Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

people have no will power and will buy and praise something for being 5% less woke than normal

Its a double sided problem, because the same people will also take a 5% more woke and treat it on the same level as a 150%. Which might be fine for picking your battles and the lines you'll cross, but is absolutely retarded for chimping out like a lunatic and making all complaints look invalid by overreacting to that level in public.

My go to example is the Mario movie, where an offhanded joke line is "girlboss immasculation and 300% woke indoctrination for your kids" on the same level as Holdo telling Poe that he must accept suicide rather than question a woman.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Deadpool 2 literally killed a woman to serve its wokeness. That's off the scale level.

Giving any money to the company or its production further after that just proves that most people's hatred of "wokeness" is just a virtue signal instead of a long standing principle.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

this cop is a fucking menace to society

His prior record agrees with you. Him still being on the force for this incident to happen is proof of how impossible it is to actually get fired as a cop no matter how bad you are.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in agreement here. She clearly caused what was coming to her, but only because the cops have the right of way everytime, even if being retarded, legally.

The cop overreacted early on and turned the situation up to 11, which is how it proceeded to the place it was. Just because you can act like a fucking chimpout, doesn't mean you should.

Also yeah, he was near instantly charged for it. So there wasn't enough to build a grift story off of him.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was fine at a PS2 level, but its also never grown past that level either.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

They had a loli drawing from Shadman Kris bought up in the living room. It was shown in a video that was removed when this all started blowing up. Which is the most damning evidence of his knowledge imo.

I don't doubt most of this is Beast trying to stick by his lifelong friend through most of it, but that's the problem with going into business with friends. Hard decisions.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

For all its faults and retardation, I rather like Bioshock Infinite's contribution to the discussion:

The Lord forgives, but I'm just a prophet I don't have to.

To forgive and forget those who have wronged you intentionally is to enable their behavior. Its telling them that what they did was no big deal and easily washable. Its contributing to them further sinning by teaching them that the consequences are minimal and an apology is enough to wipe the slate.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are many diverse points of view here, its one of the benefits of being here.

But his opponents always get boiled down to strawmen of the most extremist position possible in order for him to keep his anti-stormfag crusade going.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

And in the current "culture war" there is only Left or Right, and anything else is distilled down to either that or worthless to any greater point.

Its evil from a liberty and principle point of view to consider things in such a manner, but with our "winner takes all" government system its also the literal only thing that matters. If they aren't on "our side," they are benefiting "our enemies." Period, everything else is just squabbling otherwise.

You can be "right" all day long, but it doesn't matter if you lack any ability to manifest that into the world. And Libertarians matter so little that Trump felt comfortable going to their conference and calling them losers to their faces for it.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The bots do better than me most of the time. They are surprisingly competent and capable as long as you don't let them get overrun (which usually results in enemies slipping by rather than them needing saving). As long as you run around thinning out big waves or help them with larger enemies, they'll hold most lines.

It says alot when the game feels comfortable putting both a "no MC" level and a "no units" level within the first 10 stages and only dial back the enemy count a little bit for each.

My only real complaint is the auto target for your skills isn't as accurate as I'd like (especially with the bow), and that you don't get as much information at times as you'd like for decisions (like knowing if "Dance skills produce sparks" is cosmetic or extra damage).

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Could have" is a long way away from "we have evidence of it happening."

Steam isn't perfect and its a fucker plenty of times over. That doesn't make Epic less bad in any form, but that seems to be all you pro-Epic guys can bring to the table.

I don't care about exclusives, they all seem to leave Epic anyway after it fails to provide any sales. I care about them directly stealing my money like they did with Metro to force an exclusive.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Path of the Goddess released just this week and its probably one of the best games I've played in a long time that is fully original. And it was released by fucking Crapcom.

Gives hope that the AA market might manage to keep surprising us.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right, it certainly fits the bill regardless.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like that was just a large coincidence that just worked out hilariously. The universe mocking us, if you will.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your continued curiosity in asking these questions is always appreciated in these trying times. And it helps me at least have to jog the memories.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course its the alt-right throwing it. They are one of the only people to even register Libertarians as worth acknowledging.

The Left doesn't need to worry about guys who will vote for them half the time anyway.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

And in the past they've admitted when they aren't being historically accurate they are trying to improve history by saying how evil/bad our ancestors were. The most famous example being the women in school thing they added to Origins.

So when its not accurate, its them making your past better. Which is even more offensive to someone like the Japs.

Adamrises 10 points ago +11 / -1

He let most of us live on the Reddit KIA2 for its duration before he was banned.

For all his faults and love of arguing and insulting people, his hand is considerably light with the hammer.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

Child porn was shortened to CP for a long time on 4chan to avoid word filters and the like, which eventually lead to the running joke about people talking about Cheese Pizza all the time and now its used basically everywhere.

What makes it incredibly strange is how many actual child porn related things are referred to with pizza references that seemingly have no connection to 4chan. To Macaulay Culkin's wierd ass band to all the Podesta emails that lead to Pizzagate.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

They were fools for setting it up in such a way to require an Epic account when that's totally unnecessary.

Setting it up this way and then not telling people immediately (apparently the note on the Store Page was added after things kicked off already). It makes the "Helldivers-like game EDF" joke even funnier that they even copied the exact same controversy too.

Again, it sounds more like an extremely lazy port that they didn't give a single fuck about even putting in the smallest effort to make it playable. And in doing so they pulled back the curtain to something that even small devs can usually do so easily its unnoticed.

it seems that criticizing Steam almost anywhere online is like criticizing trannies on Reddit--almost certain to be met with ire.

Because its usually done extremely poorly and ignorantly. Like, if you show up using Epic talking points (that they put in a literal powerpoint about how they would get people to use them to fight their propaganda battle for them) then you should expect to be met with "that's retarded, you're retarded" when they are obviously wrong or misleading.

Like, Epic started this. They willingly paid 6 figure+ prices to companies to screw over consumers to try and force their Store/Launcher onto them by holding games hostage. And their sycophants shit up discussions for a long time trying to support them by screaming "muh monopoly" and "muh cut" on every single other Steam news (which ran just fine because people can criticize Steam without issue on any other topic).

I am not accusing you of this, to be clear. But there is a reason why it happens that way and its entirely the fault of Epic and their literal shills.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

The thing is you are right but nobody can communicate that clearly. Not even the devs. People have spent all day arguing about if its a full on account, if you just need a dummy account, if you needed one at all, because they completely fumbled actual communication. And since apparently it was an easy fix (which is why I assume this is the first people are seeing it despite the EOS popularity) it shows how shitty of a port job it is.

Epic provides wonderful services for game devs a lot of the time, and if that was all they did they'd probably have went down in history with a great legacy and minimal hate. But Sweeney caused a huge war because he wanted more. The "Steam community" didn't tell anyone to hate Epic, Epic created hate by stealing people's games away behind forced exclusivity.

Because literally no argument Epic has ever made will tell more than what they did with Metro Exodus. That alone shows what they were after and everything else is them intentionally using propaganda and emotional words to stir up controversy for themselves. Which they openly admitted in the trial with Apple to doing intentionally, as well as admitted under oath they didn't care about principles and only wanted special treatment for themselves (aka would have stopped if Apple/Steam had given them a special bigger cut).

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just listing off multiple reasons why it happens that people seek to be the god of a shitty little forum like this.

In his specific case, he did spend a long time claiming everyone who downvoted him or disagreed was a ConPro brigader following him. Once you've got that in your head, its easy to dismiss everyone as a troll unless they are praising you.

Adamrises 23 points ago +23 / -0

Considering these are British cops, they both deserved it and worse. Sorry your cushy job of oppressing polite losers who'd never fight back suddenly has to actually earn its keep.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lack of lurking, lack of self-awareness, refusal to acknowledge criticisms aren't some ConPro brigade.

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