Mpetey123 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the way someone who didn't like lesbians would draw them to mock them. I guess they are just Cyranoing themselves before everyone else gets to it

Mpetey123 37 points ago +40 / -3

At least Imp got banned again, am I right? /s

Mpetey123 10 points ago +10 / -0

You are a faggot handshake account, what is eluding you?

Mpetey123 20 points ago +20 / -0

I get you have your contrarian troll schtick going, but arguing that getting "grazed" by a bullet doesn't count as being shot is just extraordinarily stupid.

Mpetey123 13 points ago +13 / -0

Not to mention it pretty much guts the Nights Watch even more. Who is going to keep sending people to secure another country's border?

Mpetey123 38 points ago +39 / -1

I do think a lot of libertarians do not get that the Non-Aggression Principle only works if everyone agrees to it. If you are the only guy doing it everyone else will stick you with the bill

Mpetey123 19 points ago +19 / -0

I've never watched Afro Samurai so I don't know how they handled making a black dude a samurai. I'm guessing they didn't say he was an actual real person though. That's the difference with the whole Yasuke thing.

AC3 did the Native American during the revolutionary war and no one cared because they didn't claim the dude was a real guy with a real history.

Mpetey123 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yes, it's a Republican that always agrees with her far left colleagues.

Mpetey123 32 points ago +32 / -0

White people have allowed themselves to be battered to a point we have no in-group preference. Everyone else does. Black jurists admitted that OJ was guilty that he murdered two people but they let him go because of skin color. A white person would never defend a white person just because they are white.

Mpetey123 4 points ago +5 / -1

Larry doesn't understand what passive aggressive is. Telling someone no is aggressive.

Mpetey123 0 points ago +4 / -4

This is obviously a person asking a good faith question and shouldn't be told to shut it's faggoty mouth.

Mpetey123 3 points ago +3 / -0

How long until Romeo is replaced because Romeo suggest he sexually assaults woman, like they did with Pepe la Pew

Mpetey123 34 points ago +34 / -0

You would think that shooting at a political person would suggest which politics he doesn't, sorry, didn't like

Mpetey123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same same. I like KOTH even though now when I watch it I can see the subversion in it.

by yoisi
Mpetey123 1 point ago +1 / -0

The black Cleopatra is ridiculous on it's face. Primary sources and a known pedigree didn't stop those people from lying about the black Cleopatra.

Mpetey123 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not out yet, far as I know. I think it's going to be on Hulu. I haven't watched any of the new Beavis and Butthead so I really don't know how Judge will handle it.

Mpetey123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah season 1 of the reboot is done and 2 is mostly done. It takes place 12(?) Years after the original ended. Bobby is a fusion chef in Dallas.

Mpetey123 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the 90s MTV had a special about them with current artist singing the songs. I remember Better Than Ezra sang Conjunction Junction. I went through a BTE phase.

Mpetey123 6 points ago +6 / -0

I only remember, "3 is the magic number", "conjunction junction", and of course "I'm just a bill"

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