Unknownsailor 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't have to even think about, I know it is Ben the Littlest Chickenhawk Shapiro that is ducking it. He has a history of ducking debates, he's only good with college kids who don't actually know anything.

Unknownsailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a very strong reaction to anyone using the fed accusation. It is the penultimate indicator of a conditioned person, a person thoroughly propagandized into absolute and total inaction against the forces seeking to destroy him, his history, and traditions.

Call someone a fed, and I know instantly that you will never do anything against the forces arrayed against you. You will never get off your couch, never make an effort to fight back, and ultimately, in the end, never amount to anything.

Unknownsailor 5 points ago +5 / -0

What many people are reacting to is the assertion that Fresh and Fit and/or Andrew Tate represent the entire red pill movement, which is a disingenuous take only a women with an axe to grind would make. I only watch the content of one "red pill" movement creator, Joker at BetterBachelor, and he isn't saying anything about women that Sydney Watson or Lauren Southern say they are. Fresh & Fit and Tate get the most traffic, but that doesnt mean they speak for the entire movement, and fuck those women for saying they do. I feel for Lauren because she has been through some tough times due to her political activism, but on this issue she has a bad take.

Unknownsailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is using racist as a moral club to maintain his moral vanity. I've talked about this before, here, over and over again. People like him are moral terrorists, always attacking the moral agency of his enemies, and I will NOT play his game any more.

We can have moral discussions, yes, but not with people like him.

Unknownsailor 6 points ago +6 / -0

i hope normal people start realizing these people are using them to mask their straight up racism as censorship concerns

I don't care about his morality, and neither should any of you.

Also, pronouns in bio, which means any opinion he has is automatically null and void.

Unknownsailor 3 points ago +14 / -11

Contrary to popular belief, there were military and industrial targets at both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We did not drop the bombs there purely to kill the populations of those two cities. Furthermore, in total war, civilian populations are fair targets, because they grow the food that feed the armies, and work in the factories that make armaments. This is without even getting into whether Japan deserved it, which they most certainly did.

There were many military reasons to drop those two bombs, and going right to the morality of the decision is shallow and stupid.

Unknownsailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

What happened to the olympic venues, they still get used? So many times they just sit and rot after the games are over...

Unknownsailor 5 points ago +5 / -0

Over the last 40 years, at least, the Olympics have been a gigantic grift when held anywhere but the US and possibly Korea(1996 Seoul) and/or Japan (2020 Tokyo.)

Unknownsailor 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you are an employer, or have hiring authority where you work, resumes with Harvard in the education section should be on your do not hire list. Same goes for all the "Ivy Leagues." They are manifestly not graduating well educated students, but are graduating thoroughly indoctrinated activists.

Unknownsailor 18 points ago +18 / -0

DW keeps stepping in piles of their own poo, and are really showing themselves to be out of touch controlled opposition more and more by how they react to criticism.

Unknownsailor 23 points ago +23 / -0

The official government narrative is always a lie. We have seen this over, and over, and over again. The Narrative™ could be a big lie, or a little one, but it is nonetheless always, in some way, a lie, in part or in whole.

So, with that in mind, we can say, with absolute certainty, that there is more to 9/11 that we have been told. What that is, we don't know, but we nonetheless know that something about the Official Narrative™ is absolutely false.

I am not a Truther, those planes did bring down Towers 1 and 2, but at the same time, I do not completely believe the official story. Experience tells me not to.

Unknownsailor 35 points ago +36 / -1

Yup. Jury duty is meaningful and consequential. Just one fully aware juror has incredible power in a criminal trial.

Unknownsailor 25 points ago +25 / -0

That EP is gonna lose, the USSC just handed down a decision last week that gutted DEI. Al Roker is following the law by not complying with the PBS policies. I would fire anyone who complained about that, too, because in doing so they out themselves as a woke cult member, and I will not have such people in my organization.

Unknownsailor 17 points ago +17 / -0

And now you know why BRICS exists.

I've talked about this sanction regime before. It is not designed to keep Russia out, it is designed to keep us in.

Unknownsailor 17 points ago +17 / -0

Not here to start a fight I'm hear to end the paranoia of localization of this game, and trying to find the boogie man in this game and others that don't have it.

Obvious concern troll does obvious concern troll post. If that were my thread, I'd hit that troll with a ban hammer so hard his great grandmother would feel it.

Unknownsailor 18 points ago +18 / -0

...and the Muslims that have the numbers and organisation. are unafraid about using extreme violence to get what they want.

In this respect the authorities reflect the fecklessness of the population. 100 years ago Brits were confident enough in their culture that such behavior by muzzies would have been harshly put down, and many deported.

Unknownsailor 22 points ago +22 / -0

..and this is why the NPC meme pisses them off so much, it rubs their noses in how Current Thing Narrative™ is just one of many software updates.

Unknownsailor 16 points ago +16 / -0

Wanna know why houses are so expensive?

There are more than forty million people here that should not be here.

Unknownsailor 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is why the big banks should have been allowed to fail in 2007, they were loaded up with bad debts, and the only way to clear those bad debts is to let them fail. Lots of powerful people would have lost their shirts if that happened, so, of course, even more debt was created to paper over all that bad debt.

Now, because of all the money Congress and the Fed has created over the last seventeen years, inflation is running rampant, and the only way to fix that is to take money out of circulation, which means raising rates. What does that do? It makes it impossible for all the people who levered themselves up to their eyebrows in credit unable to roll over that credit.

The financial pain that would have come from the 2007 market collapse would have been bad, had it been allowed to happen. By papering it over with new credit, the pain that is going to come now will be much worse.

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