.cc/RNbDGfby

ger111 6 points ago +6 / -0

Say why can't Europe adopt Israel's racial policies? you know the one that gives all jews around the world automatic citizenship? The ones that give jews more rights in israel than other ethnic groups there? Why can't Germany for example have a law that gives all ethnic Germans in the world automatic German citizenship ?

ger111 13 points ago +13 / -0

culture is downstream from race. Import indians and you get india, import africans and you get africa. This is the fact of the matter.

If you sent all the Norwegians to Kenya and all the Kenyans to Norway, in a years time, Norway would become 3rd world and Kenya would become first world

ger111 10 points ago +11 / -1

^^^Of course the guy who comes to the conclusion that muslims are a bigger threat to civilization than jews, would hate the BNP. You people hate any form of White nationalism.

ger111 4 points ago +4 / -0

except that's not what he said did he? he specifically said he wanted to give voters "a less racist option" , and that he destroyed the far right and the British National Party by stealing their votes this way.

ger111 8 points ago +9 / -1

So i guess you aren't going to answer the question are you? The fact of the matter is that Reform Party is similar to Jordan Peterson. Something to quell and moderate the far right when the globalists get scared that the far right might be gaining power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXYuqrO8LLo

ger111 6 points ago +7 / -1

did you miss the part where he admitted that the British National Party had been starting to look like a real competitor in politics in the 2000's until he came along to screw it up?

ger111 13 points ago +14 / -1

The goal is to destroy traditional cultures and implement talmudic judaism everywhere

Lol Lethn won't like to hear this. Even though Keir Starmer's wife and children are jewish. Like how Biden's grandchildren and in laws are jewish.

ger111 13 points ago +13 / -0

Its "just a movie" its just "entertainment" its "just a thought experiment"

No. its just them "ironically" letting everyone know their true thoughts.

do we know of ANY other race or ethnic group that makes "entertainment" or "movies" like this with such detailed plans of subversion?

And all the "actors" here actually are jewish

ger111 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is the full version of the video that u/Socalwackjob posted https://kotakuinaction2.win/p/17te0RzXUZ/i-found-a-video-why-poland-is-sl/c/

I suggest you save the youtube video in case it gets taken down https://yt5s.biz/enxj100/

Meeting starts with "to my friends and comrades"

in Poland.

A country that was devastated by commies not that long ago

We seem to have found the culprits behind it.

11:22 this person discusses wiping out different languages and cultural heritages.

"why all the language? let's abolish them with the nations let's abolish the cultural identity . All institutions based and founded on the very idea of essential cultural identity. Can all the national literature , of art and history , we can abolish!"

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