Galean 18 points ago +18 / -0

Wow does this look ugly. Rainbow vomit aside, the entire model is absolutely hideous to look at. The head seems wrong for the body, the pants, the legs the shoulders, that ugly armlet on the left hand, what is this?

Galean 4 points ago +4 / -0

left him for someone who is less manly than him

This is a stretch, the guy had a bit more testosterone

Galean 19 points ago +19 / -0

He was using his open marriage to show how superior and confident he is while people were telling him he was an idiot. It turns out that he was wrong and he is the idiot everyone said he was. I doubt he cares about leftism, he just cares about being superior, that is his entire personality. Now he is proven to be an idiot and for him it is more destructive then the fact that his wife fucks other guys.

Galean 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think his wife leaving broke Destiny, he seems moronic and on meds.

Galean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I assume that OP is not talking about actual combat but about day to day discrimination and racism.

No one in real life says white people should die or to take away their rights but racial divides are growing, the work environment alone makes it abundantly clear they will shit on you for being white and there is no one that will back you up.

Galean 10 points ago +10 / -0

How about a thinking mob? Honestly, how do you see this play out? Do you think the anti-white racism, hatred and discrimination will end anytime soon?

Maybe when we are on reservations, although I doubt anyone would give us that luxury, they would have to acknowledge that we're natives in Europe.

I see no main stream movement among any large ethnic group that would even dare to say that maybe we should not demonize white people.

For all the "white privilege" we seem to have we're the only group that has no representation, no significant major party can acknowledge that maybe we should not be demonized or heaven forbid, say we need less immigration or that European culture is in any way good.

Galean 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's not empathy that got us this outside bias is the brainwashing we got because of ww2 and slavery.

We are going to be a minority soon enoug. We see each day anti-white racism, at work, in the media, in entertainment, in adds.

When every other group is tribal why white people should not be? You're solution is to just take the abuse until we are dead?

Empathy is a luxury that we can't afford and the rest don't want.

Galean 13 points ago +13 / -0

There is nothing wrong with your statement. There are things to admire at Muslim communities while also realizing they are bad in other aspects.

I see no contradiction there.

This is one thing I hate about whites in general, they're the only group with an outside bias. I wished we had more of a community like every single other group out there.

by yoisi
Galean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cleopatra was not even Egyptian.

It was dumb but Cleopatra and Yasuke highlighted how cucked Europe is. They turned historical figures black, painted medieval times with the diversity of London or L.A. with little to no pushback. The brainwashing in all western countries is complete.

Galean 14 points ago +14 / -0

I assume not. In the end it only matters what the media says they are, if the media turns on BLM they become irrelevant. Even in online spaces, we've seen how fast things shift for those on the left.

Galean 16 points ago +16 / -0

Politics thru entertainment can be done ok but asking for modern California diversity in a movie set in the 50s and 60s when the country was 90% white is not in good faith. I agree with that ban.

Galean 9 points ago +9 / -0

There was so much optimism regarding race when I grew up. It seemed we were moving away from the concept entirely. I miss those times.

Galean 7 points ago +7 / -0

Talk about certifications with them. The act of cheating on certification is the norm, I asked about a terraform certification he just linked me where he got the answers. This is one of the reasons certification exams are worthless.

Galean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Standards and is the equivalent of being a liar

Galean 20 points ago +20 / -0

That was one of the worst realizations I had in my adult life. Color blindness was sold to white people only.

Every other ethnicity can be as racist as possible and usually are. I often complain about Indians (the dot variety), normies don't realize how racists they are. By racist I mean openly discriminate against anyone that is not Indian.

Galean 17 points ago +17 / -0

Never happened as long as I was there but I assume they would be double important to get them.

Funny story, at one point they imported some muslims from Canada and some arab country just because we didn't have muslims. In order to bring them over they offered them more money then their colleagues so it ended with a lot of guys just leaving.

Galean 26 points ago +26 / -0

Not sure about this guy in particular but when I was at my previous company there was a not so secret rule that any woman that applied would get the position, I was part of those who would test their technical skills.

It was at a level where a guy that had skills, not perfect but better then most, had passion for tech but got turned down for having less then 5 years experience but a woman that had no relevant experience got the position. Even heard the manager talk to some senior manager on how they need to hire all woman that apply.

Galean 15 points ago +15 / -0

DMG control. I assume their AAAA game, Skull and Bones was an epic disaster?

What else did they release recently? Prince of Persia without the prince and Mirage? I assume neither of those outperformed.

Galean 6 points ago +6 / -0

I like the first game but is hard to get excited about this one after GW pulled the female custodes out of their arse.

Galean 23 points ago +23 / -0

The media does not care. They have already started praising Biden for staying in power while being completely unfit for office.

I guess the payments started. The real reason why Biden is out of office is money.

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