Unknownsailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've got a few Steam games that require logging into 3rd party accounts to play. I am not particularly upset at that, but making players do that unannounced is scummy in the extreme.

I have an epic account because I am getting into modding Mechwarrior5 Mercenaries, and the editing tools are only on Epic.

Unknownsailor 20 points ago +21 / -1

Note that the deputy that shot her is being charged with murder, undoubtedly in an attempt to mollify blacks. He's saying not guilty, which of course he isn't. Boiling water can cause serious bodily injury. Try to throw some at me, and I'll shoot your ass, too. I don't have to stand there and get scalded, and neither should the deputy.

Unknownsailor 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yea, a lot of that going around.

Still doesn't change my point. Just because you are old does not mean you can't pay attention, or learn anything.

Unknownsailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Downvote and block, downvote and block.

Stop visiting the forum via the shorthand URLs, use communities.win/forum instead. Blocks work when you are in the communities.win system, but don't in kia dot win.

Unknownsailor 7 points ago +8 / -1

I read that post, and the one underneath, and I want to scream until I am hoarse.

Just look at all the 3rd party systems they are relying on, 3rd party systems that have long made it known they cancel for political reasons.


Clearly they have not been paying attention to events over the last decade, not even a little bit.

I'm sorry, but if they are that clueless, then they need to die, they deserve to die.

Unknownsailor 27 points ago +27 / -0

Why would Japan have to import slaves literally from the other side of the planet when China/Korea are right there, within easy sailing distance?

Could this whole thing be any more obvious a jewish mind fuck?

Unknownsailor 19 points ago +19 / -0

On facebook, I'm in a group for people who like 50s/60s era of television, and recently the admin banned someone who was trying to discuss lack of diversity in tv shows of that era and racial politics.

This is a good thing, any tendency towards social justice should be grounds for an insta-ban. No mercy, no whining, and no second chances.

If we had done this 20 years ago in all of our hobbies, we wouldn't be where we are right now.

Unknownsailor 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes, they are hypocrites, we know it. They know it, too, and DONT CARE.

Unknownsailor 27 points ago +27 / -0

Vox Day has picked on this instinctive dislike women have for JD, and suspects JD to be a Gamma. I have my own suspicions about the guy, as his rise to the national stage looks greased from law school on. I would really like to know the back story on how his book got picked up for publishing, and how Netflix decided to spend a ton of money making his story into a movie.

Unknownsailor 18 points ago +18 / -0

"Alt-right" is not being used in good faith here. They aren't, and never were. The label is purely one of moral slander, designed to morally disqualify the accused.

Unknownsailor 14 points ago +14 / -0

I mean, what do you expect from a race with low impulse control?

Unknownsailor 13 points ago +13 / -0

This kind of thing used to result in said government stooge swinging from a lamp post.

We the People have let it get to this point.

Unknownsailor 11 points ago +12 / -1

They care about power, tradition means nothing.

Unknownsailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you as an IT person cannot justify adequate funding and resources by framing what you do on a cost/benefit analysis, you will always be inadequately funded, and under resourced.

IT is not a pure cost sink, it is a business enabler, and it must be viewed as such by the corporate officers. If they aren't doing that, then it is on the IT bubbas to make them do that.

Unknownsailor 8 points ago +8 / -0

Windows Server Update Service exists as a service for a reason. No one serious about IT allows their windows machines to update whenever MS issues an update. They Interpose WSUS between their windows machines and MS updates, and they test them as MS issues them, so nothing bricks their current Microsoft image.

Unknownsailor 9 points ago +9 / -0

Stone age culture meets iron age culture, predictable happens.

Nothing to be ashamed of, and it is the story of modern man for tens of thousands of years.

Unknownsailor 2 points ago +2 / -0


A massive global tech outage Friday snarled early voting in Arizona’s state-level primary elections — as travelers leaving the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee were delayed, officials said Friday.

Reminder that Crowdstrike "examined" the DNC email server that was "hacked" and said it was hacked by Russians.

Why would they care that RNC delegates couldnt get home? BECAUSE THEY ARE RNC DELEGATES.

Unknownsailor 8 points ago +9 / -1

Lemme put it to you this way:

When were all the delegates to the RNC flying home?


Well, they were flying home today. Probably not so much now.

Do you still think this was an accident?

Unknownsailor 16 points ago +16 / -0

Remember, it was a Presidential EO that allowed the civil service to unionize. JFK issued it, and Nixon tweaked it later on.

Trump could take that away just as easily. In fact, he should, citing Executive powers to reign in unaccountable bureaucracy.

Unknownsailor 5 points ago +5 / -0

Whites represent about 8-9 percent of global population. If anyone is a fucking minority, it isn't blacks. Or Asians.

Unknownsailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

It varies by service, but all of them are age graduated, like you see here with the USSS.

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