Galean 27 points ago +27 / -0

Are they really moving to rednote or is it this just marketing?

Galean 13 points ago +13 / -0

The only reason Andrew Tate is relevant is because UK cucks made him relevant.

Galean 17 points ago +17 / -0

we can't just show up with a firm handshake and get a job that'll pay for a house, stay at home wife, and 3 kids and a yearly vacation like our grandfathers could.

I think this is the worst part. Why "pull up by bootstraps" when the best you can hope is paying rent in a crappy apartment and a shallow life.

Galean 10 points ago +10 / -0

To be honest, if you consider how house prices increased is not that hard to become a millionaire. Got an ex-coleague, he had an apartment in Boston and sold it and bought a house in a suburb. Then sold that house, bought another a bit further away and then sold that one and bought another house even further away he has a million easy. Still had to have the apartment to start with and he was smart enough to capitalize on the the house prices boom.

I don't know how anyone can afford to buy new houses now. Even in my area the price of houses is insanely high.

Galean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not only prices are up but housing prices are disproportionately rising. I was shocked that the house I bought back in 2015 has doubled in price by 2018 and it keeps on increasing. As an idea, today I can't afford a house in my area and I make a decent amount of money.

Galean 20 points ago +20 / -0

Other then the H1B stuff, Elon is ok.

Lindsay and Peterson, both gave me the strange feeling that they never expected the pendulum to swing back and that scares them. Both are liberals and they believe that the left has gone so far to the left that the pendulum swinging back is going to be nazi Germany. I find their fears to me unfounded, the pendulum is not even swinging back, it has slowed down while still going left.

This makes for a good discussion, identity politics have pushed racial relations way, way back. Anti-white hatred is still the norm to the point that a lot of white people just don't care. Why would I care if a black person is discriminated against when white people are constantly being discriminated while politicians and companies are bragging about it with their DIE goals? Why would white people care about the treatment of immigrants when you have politicians and companies celebrating white people becoming a minority?

I doubt anything will happen but at the very least it will be apathy.

Galean 14 points ago +14 / -0

What type of dragon should it be

Galean 7 points ago +7 / -0

This will prove interesting. As I've mentioned before, the propaganda becoming so obvious is a good thing, I don't want to go back to the subtle propaganda we had 15 years ago.

Good part is, they are full of DIE that lack any capacity for subtlety.

The future will tell if they can course correct or not.

Galean 2 points ago +2 / -0

but he does not want citizens, he wants foreign pajeets to exploit

Galean 7 points ago +7 / -0

The meek will inherit the earth - sometimes I wonder if the meek are the Indians and Mexicans

Galean 9 points ago +9 / -0

It used to be neverwinter nights 2 and baldurs gate 2 but I've grown to hate forgotten realms and without the world building the games are shallow.

I'm thinking on playing Skyrim again.

Galean 10 points ago +10 / -0

Isn't Canada turning into an Indian colony? Why would anyone want to anex that.

Galean 18 points ago +18 / -0

saying they had no role in deciding what the company did with the content that was fact-checked.

“I don’t believe we were doing anything, in any form, with bias,”

Even if they are 100% honest, they are saying that they did not know they are biased and that they should not be trusted and need to be double-checked by Meta.

In the best of cases they are incompetent and should not be trusted so why would anyone pay them?

Galean 17 points ago +17 / -0

His dad had some shares in a mining company. Not sure how much, probably not poor but overblown in importance in order for leftists to justify anti-Elon sentiment.

Galean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assume someone at Meta realized that being an obvious political propaganda machine is counter productive and no one there is even remotely left of center enough as to figure out how to even fake being impartial.

This is a desperate attempt from Meta to change course. I hope it's too late and all the left-wing corpos crash and burn.

Galean 5 points ago +5 / -0

'bigot religious family flees canada because they hate gay people.'

Even by their logic it should be "bigoted religious family flees canada because the state will punish them for hating gay people"

Galean 2 points ago +2 / -0

removes all the trans and gay stuff and makes the world less diverse

Galean 28 points ago +28 / -0

Western society used to be a model to strive for. Now it's a warning against multiculturalism and extreme tolerance but we still have countries that want to implement the same. I'm thinking of easter european countries and Japan.

Happy New Year 2025 may it have negative multiculturalism.

Galean 12 points ago +14 / -2

2 million? I doubt it will be 1 million

Galean 1 point ago +1 / -0

My experience is that they work harder the DIE by miles. They also work with fear in them.

Galean -2 points ago +2 / -4

All workers get the tool, the difference is that the good worker will be faster while the bad worker gets decent.

Not sure how wide spread it was, if it was just my personal experience or not but several companies where planning on cutting down on the Indians. The reason being that they were just not worth the price. Now you can argue they are worth the price. With AI the price is fair.

Galean -6 points ago +1 / -7

Ai is a tool. Someone has to use it.

Galean -7 points ago +1 / -8

AI made things better for them. I have one Indian guy on my team, his code was incredibly bad, it barely worked and had 0 reusability among customers.

Now we're using AI, his code has improved drastically. He still needs input on what needs improvement but I can actually use it. As a friend of mine said, is all nice until you do code review and you ask them what was the logic behind it.

Galean -3 points ago +3 / -6

H1B Indians are profitable. They do work, sure their code is crap, they lie, hide their mistakes and are extremely racist to non-Indians as long as it is not against a higher up but things are still functioning. Compare H1B to DIE and H1B are much better. DIE are just as good as H1B but have no incentive to be better, they are entitled and are more expensive.

Not only that but Indians have made boot liking in to an art. Management loves that.

H1B also makes sure corporations keep control. If you restrict the supply of labor the people make the demands but corporations have the equivalent of cheat codes for capitalism.

Galean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Take in to account DIE, the Indians are not good at what they're doing but neither are DIE hires but Indians work harder. DIE hires work less, ask for more money and are entitled ass holes.

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