Trump said he thinks he can sell 10 million of these gold cards so clearly many people.
10 million at $5 million each is $50 trillion. That number doesn't seem plausible but a 3% increase in population in exchange for erasing the national debt and $14T excess? Not the worst deal ever.
America is a country not an economic zone.
The base wants America first not flooding the country with more immigrants.
Trump is making a huge mistake with this.
The people who will buy their way in are Chinese spies, Oil sheiks, Israeli spies and Russian oligarchs.
We don't need or want any more of these terrible people here.
Just how many people do you think have five million dollars?
Trump said he thinks he can sell 10 million of these gold cards so clearly many people.
The Israeli, Chinese, Russia, Qatar and Saudi governments can certainly fund many individuals and get their spies or terrorists through this.
10 million at $5 million each is $50 trillion. That number doesn't seem plausible but a 3% increase in population in exchange for erasing the national debt and $14T excess? Not the worst deal ever.
Trump ran on economic populism and being the voice for the forgotten working class men and women of America
Importing 10 million foreigners is not what we want.
Paying off the national debt is pointless when the cunts in Washington will soon rack up the bill again endlessly.
MAGA has always been an immigration restrictionist movement.
This is a bait and switch being performed