MargarineMongoose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Side scrolling platformer beat 'em up. It's really fucking smooth. They've got a bunch of special moves and a magic system that all just flow together perfectly. Plus you get the ability to customize your loadout just enough to tweak your playstyle but not enough that you can fully break away from the solid design of the combat system. I cannot say enough good things about this game. It left a really good impression on me.The game spent 15 years in production and it shows in the best way possible.

MargarineMongoose 11 points ago +11 / -0

I first heard about it on this board.

Buy it. Buy it right now.

It is my game of the year for 2024.

Gorgeous art, fluid gameplay and a compelling story. It left me emotionally drained when I finally finished it in a way that very few games I've played can claim to have done.

This is a game you want to go into blind and avoid spoilers for. Just grab it and get the full experience. It is worth your time.

MargarineMongoose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Give us a synopsis of this hour long diatribe please. I am not going to burn time on drama surrounding normie e-celebs.

MargarineMongoose 37 points ago +37 / -0

Forgiveness requires genuine contrition, which is a detail that seems to get conveniently omitted by all parties.

It all stems from a pathological aversion to conflict. People want to be "nice" and forgive their enemies in the hopes that they'll be able to avoid confrontation. It is weakness.

MargarineMongoose 6 points ago +6 / -0

At the end of the day though, unless it really is mutual, it's not a healthy relationship


It's not a healthy relationship. Full stop.

MargarineMongoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

The disparity is even more stark when imp isn't in time out and has free reign to pontificate.

MargarineMongoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or people who felt motivated to downvote only logged on after dinner. I'm abrasive enough about this topic that some people just don't like what I have to say and are expressing their contempt. Sometimes people just disagree and it's not a conspiracy or some bot net delivering downvotes.

Appreciate the data point though, I never would've thought to track it at all.

MargarineMongoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no idea. I don't think I ever attempted multiplayer beyond locally hosting it to reset maps.

MargarineMongoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stereotypes are just useful heuristics and you build rule sets around common scenarios. You're using a switch block when you should be using a try/catch block.

MargarineMongoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

What the fuck are you going to do against a bear other than add to its body count?

MargarineMongoose 24 points ago +26 / -2

I really want Japan to straight up ban all foreigners that aren't official diplomats, and maybe even them too.

MargarineMongoose 14 points ago +14 / -0

Cool. Now go draft up a game plan for how to tackle said issue.

I know you're taking a lot of heat right now, but I am actually rooting for you to unfuck this mess.

MargarineMongoose 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't know that he needs to go, but we definitely need some role redundancy so he isn't a single point of failure.

MargarineMongoose 18 points ago +20 / -2

The core issue is that I think there is a concerted effort for you to get put in as a mod,

Bull fucking shit Dom.

Everyone's been lamenting this for months now because you're a single point of failure and it's starting to become a noticeable issue as election season heats up and the board gets inundated with bad actors. The issue was always there, it's just been dragged into the lime light and now the community is collectively kicking up a fuss. There's no campaign to install any specific regular as a mod, we just want you to stop being a single point of failure because it is adversely affecting the board.

MargarineMongoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Listen, there's a reason I'm still replaying stuff like Torchlight 2 and Shadows of Amn.

MargarineMongoose 7 points ago +7 / -0

In a just world these people would all be publicly executed live on social media.

MargarineMongoose 6 points ago +7 / -1

Given that we only have the one who's out to lunch and a borderline enemy actor, no not really.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +3 / -2

We have one mod, singular, and that is an ongoing problem that needs to be addressed. Not sure how we go about fixing such a single point of failure but yeah that's kind of a pre-requisite for everything at this point.

MargarineMongoose 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'd rather be "collectivist" and recognize from a distance that Jamal and his pack of goons are a pack of goons rather than recognize that after getting jumped.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0


It's ok, we're on the internet. You can swear here. No need to be a timid faggot.

MargarineMongoose 15 points ago +15 / -0

Ideology is a choice that demonstrates far more about people's character than the circumstances of their birth.

I'd dispute this on the basis of most people's susceptibility to industrial scale propaganda. Most people are wired to be followers and do as they are told, so the circumstances of their birth(being born into a society that propagandizes a particular ideology) does in fact have a significant influence.

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