Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't watched the show either to be fair I'm mainly bothered by how people are interpreting what's going on in the Fallout universe. What I was most bothered by was this article I saw posted up on Overclockers by a literal cat lady who tried to dumb down and misrepresent the BOS as a stereotypical good guy knightly order and that pissed me off to no end because their lore is much more complex than that.

Lethn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes but that would mean getting directors who respect the lore, by the way, nerdy pettiness? I'm somebody who thoroughly bitched about Fallout going mainstream and I absolutely hated the normie interpretation of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

There might be a few that slip through the cracks and be counted as very average B-Tier style stuff but I generally avoid western media like the plague. It's interesting how with movies for example you can see certain movies as they progress getting more and more woke over time. First they start slipping in the girl bosses, then the DEI hires start appearing and after that they just outright replace any white male leads completely because 'diversity'.

The only ones that still have white male leads in them are the ones where it's famous actors and the normies love them too much. Even then though they try their best to emasculate them as a shaming ritual. I'm not above watching crap to get some brainless entertainment, but one thing I won't touch is anything remotely woke these days.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm totally circle jerking here but I think what separates us so much from the normies and why everyone who knows about this shit calls them normies to begin with is we have a certain level of autistic detail that must be satisfied if we look at anything anyone makes. If it's cringe click-bait, skips over way too much of the making process of what they do and generally ignores detail or uses obvious fakery it's not interesting. Meanwhile the normies get suckered in by that crap because they're dumb and they can't spot anything.

To be slightly fair to people, he did put some effort into hiding the fake shit, but all of the gambling and legally coded language should have been a dead giveaway something was off about him. I have never watched his content before by the way because I stay away from normietube for the most part.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

TLDR: Ex-MrBeast employee goes into autistic amounts of detail about how he fakes his videos constantly, rigs his competitions with employee plants, friends and family and even goes so far as to rig and mess with lotteries. All of this is done with the full knowledge as well that he is actively encouraging children to gamble their money.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

I would not be shocked if given how much prep work is done for a big American election youtubers like MrBeast are potentially being protected for the sake of shilling for Harris and the democrats. Will be interesting if we see a Hillary Clinton style campaign online where all these youtubers totally organically all come out in favour of Harris at exactly the same time to stop evil Trump.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's fascinating but it really does seem like a lot of these 'children youtubers' it can be argued are going almost scientology levels of brainwashing. I hope we don't see cases of youtubers setting up weird corporate sponsored camps for their die hard fans and it all turns out to be some extremely creepy cult based around consumerism.

Also yes, I'm aware that the men's training camp navy seal rip off was a thing but I'm just really hoping they don't start targeting children with this shit. Parents should absolutely be warned about this the problem is normies have the attention span of goldfish.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh you can bet your arse more and more information is going to come out of this we don't know about yet, this kind of major scandal usually gets drip fed for maximum effect.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol fair but also I don't think I've ever seen a situation where it is mutual, I mean the media were trying to run polygamy stories for awhile and it was obvious it was just the guys getting cucked for real constantly. It's meant to be a fetish but a lot of these people seem to have really no idea what they're getting into or are just being used.

Lethn 8 points ago +8 / -0

I did laugh a lot when he said the raccoon is a paid actor

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bitchute made the mistake of operating in the UK as far as I'm aware which is stupid for any tech company to do in the day and age if they value having any kind of control over their own content. I rant about it a lot but things are going to get really bad with the speech laws here and they have an absolute hard on for policing the internet because they see internet podcasters as the number one enemy to the political class and their hegemony.

Also yes, I quite liked the Minds site itself too, it got a community it didn't deserve, but it seems that rather like some of the communities here people prop this shit up and they have no interest in even doing light moderation.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Minds is on it's last legs generally and is clearly operated by a skeleton crew of barely functional retards who keep breaking everything and my money is on them looking to offload the project on a rich bagholder that doesn't know any better. Avoid anything to do with that site like the plague, I treat it as lolcow material, it's sad though because it's got a community of pretty decent people on it for the most part.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

No unfortunately, no one is and you're a fool if you think there aren't attention seekers and psychos in daily life as well. Even when you chat to 'normal' women they have utterly ludicrous expectations when it comes to what they want a potential boyfriend to be, I will always be baffled by their obsession with height. Feminism has seriously done a number on their ability to perceive the world around them.

Lethn 2 points ago +3 / -1

For me Tate committed a far worse crime of being a massive normie when he started talking about GTA and trying to understand why people would find a game like that interesting. I hate modern GTA and its fanbase and even I know why it's popular, that guy is unbelievably out of touch. I haven't been keeping tabs on him or anything but at I suppose the one thing he hasn't done is the poor larp. Like most red pillers though his main crime is he's fake as fuck.

Lethn 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's not just the fact that it's ideological I hate the person who did this texture job so much, it looks very much like they got substance painter and jizzed pink all over it with a basic brush and then they did the typical rainbow pattern for everything else. If you look carefully you'll see that a lot of the model is just grey which I suspect means they didn't bother painting anything else.

Anyone at these companies is lying when they claim they work long hours.

Lethn 13 points ago +13 / -0

Hi, let me introduce you to kernel level anti-cheat, phone verification and 24 hour voice chat surveillance via transcripts :) dipshit normies will put up with anything and they will justify it no matter how bad it is.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, this chinmasker toucher her face no less than four times in two minutes.

I hate that most of all, you even see that with people who try to larp like they've got OCD. If any of these halfwits ever actually got into a situation with a real chemical or biological attack they'd be the first to die.

Lethn 5 points ago +5 / -0

However much they love to larp online to own the closeminded conservative 'bigots' every single time men get involved in cuckoldry and polygamy they regret it. Allegedly Owen Jones in his own fucking book or something confessed he went gay because he saw his girlfriend or something fucking another man in bed.

Having dug a little into Destiny's kiwifarms thread and his personal history around his conservative parents who he absolute despises I think that he adopts this stance as a way of rebelling because he truly hates conservatives. His attitude very much reminds me of the sort of generational brainwashing that the average Labour voter in the UK goes through.

At the end of the day though, unless it really is mutual, it's not a healthy relationship and most of the time it's very one sided with the guy being in total denial while the woman fucks whoever she wants. Even with his money Destiny is obviously not a mega-chad or anything that can get women whenever he likes, so he's clearly struggling with it all, it's very much a cope.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is true, I respect the honest steroid users at least, I just hate the ones that try to lie and pretend you can look like this in however many months and bullshit guys who are trying to improve themselves. It's about as bad as these red pillers who are paying women to sleep with them while trying to larp as pick up artists when they're not.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've brought up this point before but ironically it's precisely everyone's paranoia about glowies on 'the right' or general anti-SJW that is likely preventing mentally ill people from being taken advantage of because the fed posting shits aren't allowed in these sorts of circles.

Lethn 4 points ago +6 / -2

Western women are so bad now that it would be cheaper and less emotionally damaging to pay a high class prostitute for her time and that includes dealing with any problems of the law coming down on you. I'd probably be horrified doing the maths on what an average guy ends up spending if he decides to go full simp mode on a woman who won't even look at him.

Yes, couldn't give a fuck about the show itself, but you're right it is good to know your enemy any man who has any kind of worth should do everything possible to hide their wealth from women like that and not flaunt it.

Edit: By the way, this isn't even the worse one I've seen, ages ago think pre-2016 feminism there was one woman in New York who had a shit ton of simps show up to her 'event' and she actually had a bunch of them doing push ups which is just ridiculous. Even after the guy who finally one had jumped through all those hoops she still ditched him.

Lethn 7 points ago +7 / -0

The issue is trying to herd the cats on here into a new place, they don't seem to want to move.

Lethn 5 points ago +10 / -5

This is why I'm so glad the Palestinian protesters are now sperging out everywhere and pissing everyone off. I have had to put up with their bullshit for years any time something happened in Israel they would kick off in Bradford and cause havoc to traffic. They're the Muslim version of just stop oil and I hope they keep going. Trust me you guys are going to hate them more than me in the next couple of years just because of how obnoxious they are lol. They even go so far as to run around setting off fireworks at all hours and decal their cars with the Palestinian flag.

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