I am not saying there is a way to have a perpetual civilization.
I am just saying making the same civilization ending mistakes again is a terrible idea.
Trump has always been an amoral businessman, that is the problem here.
He doesn't realize that selling gold cards is destructive to the average American's quality of life and that this is a morally repugnant betrayal of his base.
Anyone with real money would not chose to live in the US. Even people born there and wish to retain their citizenship stay overseas, Hawaii at the least.
So clearly this isn't about money moving in and inviting everyone around for a barbecue.
It does seem to be an entrance for those with enough capital backing behind them to come in and establish satellite offices for their successful ventures based elsewhere. A means of trade for business which will enrich both the US and wherever they are from - An inverse USAID if you will.
Instead of a deal for infrastructure reform being done on the East coast of Africa being brokered in Jordan, it is brokered in Miami. The freighting of goods through the Panama canal isn't sealed in Tokyo, but Boston. How the world heads discuss collective action in done in New York, not Davos.
That's how it seems to me at least. I can't think of other ways which the US would benefit from an open market which allowed agitators in unless it was in their interests to maintain control. Think Lebanon of 1960 versus any decade before or after that. Beirut was the centre of economic, social, intellectual, and cultural life in the Arabic Middle East. By not maintaining its elite status it became a Third World country still plagued by terrorist activity.
I think this is a case of keep your enemies closer.
But I've no clue as to what is going on in Trump's mind. But it's fun to speculate.
I am not saying there is a way to have a perpetual civilization.
I am just saying making the same civilization ending mistakes again is a terrible idea.
Trump has always been an amoral businessman, that is the problem here.
He doesn't realize that selling gold cards is destructive to the average American's quality of life and that this is a morally repugnant betrayal of his base.
Anyone with real money would not chose to live in the US. Even people born there and wish to retain their citizenship stay overseas, Hawaii at the least.
So clearly this isn't about money moving in and inviting everyone around for a barbecue.
It does seem to be an entrance for those with enough capital backing behind them to come in and establish satellite offices for their successful ventures based elsewhere. A means of trade for business which will enrich both the US and wherever they are from - An inverse USAID if you will.
Instead of a deal for infrastructure reform being done on the East coast of Africa being brokered in Jordan, it is brokered in Miami. The freighting of goods through the Panama canal isn't sealed in Tokyo, but Boston. How the world heads discuss collective action in done in New York, not Davos.
That's how it seems to me at least. I can't think of other ways which the US would benefit from an open market which allowed agitators in unless it was in their interests to maintain control. Think Lebanon of 1960 versus any decade before or after that. Beirut was the centre of economic, social, intellectual, and cultural life in the Arabic Middle East. By not maintaining its elite status it became a Third World country still plagued by terrorist activity.
I think this is a case of keep your enemies closer.
But I've no clue as to what is going on in Trump's mind. But it's fun to speculate.