diqhedd 5 points ago +5 / -0

Controlling what you say is the first step to controlling what you think or what you do.

It's just a means to an end. It's all about control with these types. It always has been.

diqhedd 6 points ago +6 / -0

I almost feel bad for her.


diqhedd 16 points ago +16 / -0

How are these characters even similar? The only three traits they share are general eye shape, hair length and gender. Some of the Palworld designs really are just Pokemon at home (looking at you, Cremis) but this is a real fucking stretch.

Once again modern Pokefags expose their complete and utter derangement.

diqhedd 14 points ago +14 / -0

I don't know the details of why the faggots on twitter are gushing over this, or why you idiots care, but I read 60 chapters of this at some point and I guess that means it falls on me at 6 am with no sleep to tell you what I know. Don't say I never did anything for you, cunts.

Witch Hat Atelier is the story of a young girl who admires Witches (capital w) and magic but was not born in to the Witch society. Magic is fairly commonplace and typically takes the form of magic circles drawn with a special ink or some shit that create magic because ????????.

Only Witches know how to draw the circles properly and create the ink, and they act like a special social class beholden to their own secret society as well as society at large. Witches aren't like a special breed of human with super powers or whatever, you just either got to be born or sworn in.

Anyway so the girl was once given a book and a "wand" by a Witch and she happens to see a Witch literally drawing magic. She puts two and two together and goes through her book and finds magic circles and finds her wand was actually a brush. Obviously she starts drawing magic circles and nerding out over the effects. Eventually she draws the wrong one and shit goes down. Everyone in her town gets turned into stone except her because she was saved by a visiting Witch. Whoops.

Turns out some Witches are cunts. They're called Brimhats and they do forbidden magic. They constantly try to fuck with basically everyone for no reason and Witch society hates them because "uhhhhhhh unrestrained magic could be used in war, bro!" or something. I dunno, the whole thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you scrutinise it very hard.

Anyway the Witch was going to wipe the main character's memory but instead decides to apprentice her because of his own reasons (wants to find the evil Witches or something) and so she can find a way to save her mum. Oh and the rest of her village. But mainly her mum. So she becomes a Witch.

Then there's a bunch of slice of life chapters basically detailing her learning magic, making friends with her fellow apprentices and whatever. The characters are decently well written and the details of magic are interesting but it's pretty boring overall.

Anyway I hope this dogshit rushed summary has convinced you it's a boring slice of life manga with some interesting world building but nothing particularly egregious. It's fairly popular amongst manga circles in that most people who primarily read manga (as opposed to primarily watching anime) have probably at least heard of it. To put it into perspective about ~40k people follow it on the site where I read manga, as opposed to the ~90k of big titles and maybe like ~150k+ of FOTM titles like TenSura or KiseKoi.

Having said all that, there is one problem with the whole situation that I believe explains everything, but most importantly the content of the tweets.

The author is, and may Imp forgive me for uttering this word, a woman.

tl;dr author is a wahmen, news at eleven

diqhedd 36 points ago +36 / -0

Society has failed this man.

diqhedd 14 points ago +14 / -0

What a mockery of life. What an abject display of arrogance and narcissism.

What he's saying is pretty fucking monstrous, too.

diqhedd 11 points ago +11 / -0

From my understanding, they intend to add what is essentially a new wing of government who are to be able to vote (perhaps even veto?) on "certain issues", ostensibly those that pertain to the aboriginal people and their culture. It is also my understanding that we have no other concrete details about the actual implementation other than the fact that "The Voice" is to be comprised entirely of people with aboriginal and Torres Strait islander heritage. The reason we do not have any other concrete details is because our wonderful government in all their wisdom has yet to pen the actual legislative documents necessary to outline and define the powers that will be given to "The Voice". Indeed, it seems they intend to delay the actual writing until after they've secured their "Yes" vote. They are essentially all but asking for a blank cheque from the bank of executive power here.

So the number of things that could go wrong are innumerable. Western Australia has recently implemented and repealed very similar laws, though they were only state-wide, that essentially made it illegal to dig on your own property (for putting fences in, for example) without express permission from an aboriginal consultant, services that could cost upwards of $350 an hour. At best this is just going to be a nation-wide repeat of this disastrous policy, only we're going to have an impossible fight to win to undo the damage our government will have wrought.

diqhedd 5 points ago +5 / -0

For the love of God do not go Azata. I made that mistake after hearing you basically become a shounen anime protagonist, but that's only the case if you have only the barest knowledge of what that entails and assume it's all saccharine friendship with weirdoes and sodomites.

Learn from my mistake. Please.

diqhedd 22 points ago +22 / -0

"I feel like if I can laugh about it, and not take it to heart then you can too, right? So me laughing in their face and coming up with stupid comebacks kind of encourages other people to match that energy with me," Evans, who works as a social media marketer, told Insider.

Wait, what? Your "haters" respond well to you laughing about their comments and trading barbs? Doesn't sound much like they hate you. Sounds almost like it's just banter.

Like it always fucking has been.

diqhedd 44 points ago +44 / -0

"Believe"? There's no faith involved, it's math. It's a fact. The article's title should read "Less than half of British viewers have functional brains, survey finds". Not a huge surprise though, honestly.

by folx
diqhedd 10 points ago +10 / -0

it was fun to watch, you weird nerd

So you're just a pervert, then?

diqhedd 26 points ago +26 / -0

I'll give you some background information as an Australian living in a city very close to a dry community.

The Government has ruled that many aboriginal communities are to be "dry communities", which is to say the sale and I believe possession of alcohol are banned. The idea, of course, is protection of our precious minorities. Previously, the aboriginals would happily sit in their communities, beat and molest their own children and generally commit all types of heinous crime on one another. The implementation of the dry community mandate meant that the alcoholic aboriginals who used to commit those crimes to afford their swill and sate their lizard-brained urges now had to enter polite society to get their next fix.

This ended just about how you would expect; they litter the parks and the alleys drinking themselves blind in the day-time, and form roving bands of danger at night in order to fuel their habits. Some of them take to sniffing (and reportedly drinking) petrol. It is a whole thing.

Dumbass academic types, like these authors, tend to follow in lockstep with the opinions of the south-east (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, etc), and it just so happens there are very few aboriginals in the south-eastern states. The few that do live there appear to live in a perpetual state of grifting, pushing for land to be considered "sacred" to whatever aboriginal tribe they hold allegiance to and litigating anyone who so much as looks at it askance. This results in basically no-one there really knowing how dangerous it is to go outside at night anywhere with a sizable aboriginal population without being in a large group. Interestingly, these two idiots apparently actually live in Alice Springs, but I'm sure we've all seen the tendency of the overeducated to disregard information they can gather by simply paying attention to their own surroundings.

To address the question finally, that is certainly a problem, but that's more a south-eastern state thing. Here I would hesitate to say the protected minority is doing "nothing". They actively terrorise the communities that they squat in to chase their next high, and the cucked white people are trying to enact a pathetic kind of prohibition only in aboriginal communities, without realising that, oh right, prohibition didn't fucking work for a reason.

Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk.

diqhedd 53 points ago +54 / -1

Almost sad how big a faggot Ethan turned out to be.

diqhedd 54 points ago +55 / -1

Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: "Imp was right again."

diqhedd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yet the irony is lost on this faggot that if you replace the last line with some tripe about assuming gender, the comic would be about a reddit moderator.

It'd be more relevant, too. What fucking year is this?

diqhedd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't this the retarded Finnish Pepe variant, Apu something or other?

diqhedd 20 points ago +20 / -0

That's like pulling your kid out of school because teaching about Italy could make your kid an Italian.

Italy is not desperately pushing for children all around the world to be educated about their country and how they're really definitely normal please believe it, though.

Last I checked Italy also doesn't notoriously have online bands of roaming groomers looking for their next victim to bring into the fold. Kind of apples and oranges, really.