Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

I would be less offended if the police just pretended nothing happened, because then its just basic cowardice and fear of reprisal. Sad, but understandable on some level.

Actually going through and arresting the girls is such a level of pathetic evil that I am genuinely upset by it, and I cannot even fathom how any member of that force doesn't kill themselves in shame daily.

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

They've been threatening this for a pathetically long amount of time now and the fact that they haven't yet really makes it seem like this is entirely meant to be like Kim Jong threatening to nuke everyone, attention seeking nonsense while prostrating as tough in front of your sycophants.

Adamrises 19 points ago +19 / -0

Its probably the filthy weeb in me, but advertising in Japan just always seems 1000x better.

Like yes, I want to buy the energy drink that had Freiza doing a fucking dance routine advertising it with his face on the can over the American equivalent of some loser telling me how cold it is or playing basketball better.

At least back before the Woke ruined everything, American commercials were sometimes full of hot chicks or utter insanity (the PS3 ads, you know the exact ones).

Now they are almost counterproductive to an absurd degree, I am legitimately offended that you showed me an ad and will refuse to buy it out of spite and worse yet a shitty modern/Woke ad that drives down sales is a common occurrence now.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, but this case is unique in that Stonetoss is hugely popular among the Left as hate readers, who have to consistently misunderstand or pretend to do so simply to avoid how effectively he delivers a message that undermines their worldview in very few words and simple pictures.

Its why "Antifa Stonetoss" is a fucking 90000 person sub on Reddit, to do nothing but "I don't get it" and then replace all text with a "Leftist Meme" level of text. And then it creates further memes and so on.

He has this entire fucking ecosystem going on. Its not even getting into the "amongus in every comic" guys or his still operational NFT market.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ranma is a great story, bogged down by endless filler and a terrible ending. Which is a consistent problem with Takahashi's works.

Ryoga might be one of the best characters in any of these harem/comedy series despite being quite one note for most of the run time. The entire two parter with the Shishi Hokudon is peak among peak.

Also Ukyo best waifu, don't even @ me Shampoofags.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its a running meme with Stonetoss comics, people post them, someone says "I don't get it" and then it gets explained in hilarious or overly verbose ways.

Its to take the piss out of Leftists who have to pretend to not understand it at all when shitting on him, because even explaining it would undermine their worldview because of how obvious shit is.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine being so boring that you consider this anything more than a shitposting site, where you can sharpen your iron for the important real life actions and also get out of your system the need to scream "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" at non-useful moments.

Also a lot of us got directly linked here when we left reddit as they cracked down harder on us. If you had to search for it, that's just further proof you are a newfag and should stick to lurking.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Huh, wonder why I thought he died.

Either way, upon doing actual memory refreshing he left the series after Season 3 and the movie to be mostly uninvolved, which lines up with what most people consider "good parts and flanderized parts."

Adamrises 13 points ago +14 / -1

All Spongebob characters have been "flanderized" since like Season 5, or whenever the guy died abouts. Either way its been nearly 20 years of Spongebob/Patrick being literally retarded and barely functional.

Like most long running shows, the period of time when it was "well written/good" and the characters were interesting or nuanced is now a fraction of the time its been on air, and their current form is by all intents and purposes the majority of their writing and screentime.

Adamrises 25 points ago +25 / -0

I wanted to make the "quick what does Ja Rule think" joke, but then it ended up being a well thought out and articulated monologue.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Because we are one of the like 7 OG communities who have our own .win instead of being on the Reddit-copy/paste version like all the others. And, I believe, we are the only one who still uses it. The rest are either gone to another domain (T_D, Conpro), actually offline(Gavin Mcinnes), or just dead/abandoned (OmegaCanada, KIA original, Weekendgunnit). T_D did reform under a new .win but that was sometime later and I don't know the story there if its still associated with the place or not.

Everything else on the site uses the "scored" UI that is just a copy of the "new Reddit" one, with all the different subs being "c/XYZ" (including the current ConPro).

So the only way to even associate it with the name "Scored" is if you are so terminally online you actually go to c/Funny on this reddit knockoff website.

Adamrises 21 points ago +22 / -1

That's how I feel about most "claims" now.

If a woman claims a guy raped/abused her? I now 100% assume she is trying to manipulate me and/or destroy him, and he now has my support. And it takes considerable evidence to change that.

Any form of "bigotry?" You are either making it up or did something to deserve it.

On and on. In all of these various discussions, they've made me just reject anything they say outright and need a preponderances of evidence to shake that.

Adamrises 25 points ago +25 / -0

In a completely neutral setting, this is a decent idea just because its unique while being tied to something bigger. We have a lot of WW2 war movies that cover nearly every genre that have been done better than they ever could, so making that would just be pissing in the ocean. This could at least raise an eyebrow at first glance and that's huge in terms of marketing.

But we know its not a neutral decision and was chosen specifically because of the black and women portion, if that even actually happened, and is going to entirely be some nonsense anti-racism story where black women somehow suffered worse than the men getting shot at.

Adamrises 37 points ago +37 / -0

Attractive black women are almost always so because some other race has mixed in to make them less black looking.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its got an insufferable quirky ha ha title and you are surprised its written with insufferable quirky chungus dialogue?

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

Imagine being such a newfag you think of it as "scored" instead of the .win site.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think they are banking on him trying to do so, and the media/Covidians freaking out hard about it enough to fuck with everything for a while.

Because while we all know its bullshit, they are more than capable of raising enough alarmist nonsense to still make things difficult regardless of reality.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

People who don't have large enough groups with both the time and interests aligned already to play with. In fact, playing with randoms is a great way to build a group of friends and was a solid choice for nerds for decades before Progressives invaded it.

If TTRPGs were limited to just "got lucky enough to grow up with a group of friends to play it with" then they would have died a long time ago.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bigish names like that are probably on auto alerts if they sign up for the site, either for instant promotion or banning.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its a cyclical thing. Teachers feel self-important by adding them to flaunt how progressive they are, and to give themselves protection against that one student who will overreact and ruin months of everyone's lives over "distress" caused by it.

Its that same old throwaway legal shield concept, where its meaningless babble to protect against one random idiot that everyone knows will take advantage of it otherwise. And in this case, its only happening because we haven't beat these kids enough to make them not act like that.

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

Vince is the strange case where both his company and the entire industry would probably be nothing but a shell without his constant devotion and insanity dedicated to it, but his actual true hand was also a plague of utter nonsense and shit upon it too.

I'm glad to hear its gotten better as I myself bounced sometime in the mid 00s because of how hokey it had gotten.

Also, MeToo accusations against a tired, already retiring old man should never be believed. Its waiting to hit someone when they can't hit back and that's a literal violation of the Constitutional right to face your accuser. If you are that scared of him that you need to wait until he can no longer "threaten your career" then clearly the threat to your safety, dignity, and anything else wasn't strong enough for me to care either.

Adamrises 13 points ago +13 / -0

It used to be that people revealed more information about themselves as a show of trust and vulnerability. Now its almost always being done as a form of manipulation to try and use you, like a woman crying about being abused on the first date.

Worse yet, its also usually being done to debase themselves in front of some political ideologues to gain acceptance into their good graces in a form of purity test.

So her saying this isn't about her believing it. Its getting the people who do to like and accept her more by convincing a few cattle to their side.

Adamrises 44 points ago +44 / -0

These requests are always so telling. They don't care about any actual value, they just want a little star saying "she/her" next to the monster's name so they can clap along like seals and dunk on the chuds (somehow).

Its why things like raceswapping or whatever the equivalent is for gayness happens so often. Because that's the bar they set for themselves.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll give Bioshock credit for accurately depicting how their paradise would always be doomed, and Fontaine just supplied the largest blow faster. That place was falling apart at the seams because they all wanted to be the elite puppetmasters and forgot they still needed puppets for that. And by treating what puppets they had like literal garbage, they all got fucking killed by a bunch of lower class workers hopped up on the drugs they gave them.

Because the majority of the splicers aren't the "captains of industry" Ryan wanted, they are the dockworkers, failed actresses, poor doctors and other losers. I think only the Snobby Lady model isn't some sort of failed fool.

So even if we go with the its his "Jewish Paradise" idea, its still absolutely destroyed by the hubris of very common Jewish mistakes that any of us goys could tell would happen.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Literally the only way it doesn't come across as racist for them is when its done arbitrarily to a point of being obviously lacking in any thought like that, such as the raceswap artists on tumblr/twitter who just make everyone black.

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