m0r1arty 14 points ago +14 / -0

This is all bullshit and part of a 'social experiment'.

A pedo is a pedo not a Minor Attracted Person and a he is a he and not a she.

Away and jump off a cliff you gang of weirdos!

m0r1arty -9 points ago +3 / -12

It's the Summer holidays, let the kids enjoy practising their trolling methods.

They exist to inspire threads like this!

There are genuine anti-Semites around, and the glowy types too, you'll often find them in heated debates with undercover 'journalists' creating keyword rich content about how bad we are as a group which will be cited later.

It's the Internet, only use it on a Saturday if you want to see the real deal with Jew bashing :)

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

While joinery is always fascinating to me, the variety of materials and techniques to make them useful as well as artistic expression, the overall concept of colonising another culture, be that adding, copying or removing aspects of it, isn't just stuck to physical aspects or linguistic ones.

The very crear of an individual and the cultures they came from is something under attack by those claiming to be progressive and using cultural identity as a commoditised weapon to prohibit people from finding out who they truly are from their exploration of self.

The irony is that this very argument would have been used in the past to stop people trying other foods, religions, philosophical thoughts, sexual acts, languages and other aspects of others which could be worth exploring by being draconian and 'correct' in their dogma which they insisted through force was correct.

The modern enlightenment seems to have to luminance which is ironic considering those who seem to be the furthest into progressive ideals would consider themselves able to see better than those who brought them this far.

Anywas, Norm Abram for the win!

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

The catch is she's not the official DNC nomination for President unless Biden resigns.

The poll is bad faith as anything serious until she's nominated.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which is great for them. There's an opportunity and they are using it to their advantage. But I'm not sure why I have to take part in that fantasy in order to get done what needs done.

I'd go so far as to say expecting it is more time consuming and needless that it being preferential.

The only times I would ever need to know someone's gender and sexual orientation is if I was wanting to be intimate with them or treat them in a medical capacity. It really doesn't matter to me outside of those context and if someone thinks it does they are imposing on my creed which is wrong.

But, for the moment at least, this goes all the way up to the board of directors across various companies as a fad which is somehow a good thing to be part of?!?

m0r1arty 21 points ago +21 / -0

Just like when Graham Linehan said that all the women supporting Gamergate were troons and blocked genuine women making the point that unethical journalism is wrong.

Bit him on the ass that one did. Still waiting for that apology.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's gotten out of hand with some businesses contact you about not having pronouns in your email signature or filling them out on internal documentation.

I'll happily refer to anyone as they see fit, it's not a problem. But I'm not formalising it as it goes against my personal creed and I only want them to respect that as equally as me respecting that they really enjoy having that as an important aspect to their character.

It's all rather retarded (And I mean that in the slowing of things way).

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate that but I'm thinking the void is looking back into some people without their knowing it ;)

m0r1arty 1 point ago +2 / -1


Othering is easy, and it's not nice. Calling a friend a vulgar name is much more difficult at first, but shows real love between the pair of you.

m0r1arty -1 points ago +2 / -3

It is a little bit off for someone to insist upon anyone using any term to refer to anyone and expect it to be casually accepted as perfectly normal behaviour.

Those in my close group of friends will use all sorts of insulting words and phrases as terms of endearment when referencing each other. An outsider might think we are being aggressive to each other but that's simply because they aren't in the group. I would onto refer to a friend as a vulgar term to a stranger if I thought that stranger was close enough within the group to understand it and know it meant they are welcome to that language.

Perfectly normal behaviour of group identity which goes back as far as there have been records :)

m0r1arty 1 point ago +3 / -2

'Their' when it is someone else directed towards in casual conversation.

Are you another one who uses pronouns in their email signature?

Feel free to let me know so that I can keep you assigned to the realm of stranger and refer to you as 'They' with 'Their' pronouns.

m0r1arty -4 points ago +2 / -6

I've always used their when talking about a stranger. I have no possession over them and so don't intend to be rude with how they feel.

If you want to be a pronoun stickler then that is your business.

Uh-oh, I don't know your pronoun and so you best tell it to me so that I can use it when I'm shoving it up your ass.

See how that works sweetie; shalom alaykum namaste amen.

m0r1arty 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's just an attention seeking recursive loop is all.

I'm sure there are a very few people out there who have some sort of condition that makes them think they are the other gender. But when all characteristics are measured up across the entire group who make a point of being known "It's ma'am!" we have to be looking at a mental disorder which currently aligns with those with the proper condition. A sort of Munchhausen by gender proxy.

Those who fit into the Munchausen cast are damaging those with the proper condition but those with the Munchausen cast disorders still need a proper remedy to their situation.

Sadly, due to the nature of attention seeking behaviours and the changing of rules constantly when dealing with them, the resources required to properly assist them outweigh the potential benefits of them being rehabilitated into living a more productive life.

I'm sure there is fault and adjustments to be made across multiple areas but since academia and medicine seemed to have thrown their game in there is nothing but 'Social sciences' and we know that that means jack-shit.

m0r1arty 22 points ago +23 / -1

I'm not sure what the opposite of deadnaming is, or what the etiquette around it should be, but apparently Elon's child goes by the name Vivian Jenna Wilson now and according to their Facebook profile had a business contract sponsored by Musk family on April 12th of this year and celebrated their birthday with their family a few days after.

It could all be an elaborate troll account and misinformation or it could be a complex family situation not understood outside of their dynamics.

But Elon certainly seemed sincere during the interview about how he felt about the 'Woke mind virus' killing his son.

m0r1arty 28 points ago +28 / -0

At this point Ubisoft should just follow the advice we were given ten years ago and simply change the name.

We didn't follow that advice because we're the bad guys but they should change the game's name and show that they are the good guys for doing so.

I'm thinking Assassin's Creed: Johnny Somali

Colonising Japan's history is right up there with any Marxist dogma and I look forward to Ubisoft's next AC game where they have a black KKK go and take out the suffragettes in Themyscira (For fun and fiction reasons which might inspire people to look into all the themes explored).

But if that development team are to be believed (Believe them all!) I foresee them not understanding that using Tipp-Ex on the screen doesn't translate into what goes into the coding, story or marketing materials required for this game not to stink.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's possible that the last five shots were the Secret Service.

This isn't rocket science.

How three shots got fired in the first place also isn't rocket science though and so spin some of those conspiracy plates on sticks but the last five were certainly the ending of Thomas Crooks.

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's kind of the point that how they regard things is how they regard things and how we regard them regarding things is how we regard how they regard things.

It's sort of like respecting their pronouns but its not all made up for criminals to take advantage of.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was speaking of the Pirahã of the Amazon who have one, two and many as their numerical basis.

There's no significance above three in any form for them and trying to make it so just implies that you need to make it so.

m0r1arty 19 points ago +19 / -0

The weirdest part of this is that nobody seems to see how this is through the "Colonialist lens" (To use their own terms).

Being built with settlements , agriculture, aquaculture and food storage doesn't make a culture the only way to be. Thinking that way only shows that the person thinking this is thinking that it's the only way to be.

Soon they'll be saying that a well known rural tribe in Amazonian Brazil could count above three, but they were using a complex mathematical system in order to do so.

The worst of the racists are those who have to turn whoever they meet into something of who they think they are. And that's just removing all of their own identity and heritage and painting over it with what you think is yours (Which is also false).

But historians have always been terrible at chronicling history without adding victors' bias. It's even accommodated in their first year anthropologist studies as acceptable error.

m0r1arty 14 points ago +14 / -0

We figured out stuff like this with moonrock chucker LW a decade ago. Both sides play this game and it's to be expected.

The best I got from this is that two accounts post at around the same time, use Polish characters to bypass word filters and are very popular.

The 5 tweets being reposted within a second of each other is the only thing that ties them in and I think some context around what those tweets were, when they came out and how popular they were overall in comparison to other tweets with similar content around those times. If it was just a retweet-fest at exciting moments it could be dismissed. If those incidences aren't part of a retweet party at the time then I would say it's enough to investigate further.

But politics is a weird game and the agendas can pivot on a dime easily without taking those who supported it having any idea as to why.

Fun to watch, but dangerous as hell as a means of running people and their families.

m0r1arty 10 points ago +12 / -2

I'm guessing Mridul Wadhwa, a male born transwoman, was working with Scottish Nationalist Party equalities officer Cameron Downing and between them more sexual assault was brought on with people who were already victims of sexual assault - women people as it turns out.

Their motivations, which were empowered by Scotland's Equalities Act, meant that victims couldn't choose the gender of their support worker and, as you can imagine, opportunistic criminal types took full advantage of that. A victim councillor called Roz Adams was recently found to have been unfairly dismissed as she supported the death-defying notion that victims should be able to choose the gender of those who will be supporting them through their ordeals.

There's a quick round up here for how the media (The BBC in particular) are currently approaching it.

I'm pretty sure when it all comes out Jimmy Krankie and Smell Yer Maw will have been involved in this entire perverted sex trafficking of victims through appropriating equalities laws for protection of criminals and the further abuses of victims.

Just like they did with Isla Bryson/Adam Binnie Bryson.

Never trust a political party with Nationalist in its name.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

The implication of Ki-Adi-Mundi being Jewish was not lost on me.

That might also account for him lying about the Sith not having been around for over a thousand years when he knows full well about what happened in The Acolyte.

All in all good humour. I'm sure some muffin trippin' blue haired landwhales will be REEEing their heads off and never buying another Star Wars furry suit again.

m0r1arty 21 points ago +21 / -0

Aren't those mandatory "Don't rape" classes that first-year university students (Only white men, because it's culturally inappropriate to suggest to any other ethnicity or gender) working?

I take it then that these white men in the video didn't go to university.

Wake me up when the mandatory national service is needing someone to go over-the-top and they make it so that these rapists aren't eligible to be cannon fodder.

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