bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

To focus on one positive, though, the bit with the Olympic flag on the mechanized horse/Pegasus (?) on a hydrofoil, down the Seine, while the Parade of Nations (flags) was taking place under the Eiffel Tower, interspersed with a montage from each previous Olympics - that was pretty cool at least.

My personal highlight so far, I think.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watching the replay of it right now. The drag “fashion show” thing has gone on for over an hour, in between the athletes’ parade.

And the Christ figure drag queen is the DJ. But of course…


bamboozler1 11 points ago +11 / -0

There was also headless Marie Antoinettes (plural), fireworks to symbolize blood, and a ménage a trois (with two vageuely non-binary looking males and one girl) in a library while “reading” classics of French literature…

It was… A lot.

Very (current year) French. Though whether that is a good thing in this case, I’m not sure…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, no you’re right. Field hockey in Aus is professional (i.e. we have a pro league), but their is no free-to-air tv rights, which is where the money is, so pay would be… Less than Women’s netball, or maybe even women’s rugby union, which is only semi-pro, lol…

Hockey is definitely still fairly niche here, and we’re like, world number 3 or 4…

Also regarding his “star” status, I had never even heard of him, and I technically went to school with our hockey captain (he would have been finishing up when I started, but still), and grew up playing it… So he’s not that big a name, imho, lol.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re first sentence is the correct one. We do have an NHS equivalent (called Medicare), but this was likely done by a private surgeon, if indeed it was done in Australia at all, given how many of these athletes live overseas anyway…

I can think of maybe six or seven large private health insurers off the top of my head, but I imagine there’s more than that… It tends to be a state-by-state thing, though, so I know that two of the insurers where I am only operate here…

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have private healthcare, it’s just more expensive.

He most definitely could have gone to a private surgeon, and in all likelihood did, because, much though Medicare (equivalent of the NHS) has its problems, I don’t think very many public doctors would endorse this decision…

bamboozler1 19 points ago +19 / -0

I realise it’s not quite the same, but I can’t help thinking that it’s no surprise that a medical “industry” that believes it’s okay to chop off normal tits and dicks, etc., because teenagers feel that they are “in the wrong body”, only for them to regret it later, would also feel that this is “an acceptable sacrifice”, for the sake of sportsball…


bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Ava Kris”… Lol.

In the words of Austin Powers, “That’s a man, man.”

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was Britain at that point merely Iron Age? It was pretty much the early modern period (Australia was only colonized just after US independence, remember)…

Not that your point is invalid, but I would say that massively downplays the gap, tbh…

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

My mother falls into this category. It was mandatory reading for her MTeach (which she never finished) and she fully took the rhetoric onboard…

Though my father is actually worse on matters such as that, apparently because his Abo colleague has “taught him truth and empathy”…

It’s rather depressing, tbh.

bamboozler1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Similarly, the Australian oceanic research vessel has recently been studying deep ocean canyons off the east coast (we’re talking dozens of kilometers off shore, here) and they have, onboard, an Aboriginal adviser, because they (utterly anachronistically) claim it as their “water country”, and it’s important she sees all the deep water creatures, so they know how to “protect country and cultural knowledge better”, apparently…

Which is truly an impressive gift.

Meanwhile the state leader where I am just announced increased funding for childcare surrounded by children playing on top of an “Indigenous designed play mat”, next to a doll’s house draped in the Abo flag, with not a single Aussie flag in sight…

I hate what this country has become.

bamboozler1 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nah, this whale is definitely already dead. I believe it was dead when it washed ashore.

But in general yes, your point stands.

You don’t even want to know about the Abos and rare sea turtles… shivers

bamboozler1 7 points ago +7 / -0

I hate to specifically call out an ethnic group in particular, but isn’t it funny that the fucking Romani (not Romanians) manage to start shit wherever they go..?

Is it any wonder, then, that most countries had a tendency to umm, chase them out at some point…

Admittedly the Gypsy-Muslim coalition wasn’t really on my bingo card, however…

bamboozler1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lol, it’s so much worse than that…

From experience, you can get fucked by the University’s thoughtcrime squad, as a white male, without ever having broken any sort of law.

And, in general, I would say female students are much more… Inclined to use that “power”, than most women out in public.

I would put them second only to “activists” as the group most likely to falsely accuse you of something, lol. Again, from experience…

Also, my Uni specifically has just introduced a whole bunch of new modules that you must complete each semester, before you can even enrol. Not necessarily on “sexual harassment”, but still incredibly invasive and irritating…

Man do I ever hate the university bureaucracy…

bamboozler1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Can she still move her face tho? That's the only question I have about it.

Given, erm, this was presumably filmed after Moriarty fucked up her looks completely, lol...

She already looked like a different person in Season 3...

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, yeah, but, even with everything Scotland Yard have done, I would still rather a copper than a Snackbar, any day…

Snackbars should be deported en masse, imho…

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Given what I’ve heard of Muslim parents in the UK (FGM, child marriages, etc), I would say that abuse is probably more likely than not, in many of those households…

Same anywhere where “this type” of migrant forms a plurality…

bamboozler1 15 points ago +15 / -0

Wikipedia is unfortunately pretty much unusable now, for almost anything that can possibly be politicized…

Which is funny because we were always told “you can’t trust it as a source”, even if academia quickly changed its tune on that, after the left completely took it over, lol…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +4 / -2

Regardless of the veracity of the allegations, Schaeffer is a creepy weirdo, as is Jack… Whatever his name is. So I have no complaints that she helped take them down.

Honestly, they both seemed quite unhinged, to say the least…

bamboozler1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Anna Paulina Luna (fake Hispanic “conservative” repping Florida, who changed her name to grift that minority vote) has entered the chat…

She’s attractive, but she’s also very fake, lol.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, fair. Yeah, I guess it's still "the evening of/after", for you guys.

Here, that's been on the news since the early hours, but it's mid-afternoon, so we've all sort of gone "well that happened", and gone on with our lives...

Obviously the media has not, but they're not offering any new perspectives or anything, so I've sort of just... Tuned it out, I guess.

Personally I'm just so very over thinking about politics, so I would rather distractions (such as what should be light, fluffy, largely apolitical tv) than following the breaking news cycle, i guess, ha.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean yeah, I know about that, but there's more going on than just that, lol.

I guess I just wanted to discuss something else, rather than just feeding into that cycle, tbh.

Everyone will talk at length about that anyway - I didn't really feel the need to weigh in myself.

And yeah, it's obviously huge, but, he seems to be fine, so there's that.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

For those who aren't familiar with Kommisar/Commisario Rex, it's about a German Shepherd who helps solve major crimes (generally, but not always, murder). The Austrian series is excellent, and was also very entertaining. The Italian series, about a decade later, verges more into comedy, but is also very good.

And then we have... The Canuck/Newfie version. Which sucks most of the humour and "fun" out of the concept, and brings in huge amounts of wokeness.

I could tolerate the BLM/racial profiling/"cops bad" schtick, and the "muh women are all victims" crap, but the tranny shit is just too much. But this interview makes it pretty clear that all of that was always the intention with this series - they just waited until they had a loyal audience, after the first season or so, before starting to beat said audience over the head with "the message"...

Here's one such "gem" of a quote from the interview:

Q) What is new this season on “Hudson & Rex?”

A) All I can say is it is more. More of what people love, but we push the limits even further. Diesel, our star, is learning all kinds of new behaviors and things that are wowing audiences. I think our familiarity with him and especially his relationship with Johnny is fantastic. It just gets deeper and allows us to take the stories even further. We tackle bigger and broader issues; some that are a little more topical and timelier with things that are happening in the headlines. I think we have an episode coming up on human trafficking. We just had an episode dealing with transgender issues. Now that we have our feet sort of firmly planted, we know what type of show we have and are able to push the envelope even more and reach into peoples’ hearts and tug on their heartstrings a little more. At least that’s the hope.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you can handle subtitles, The Bridge (Sweden/Denmark), Homeground (Norway) and Midnight Sun (Sweden/France) are all good value.

Especially The Bridge. And Borgen, which is somewhat similar, and also Danish.

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