Sad to see that Barron Trump is going to school in the shithole of New York where they unfairly persecuted his father with lawfare.
I wish Trump would understand what a dangerous idea it is to send his son to study in this godforsaken state.
As everyone here knows, I have stated numerous times that I have multiple grievances with Trump.
Yet I will be wholeheartedly voting for Trump to stop Kamala Harris.
The Groypers need to shut up and stop derailing Trump.
We cannot survive a Kamala Harris Presidency.
"Former President Donald Trump may ask BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to be his next Treasury Secretary if he is elected."
Larry Fink calls himself a globalist, has massive ties to the WEF and pushes woke capitalism via ESG. Fink also wants to implement CBDCs.
If this man becomes Secretary of the Treasury, we are fucked permanently.
The powers that be, tried to erase Trump recently, so I wonder if Trump has gone and made a deal with them in exchange for his life?
I am okay with JD Vance. Why are you trying to smear me.
I support Trump/Vance 2024.
Vance has been good in the Senate.
He is my second favorite Senator after Rand Paul.
I completely agree with Robert Barnes on this.
ACB and Kavanaugh are trash.
You are a fucking Trump cultist.
I have been here since the beginning on this site and you can ask anyone that I have held the same America first principles.
Show me where I ever supported increased immigration or screwing over Americans?
That is your boy Trump who has done that.
I ardently supported DeSantis because he was better than Trump on the key issues like immigration, crime and getting vengeance for COVID abuses.
If I was actually running the DeSantis campaign, I would have gone scorched Earth on Trump and made it a competitive primary by kicking Trump in the balls constantly with his own lies and his mistakes.
DeSantis ran a weak neutered campaign where he was afraid to criticize Trump harshly.
You are a whiny bitch crying about the DeSantis campaign using AI to hit Trump?
Trump constantly lied about DeSantis, you never cared about that!
Trump is openly betraying basic principles of America first for Jewish donor money.
An act of betrayal deserves worse than just mild mannered criticism.
Trump is a vulgar traitor who deserves what I said about him.
I stand by what I said.
I have always been someone who is for restricting immigration and putting American workers first.
Trump is the guy who has changed his tune on this crucial issue.
Even when I was supporting DeSantis, my principles were and are still the same.
I have always been against the Jewish globalist elites and their goals.
I said that the White nationalists are foolish to think that Trump is your ally because he was constantly pro Israel during his first term.
I did not use the word anti-semite to describe anyone here.
There are good people who are Jews and bad people who are Jews in western society and unfortunately the bad globalist Jews have the most influence in America and Trump has sold out to them.
Why cannot Trump just run on immigration restrictions for both legal and illegal immigration?
He was smart enough to run on that platform in 2016, why did he change his position?
His recent donations tell us why he changed.
He sold out.
I will not support more immigration of any kind.
Glad someone here understands the concerns I have about Trump and his recent betrayals.
My grievances with Trump are very simple.
I hated his poor personnel selection in his first term. He hired traitors and punished loyalists.
I hated how he failed to crush the BLM riots and how he let Fauci lockdown us all during COVID.
I hated how he pushed Operation Warpspeed to push the poison vax on us.
These are many legitimate criticisms of the man.
This is why I supported DeSantis in the primaries.
DeSantis unfortunately lost and we are now stuck with Donald Trump as the nom.
It is what it is.
I will never vote for Biden. I hate his destructive policies.
I will be leaving the Presidential race blank unless Trump gets the message and openly disavows this.
Why should I vote for this version of Trump that wants to flood us with Pajeets and Chinks?
Dude I am watching this thread atm which is why I responded to your dumbass comment quickly.
There will be no America left if we get flooded with Pajeets and Chinks.
I am asking Trump to keep his basic promises. I am not asking for a pony.
Trump has gotten too arrogant and thinks we will all support him blindly.
He is fucking around and he is about to find out.
I will not be voting for someone who pushes a flood of Pajeets and Chinks on U.S.
Don't you dare compare Jesus Christ with the filthy traitor Donald Trump!
I was willing to vote for and support Trump this time only if he stood for America first policies.
Trump now has the exact same position on legal immigration as Mitt Romney.
I won't be supporting this bullshit. If Trump wants my vote, he needs to change his tune on legal immigration.
Trump loves taking Jewish cock up his orange asshole.
This is a disgraceful policy that will hurt Americans for the benefit of Pajeets and Chinks.
Trump is a Jew funded traitor.
Looks like the influx of Jewish donor money from Adelson, Schwarzman and others is talking now.
Trump has changed his tune.
This is not America first.
I am afraid that after Trump wins in November he might just sell us all out and make a deal with the Deep State.
His current list of big donors are the swampiest creatures ever.
I would hope the lawfare makes him gut the administrative state but I don't trust who he surrounds himself with.
His closest advisors are Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.
His biggest donors are the Adelsons and Schwartzman of Blackstone.
Doesn't look good for those of us who want America first.
I am only voting for him because I despise Biden.
I don't expect Trump to actually govern well.
I will be voting for Trump as I despise Biden but I really think Fuentes is correct on some of the points he has brought up.
The Trump of 2016 is not the Trump we have now.
He is too buddy buddy with scum like the Adelsons and he is becoming like a traditional Republican when it comes to not being bold.
Trump will lose some America first votes when you have people like Fuentes calling him out for bait and switching us.
This is why Thomas Massie remains my most favorite member of Congress
Looking forward to the decision that kills the Chevron doctrine.
Tulsi is a horrible pick.
She is a middle finger to both hardcore conservatives and even the establishment GOP hates her.
It is a pick that loses him votes on net.
I really think it will be one of the three squishes: Burgum, Rubio or Scott.
Trump is looking to shore up the moderate suburban Republican vote and Burgum or Rubio both would achieve that easily. I am not a fan of them but they provide utility to help him win.
I think Tim Scott sucks and he will be suboptimal even for shoring up the suburban moderates.
Vance is fine but his Senate seat will go to RINO Matt Dolan and that is not worth it.
I think Tulsi being a Democrat till like 2021 disqualifies her.
He likely won't pick Tulsi as it hurts him a lot with the GOP establishment voters which he does need some of them to join him to win.
Yes anonymous sources often make up bullshit.
Media is fake and gay.
I really don't think that he would pick her.
She is an actual Democrat and a lot of the GOP would be pissed if he picked her.
He is either picking a moderate like Burgum, Rubio or Scott or going full MAGA with a Vance.
Don't think a Dem V.P. is in the cards here.
The illegal alien should have killed this cuck instead of his child.