MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, corporal punishment. Ten lashes and some time in the stockade. They only respond to animal level stimulus. You hurt someone you get hurt in return.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a demonstration that they aren't fit to raise those children, not a reason to keep them with them.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, #GamerGate did the same to plenty of gamers who leaned left by default and now we're here on a containment board for those who escaped the previous containment board.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are also still legal avenues to pursue

The entire legal system is compromised and I think it's naive to pretend otherwise, but ok.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will try to remember this for later.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chrono Trigger is still the king of golden era JRPGs. Nothing else ever came close. It had the music, the story, the character design, the pacing. Just everything about that game flowed perfectly from start to finish.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's good content so far but damn is there a lot of it.

I've played it since launch and I'm still discovering new things in my current run. The game's got a lot of meat on it and endless replay value.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was pretty niche back in its heyday, and I doubt "modern audiences" would be able to appreciate it, so such a project seems unlikely to get greenlit. A shame though, I remember back in college a bunch of us spending several weekends huddled around the TV in the common area watching my friend play through it. It was a wild ride.

MargarineMongoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have yet to stop playing them. It's been at least 25 years...

MargarineMongoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really need to get around to finishing a playthrough of Septerra Core. It was one of those games that I always saw on the shelf at my local computer store but never managed to get my hands on until decades later on GoG. I put a couple hours into it years ago and ended up wandering away. I remember hearing it get compared to FF7 back when it came out.

MargarineMongoose 11 points ago +13 / -2

Congrats, now China and other hostile nations ignore your rules and bulldoze us for failing to utilize the weapons of the current age.

MargarineMongoose 13 points ago +13 / -0

This sort of field reporting is something I really appreciate about this community. Not gonna get this sort of dirt from most info streams.

I think everyone can see the writing on the wall. Whether they admit to it or not, people have seen and recognize the pattern of what's happening here and everyone knows Games Workshop is going to be swiftly deteriorating as an entity now that they've made this move.

MargarineMongoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meanwhile the rest of us are over here just downloading ROMs of all those old games because it's now impossible to actually purchase the product I'm after instead of some butchered remake that then got ported three times over and is now a hideous mockery of the original.

I'm looking at you, every Squaresoft game from the SNES era...

MargarineMongoose 17 points ago +18 / -1

you being against censorship is because you're racist.

Just making the case for racism being a moral good if that's what they're suggesting honestly.

MargarineMongoose 36 points ago +37 / -1

I am both racist and against censorship.

These things are not in conflict. What a strange accusation.

MargarineMongoose 11 points ago +11 / -0

I can't tell anymore. Everything that's happened in the last several years should be parody but instead is reality.

MargarineMongoose 4 points ago +5 / -1

Level design is dead

You've put your finger on it and named the vague sense of something being off I've been experiencing for years.

There's been so much shift for generations now towards procedural generation and that mindset has almost certainly leaked over into even the handcrafted level design space. Good level design is hard and with the flood of inferior game designers ballooning the industry...well I suppose it was inevitable in retrospect.

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