Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +5 / -2

One of Tommy Robinson's Canadian tour organizers exposed that the day after he landed he bought drugs from an Indian restauranteur, then disappeared on a coke-fueled The Hangover style binge while frequenting Montreal "massage parlours" while admitting he was about to have his own arrest staged after his next show.

Benevolentdictator 1 point ago +1 / -0

We don't have the political concept of "suspended" in Leafland.

MPs who vote against party lines immediately get removed from caucus and sit as independents.

But sitting as an independent is a death sentence for career politicians.

They lose all their perks that come from party membership in Parliament - committee appointments, allotted speaking time in Parliament, research resources, office space, etc.

Then they ultimately get demolished in the next election because NPCs only vote by colour.

Look at poor Andrew Bridgen in the UK election on July 4th. He had previously won his Tory seat with 50%+ support. Then he got booted from the Conservatives for being too based about the jab. He ran again as an independent and has single digit support.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was just skimming a sports thread where boomer fans were tut-tutting a coach who was reassigned for the crime of "making a MAGA tweet minutes before gametime".

Benevolentdictator 1 point ago +1 / -0

The movie wasn't very good.

It hardly covers any of his backstory and leaves big holes.

It mostly just flips back & forth between flashbacks & him already being at Yale with the brown.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's the "official" justification they are publicly presenting?

Fairness? Tax evasion?

Benevolentdictator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Despite there being no question of Labour losing a vote on the issue given its majority of 174, parliamentarians said they were alarmed by the strength of warnings from whips about rebelling early in the parliament. The amendment failed by 363 votes to 103, a majority of 260 for Labour.

All seven have had the whip suspended for six months, when there will be a review.

Awful Guardian article in that they don't actually elaborate what "suspended" actually means.

The Westminster Parliamentary system is fake and gay in that you supposedly elect a local representative. But this same representative is then chided into voting along party lines 100% of the time, otherwise they are immediately punished and often cast out.

Which means that the person wearing the suit is irrelevant because like sports, you are only electing the colour of laundry to root for.

Benevolentdictator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Stopped by my grandmother's. Canadian MSM was blaring "Kamala good" non-stop.

Benevolentdictator 7 points ago +9 / -2

You present an interesting concept with PACE and the lack of alternate plans after Nov 2020.

Yet it's mostly a wall of text without suggesting any contingencies and alternatives beyond "prepare for disappointment".

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +3 / -1
  1. I stopped watching their content because I don't watch new Hollywood shit and I enjoy most watching them discuss movies I've already seen. That's why Re:View is my favorite series.

  2. Youtube has changed so much since they went viral.

  3. Much like James Rolfe/AngryVideoGameNerd they failed miserably when they tried to make a movie vs reviewing and mocking them. This has to hurt your ego when you see yourself as a filmmaker but are pigeonholed as a critiic.

  4. Their cringe slapstick skits haven't aged when on new Youtube and have mostly been dropped. That leaves you with two over-the-hill Wisconsinites sitting in chairs and being disinterested & snarky.

Benevolentdictator 4 points ago +4 / -0

That was my point in the other "1/3 of Dems wish Trump died" thread as well.

He did get grazed and nothing changed.

The message afterwards was that we are just going to vote harder.

Benevolentdictator 1 point ago +1 / -0

The normies saw Biden last month during the debate.

Who do they think is running things now and until January?

Benevolentdictator 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'd like to believe it but I'll believe it when I see it.

Half the right is pearlclutching about some grandma getting fired from Home Depot.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +5 / -2


Nothing Ever Happens

A sniper shot Trump's ear & only avoided braining him by a few degrees rotation of the head.

And the only response is the usual grifters cashing in for superchats, memes and YouTube demos.

But sure, a millitia would've been raised if only Trump actually was martyred.

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely agree with the other Tenet talent not promoting the new network at all.

I paid attention for some reason to Dave Rubin's Twitter when the network launched and couldn't find any mention of it.

Rubin's show "People of the Internet" was super cringe. It was essentially him showing up and having some Gen Z co-host Isabel Brown show him memes he could react to. It was obvious he did no prep.

It seems he was the first casualty as Rubin's show got axed 2 months back and he was taken off the YT masthead. It also seems like no one even noticed it's gone. I couldn't even find an announcement.

In terms of Matt, I tired of the Wednesday call-in show years before the Tenet move, so I was okay with it dying. Their audience was so spergy at times. I mostly watched their Sunday show when I paid attention more regularly.

Wrt to the new Matt Christiansen Hour, it's too bad that his producer Tim is so grating. I respect Matt being loyal to a fan of his show who proved himself as their call screener for a long time.

But the guy unfortunately is awful to listen to.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe that will get his critics to start comparing him to Stalin then instead of Hitler.

Benevolentdictator 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think I remember that Matt&Blonde soundbyte.

Though I've been watching them less, especially since his move to Tenet.

Benevolentdictator 6 points ago +6 / -0

A lot of the Canadians on your list are still normie Poilievre supporters.

They have no revolutionary desire passed Trudeau being gone.

When Poilievre does all the Trudeau WEF stuff, only now in blue, they are all going to be surprised_pikachu_face.

Except they'll still simp for their guy because "it could be worse".

Benevolentdictator 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's always dangerous to try to understand leftist train of thought.


  1. The patriarchy made my mother believed she was worthless

  2. Everybody clapped when my mother discovered troons because...a man becoming less valuable made her finally feel validated?

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like Harry Robinson said, we'll have to begrudgingly agree with Piers Morgan on this one.

Benevolentdictator 7 points ago +7 / -0

What does "the RNC had them in front of me" signify?

Seating arrangements?

Queue to ask Trump questions?

Did Quaterpounder ever get to ask Trump a question?

He talked a lot about hopefully asking Donald a Section 230 question last week.

Benevolentdictator 4 points ago +4 / -0

-have your incumbent opponent revealed to be a racist hypocrite

-tries to lie and downplay event, immediately proven.

Is this alluding to Trudeau's dug up blackface photos?

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's true.

Better a house mouse than a girlboss.

Benevolentdictator 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not OP, but on principle I respect your argument.

The problem is that her general fear of strangers and going outside means she's chock full of neuroticism personality traits and Anxiety cluster traits for mental disorders.

That portends to crazy bitch stuff down the road.

But enjoy the present.

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