Nobody cared about Andrew Tate until he pointed out men need to nut up and stop being cucks. The establishment went after him because we can't have men with self respect and autonomy in our system. That's too dangerous.
So pointing out why Tate was specifically targeted makes me a Tate shill? Take your meds and calm down, conpro has you hearing footsteps and afraid of your own shadow.
You "point out" baseless claims of vague qualities that you claim he possesses and a disingenuous paraphrase of "his" message.
You shill for a worthless degenerate propped up as a strawman to denigrate masculinity with. This strawman was created by propaganda outlets, not natural.
Andrew tate is the equivalent of george floyd. An absolutely indefensible mongrel propped up by the globalist media specifically to incite conflict.
There was a time, before the criminal charges and before the Muslim arc, when a lot of young men and especially teenaged boys were very much on board the Tate train. It's unclear how many of them actually deriving saw value from his message, and how many were just saying they liked him because they knew it passed of their mothers / teachers / authority figures.
Yes, definitely. But he still had a fan base, even if it was just edgy kids being edgy. There was an actual demonstration in Greece when he got arrested one time.
Ben knows this is Candace's weak spot. Her husband is friends with Tate and has some kind of link to him so she essentially covers him with puff pieces that don't mention the OF thing.
I haven't seen any evidence that Tate actually engaged in human trafficking, just that he's kind of a shit heel. I'm happy not following Tate's advice... nor Ben's.
Pretty sure Ben was saying that Trump couldn't win.
I agree, we should dump the trafficker. We should also dump the Daily Wire.
Nobody with a brain ever pretended tate was one of ours.
The criminal goblin with an astroturfed social media (propaganda) presence has no relation to actual right wing politics.
Agreed, but I don't think Ben has ever been charged with anything so calling him a criminal is a bit extreme.
So in other words, Ben is worried about the competition.
Nobody cared about Andrew Tate until he pointed out men need to nut up and stop being cucks. The establishment went after him because we can't have men with self respect and autonomy in our system. That's too dangerous.
Andrew Tate was a laughing stock saying retarded shit then he pivoted to his redpill pandering. He's Jordan Peterson for wannabe alphas
And plagiarized redpill pandering at that. Old PUA or RP guys were saying all that years before tater came along.
Pimpin ain't easy. But ya he's pretty superficial and has a pretty degen life.
Oh look, a conpro fed shilling for the astroturfed degenerate strawman they want to use to poison the well.
Typical. You are a worm.
So pointing out why Tate was specifically targeted makes me a Tate shill? Take your meds and calm down, conpro has you hearing footsteps and afraid of your own shadow.
You "point out" baseless claims of vague qualities that you claim he possesses and a disingenuous paraphrase of "his" message.
You shill for a worthless degenerate propped up as a strawman to denigrate masculinity with. This strawman was created by propaganda outlets, not natural.
Andrew tate is the equivalent of george floyd. An absolutely indefensible mongrel propped up by the globalist media specifically to incite conflict.
Muh Andrew Tate shilling. Chill bro
Perish, subhuman.
There was a time, before the criminal charges and before the Muslim arc, when a lot of young men and especially teenaged boys were very much on board the Tate train. It's unclear how many of them actually deriving saw value from his message, and how many were just saying they liked him because they knew it passed of their mothers / teachers / authority figures.
Never met a soul in real life that knew of him organically.
Tate was astroturfed - pushed by the media.
Yes, definitely. But he still had a fan base, even if it was just edgy kids being edgy. There was an actual demonstration in Greece when he got arrested one time.
I don't know that even the redpill community claimed him, but don't quote me on that.
All of DW are faggits. Tate is also a faggit.
Thanks for attending my Ted talk.
"Let them fight"
Most compelling discourse I've heard all week.
The right should dump Israel and all zionists.
Zionism is incompatible with Christianity.
The only reason Andrew Tate is relevant is because UK cucks made him relevant.
He seems to be one of the most astroturfed influences around.
I vary from ambivalent to dislike on Tate, but I consistently dislike Shapiro. Tate at least feels authentic from time to time.
DW vs Tate is a retard fight.
Ben knows this is Candace's weak spot. Her husband is friends with Tate and has some kind of link to him so she essentially covers him with puff pieces that don't mention the OF thing.
Lmao you think that's Candace's only weak spot. Her biggest one is that she's a man hating grifter
Nobody with sense ever considered him a part of the right
I haven't seen any evidence that Tate actually engaged in human trafficking, just that he's kind of a shit heel. I'm happy not following Tate's advice... nor Ben's.
Pretty sure Ben was saying that Trump couldn't win.
I will continue to not think about Andrew Tate much at all and I will also not watch this video.
Tate said some interesting stuff about why every government wants mass migration.
In a world where journalists are petrified of telling the truth - only the pariahs are worth listening to.
Shapiro and Tate can both get fucked. They both hate Whites.