So heartwarming, gay mixed race lesbians eating a chocolate jesus.
Trump was right when he said we were gunna get tired of winning so hard
You need to get your eyes checked
That's not what UK gave up on all their colonies, or any of them.
Retard alert - you’re the one who introduced america to the conversation
Lmfao now I know you're a fucking mongoloid. How did America gain its freedom from its status as a British colony? Let’s see just how retarded you actually are.
He’s spot on in his claim about the Palestinian Mandate
He said don’t play dumb, dipshit. You’ve had all this linked to you years ago, try giving it a read if you’re not too busy huffing paint
It’s too bad the Christians of the world tend to be blind to this reality, falling over themselves to heap praise on a people who wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire (but who are more than happy to spit on them when they aren’t)
Good documentary which touches on those two and your point about them:
HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis
Congrats on restating my point, what now will you do with this reality? Continue to accuse people far smarter than yourself of being illogical? Or admit that people far smarter than yourself have proven the inherent limits of (symbolic, non-paradoxical systems of) logic itself
Religious nutjobs like… Lemaître, Einstein, and Newton?
it is wrong. The proof is that the universe exists.
? - the theorem is talking about systems of logic, a human created idea, not “the universe”, all that is demonstrated by your observation is that the universe must not be a purely logic-based system as we understand such a thing. Have you read much about it and what it actually says?
Any paradox is equivalent to 1 = 0
You mean like…the paradox of creatio ex nihilo?
Actually, as long as our “descriptions” are based on systems of logic, they will remain fundamentally “incomplete”, or in Gödel’s framing, there will always be true statements which cannot be proven true within any given system. That’s why it was such a mindfuck to mathematicians at the time and that’s also why it’s been practically ignored since
Gödel* (though the idea of Roger Goodell, NFL commissioner publishing a work which “debunks logic” is pretty funny)
Luce : Into the Bible-Verse
Based? Kawaii-Desu? Manmade horror beyond your comprehension? What are your thoughts on this?
Buzz KNOWS we're not ALONE
I find something funny about making a 3 minute video with a talking troon cartoon vampire in the corner to complain about the weakening attention span of the next generation. Like 20 years ago this would have been a 10,000 word, well written article in a magazine, and 20 years before that a whole book
Is this another plea bargain though? All the early ones were
Good call - movie was first publicly mentioned about a year ago by Boyle and Garland, but this is a fake trailer, the wheels on this hype train are greased lol
I heard that line and just thought “please be anything other than ‘super infected’ mutants” lol. Your idea is better, but I would find something ironically funny about the “28 series” stealing the one semi-original idea that the Walking Dead had (everyone’s already infected) - given how TWD opens by stealing the genius idea of having the main character wake up from a coma a month into the outbreak
Maybe freshly infected zombies are the fast kind from the first two movies, and they break down as they get older but never actually die so they start to become the classic shamblers. Maybe the first time we see the slow zombies is in a mall lol?
Boyle (director), Garland (writer), and Murphy (star of Days)… has the potential to actually be good if these guys still know what they’re doing
You weren’t the one who reported it right?
That’s three women and a mexican