Most compelling discourse I've heard all week.
I don't know that even the redpill community claimed him, but don't quote me on that.
Hence why I do not give a shit about these allegations. If these women were getting abused they should have the police reports to show for it. If you're not going to the police then you're just another lying whore.
Exceptions prove the rule you dolt.
I can't believe I'm saying this as an anime fan of 30 years, but the anime bubble needs to burst--for its own good.
I want a return to fansubs and series that turn off the normies. More Akikan and less Dungeon Meshi.
How dare you call for the genocide of all these brown people. /s
I am bigoted and I am correct. You need to stop living in the realm of delusion and come to terms with unpleasant truths that you were told were immoral beliefs all your life. Stop being a coward.
right wing spaces are the only spaces that aren't purged of wrongthink. If you can't tally up that math then you're too stupid to be trusted with internet access.
I'd say there's a much stronger case that .jpg posts are forum sliding if anything here constitutes forum sliding.
The youth of every generation is retarded. This is as much a failure of the older generations to guide the youngsters.
Half of this is just Mark Zuckerberg and all of the various components of Facebook.
Knock it off with this low effort shit.
Their Covid scam red pilled a lot of people
Did it really though? It seems to me that the vast majority of the population just blindly went along with it rather than develop even an iota of skepticism about what was happening. No one I'm aware of had any grand revelations as a result of Covid and its attendant misdeeds.
He's opposed to the concept of biological reality.
There is such a thing as proportionality.
That's called losing.
If your enemy attacks you, then you kill him and end the threat he represents.
Remember: Communists aren't people.
Yes, but that's the singular instance in which they are capable of anything heroic. The point is that they have absolutely no business being in any sort of public safety role. They can attend to wellbeing of children but that's all.
to ... save their own children.
Yeah, that's what he said.
Stop putting them in charge of literally anything other than their own children.
So you're saying that all Communists are a violation of the NAP and we should line them up against a wall and shoot them because they are an act of war simply for existing?
Ah it's good to see you making progress Gizzy.
While I like the idea of Tiktok getting nuked off the face of the internet, I worry about the precedent being set and what that means for open discourse on the internet.
Ha! I remember that. Some UNC path to the C:\ drive IIRC.
I mean, almost all accusations by women are bullshit, so probably.
That's...completely missing the point of the medium.
Run it through Nitter:
Nigger you didn't even provide an archive link to the article. Stop pretending this is anything other than a low effort trash .jpg thread.