I think what truly made me look for alternative opinions instead of believing the official narrative was reading about Vlad Tepes. I was always interested in medieval history and reading about it made me understand how crucial it is to know the both sides of the story.
When you go to twitter or kiwifarms that has gender problem threads, those femcels won't ever hold any accountability and they will blame chads. This isn't going to get fixed any time soon as long as there are too many thirsty simps and narcissistic women. If the real life relationship doesn't get fixed, men will turn to fanservice waiifus, and real life thots will try to cosplay to attract the simps. It's a vicious cycle.
I think you have seen me post about Japan and anxiety and disappointment about how globohomo has been beginning their assault on Japanese culture for quite some time. And for most part, 4chan seems to have been pozzed thoroughly and full of glowies but time to time, I see a good thread like this and replies that I suspected was the cause of all these subversive attacks. It only seems more obvious now that Assassin’s creed we wuz samurai is released, there was no doubt, certain people really hates Japan. It makes me glad there’s a definite proof and finally something concrete seems to be done about this. I also think Ubislop is done for when I look at how many copies of their game are sold. Quite surprising to see how quickly status quo is changing.
I thought it was crazy when hospitals were putting patients on remdesivir injection but this to me is pushing it like they actually want to get sued, whoever allowed this nonsense and doctors actually being okay with this.
It was a sad sight to see bunch of anti-woke tubers praising Stellar Blade to high heaven, I understand their reaction but everything surrounding it was cringey including the game trying so hard to copycat Nier automata and 2B, only to turn out, the story was nothing to write home about and everything about it was average.
While I can acknowledge nowadays Korea and China can make games, even great ones, they can't replace the dominance and influence of Japanese culture. All the more reason why I still hold grudge over Neil Drunkmann and Anita Sarkeesian. Ever since those became mainstream, the whole game industry took a fucking nosedive, even now their filthy stain remains tainting the whole western industry and Sony forever having decimated their reputation and will never probably recover even if they try to.
Wish he could have said this a few years back and that gives big Japanese companies incentive to follow suit because a legendary game developer was the one saying it and adds a lot of credibility. To this day, it still depresses me that globohomo managed to subvert Squarenix and Capcom and personally, I'm not a fan of seeing Chinese and Korean gacha slops dominating the market.
I find him to be a mixed bag. Sometimes he has great takes and but at times he got godawful shitty take. We'll see if he was given a omitted script or is he expressing his true opinions.
I think Frank Herbert's quote fits the leftists to a T.
“When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.”
Eh, I just ignore what I'm not into. Like you just take a look at one of his artworks, you can see the red flags instantly. I've seen a few of his artwork whether I like it or not, and most of the faces have this ahegao expression, you quickly figure out, this guy's probably messed up.
In their hearts of hearts, they know a lot of them are inherently subversive. That's why I can understand their butthurt towards Frieren. And this goes double, when you let jewish guy into a group, you are really got to do an intense vetting process with a fine tooth comb. That's because I don't want guy like you mentioned and likes of jacob gellar in my hobby trying to meet their demands and in the end the outcome is the same, watering down the hobby to lowest common denominator.
Like they did with Ariel Toaff, they are fully willing to ostracise their own kind if they are the good ones that call out their bullshit culture. We saw that happen again and again with someone, pretty sure he was Harold Rosenthal, Bobby Fischer, Isaac Kappy. Their religion sucks, their culture sucks, their people suck. The worst of it is a lot of them are unapologetic subversive hypocrites that fail to hold accountability for many things but shift the blames to other groups. They are largely responsible for spearheading cancel culture too which affected A LOT what made the current world miserable to live in.
And I wasn't even aware of that, still it reinforces me further to ignore a lot of anglo puritan hysterics about loli anime even more. What I said about Britain a few days ago seems to apply to just about any anglo-countries. They force their own unreasonable cultural standard and in my opinion they are pretty inconsistent about the rules. What's more ironic is the westerners in general love making fun of busybody karens on the internet, but many of them are inherently karens as seen in the goonergate fiasco. What an absolute shitshow, the modern culture is.
Do tell when did they make an offer?
I always thought Ukraine being fanatical about war with Russia had bigger agenda in play. The outcome seems a little different from what I expected. I was certain for sure, they would turn the country into greater Israel.
Cucknada's gonna cucknada. Instead of working together, the most people in the country have this misplaced sense of national pride where they only display that snobby patriotism towards USA and all the while they're busy stuck far up their ass with shallow virtue signalling when it comes to uncontrolled number of indian immigrants coming to Canada.
It can easily lead to the consumption of real CP or molesting children.
Rather than hypothetic scenario, you need to supply with actual proof. By now we have tons of data and evidence that backs up your claim, right? What you are implying is you are ok with criminalising a thought crime and that's going to open so many doors to more censoring.
The saddest part is despite the aggressive stance Australia took with anti-anime policy, they kinda allow real predators to run around and do whatever because the country wants to follow the trend and be the cool progressive.
Wearing an isreali flag? How do you wear a flag? Lucky they had it in her size. Odd fucking move though, wandering through a foreign country, wearing your flag that uses a religious symbol as it's center.
I think this is what I mean by jews having no self or situational awareness. They should probably realise, it isn't 1990 or 2000 any more yet they go out of their way to wear a fucking flag. Like damn, she goes to muslim-infested country with dumb wearable flag, at this point, she's inviting a beatdown.
On the one hand, Britain gave Jimmy Saville, the notorious pedophile the most royal treatment. I already wasn't too fond of Britain for other reasons but this one just seals it for me as useless nonce country that likes to pick faults at Japanese culture.
For more context, here is the wiki page of the guy.
We chuds learnt to play the same game these sycophants play, and they whine at the slightest attack. And these weak nitwits larp like hardened soldiers. Oh, their constant delusions never end.
Even the Jubilee's youtube channel is full of them declaring the victory to seder.
So goddamn predictable, I find it tiresome why we even entertain the excuses and word salads by journos justifying the american intervention. And as usual, I'm not religious but really Christianity is the most normal functioning religion in the western world and that's why its existence threatens the usual suspects, I mean the globohomo elites. They sort of know what they believe is weird as fuck (apparent in the artworks) and completely impractical to the modern culture unlike Christianity.
Based gen x they said a few months ago when twitter was having discussion about which generation is to blame for western culture going so bad with boomer ending up with most votes and millennials not far behind. But I found most gen x to be loud chihuahua, they will be rebels when the government was under republican rules, when there's real authoritarian threat, they become the biggest bootlickers. As someone who listened all these rebel bands with lyrics that bark about tyranny, I was disappointed to see a lot of them become sellout whores for vaccine mandate in the end.
There's a reason why he's considered a national hero, elsewhere? A bloodthirsty tyrant. Thought that was strange and even hearing he was the inspiration behind the dracula by Bram Stoker which it got me thinking, oh it must be one of their tricks.