Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's sad is, in theory, patches should make things better regardless. You could just not buy games if they released buggy and shit and move on from there, while genuinely good patching (fixing badly tuned things or adding more content) could improve on already good games.

The problem being, you don't get a fucking option. Its one thing for "always online" games or for going online in general, but why does a single player game care if I'm patched to the latest level?

There exists no reason but abusive control like this for removing that choice.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

In their minds all their opponents are evil because they are broken inside. Secretly gay, mommy issues, virgin, insecure about penis size, etc. This is the cause of all bigotry and evil in the world. You can see it in all their insults.

Thereby, if you just went to therapy (which is a magical fix, just like their magical pills) then you'd stop being evil and join them on the "right side."

So its honestly not a hypocrisy for once, its totally logical. You just need to live in their delusional version of reality.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

It continues to be amusing to me how he grandstands on bigotry like he is some enlightened progressive.

But his entire career was built off a show that we can go watch and see how much he vehemently hates the Japanese. Like, he would deliberately give games lower scores for being anime period, without any other factor.

And you could call that unrelated, but he calls people racist for far less so that's his legacy.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't understand why anyone wants remakes of games that already look great

90% of the time, its so they don't have to emulate it or get a mod/unofficial patch to fix broken parts (Dark/Demons Souls for example).

Which is a decent reason for at least a port, but a lot of companies are in full hatred of porting their games and think they can double dip harder by remaking it entirely.

Its extremely dumb though, because Nintendo games specifically are so easy to emulate you can do so on release day for their games. So they are the worst ones to want remakes of. At least Xbox has minimal emulation capability and PS2/3 is finnicky, so wanting a port or remake has some ground.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

accuses someone's ideology of being an extinction fetishist

says he'll die alone at 70 like a loser


You are pathetic.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, people let these retarded laws be passed for decades now. A lot of infringement was allowed, which is how we get to the part like this where the court can in fact say dumb shit and have the legal framework to be correct on it.

That's why you never concede an inch. Because it takes 10x the force to get rid of garbage than it does to prevent it from coming to pass to begin with.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its really amazing how a game I had a minor amount of desire to try based on the pre-release hype was instantly shattered by this one screenshot.

Localizers once again costing not only money to pay but revenue too.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conspiracy theorists have absolutely zero tolerance for anyone questioning their shit, and I know exactly why

Well duh, you aren't going to convince a paranoid or mentally ill nutcase. An argument is the literal worst way to convince someone out of their deeply held conviction, because, as you said, most people would rather die than admit wrong.

You are proving him wrong for everyone else watching. You are making his ideas not make sense in front of everybody to dismantle their ability to spread and grow.

You can't make dumb/bad/evil people just stop existing, they will always crop up naturally on their own. And the inherent nonsense of the universe means they will always have a conspiracy to organically grow with them too. Trying to kill the source when it comes from human nature makes you look like a retard more obsessed with feeling "right" and "winning" than actually accomplishing anything.

Your points are mostly valid, if filled with fart huffing self masturbation, but that's why you don't engage with the dumb notion of somehow "bringing them to the light."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference between counterbalancing and being a contrarian is the ability to actually sell your ideas instead of just sperging out and then treating people calling you stupid as proof of your superior position.

We don't agree on anything but "women will exist."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem with it is that it has no idea what it wants to be. Its trying to evoke D2 heavily, but with the simplified playstyle of D3 and an extremely intrusive GAAS model.

And it can't do any of those right, and it won't be able to without stripping out the other 2. At which point they are better off just starting from scratch.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

Older Japanese games also didn't change things entirely for difficulty. A lot of what they did was because you couldn't fucking patch games back then, so if you had a bunch of broken shit or stuff that didn't turn out well you could fix it on the international release and then backport that instead of doing a full recall re-release at home. It just happened that a lot of the time Japanese devs were retarded and overtuned their RPGs (which is why encounter rates is a go to nerf on International releases).

Also, two very big IPs famously increased the difficulty once they left the country. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn renamed "Normal and Hard" mode in Japan to "Easy and Normal" to completely fuck people over on an already hard game. Digimon Next Order did similar, with the "Normal" mode not even existing originally.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing I said was against the idea to begin with. I've argued with many men here that women will always exist and we must make peace with that fact, regardless of how retarded they are.

That doesn't mean I need to rush to their aid and risk ruining my own life for a complete stranger in a society that actively seeks to punish that behavior. I'd rather be able to go home and provide for my own family (that even has girls in it!).

But that doesn't really fit with your strawman I know, so we don't need to talk about it further.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Diablo IV

I've tried this twice now, both on its F2P spikes, and I just don't see what it brings to the table.

Like, I quit long before the battle pass became relevant so discounting it entirely it was still just so bland and drab. D3 may have had a lot of shit for its overly colorful appearance, but that was way better than the "brown, white, and everything grey" that D4 tried. D2 might have been similar, but the contrast of the enemies to environment still made them stand out more.

It seemed to be desperately wanting to copy WoWs WQ system of "find a quick dopamine hit happening on your way somewhere, do it for a quick gain, keep moving" but lacking any of the permanence even that cancer system had in terms of character progression.

So even without the numerous controversies it accrued, it would still be a failure of a game because its just so boring.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had a distant friend that was part of a hardcore GTA RP group.

And not hardcore in terms of overtly sexual ERP, but like all day RP with an in-game cashier job and long term relationships (that didn't go outside the RP).

They even had a big irl meetup and it was in fact half/half guys to girls and wide range of ages, instead of the actual children you'd expect.

I feel like even the people who aren't legitimately RPing are still living a bit of a vicarious life through it (which is why teenage boys love the carnage and bling of it) and that's its true key.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

by just dying alone at 70 and leaving nothing upon the earth.

I'll have my third child soon. I am glad you think I'll make it to 70 though, that's uncommon for men in my family.

See, I based my accusation on your wild edge posting fantasy and used it to extrapolate them outside of their little bubble of tough guy posting to show how ultimately sad and hypocritical they were. You certainly sounded tough though, I'll give you that.

While you assumed that because I don't believe that any random man should jump up to risk it all for some thot must mean I am extinction ideologist. Which is a wild jump, man, but I guess its the only way to could possibly turn this around to make me look bad.

We are decades and neck deep in this "culture war," negro. Acting like a tough guy trying to preserve the "social order" and "be a man" had its place 60 years ago when that could in fact hold back the tide from ever starting to shift. Now its just throwing away your life by helping "those who want you to die as soon as possible."

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get it, been there man.

There is just a lot of people, many in this very thread, who think "alpha" means sociopathic caveman because they've let women scare them into thinking doing anything that doesn't resemble a Smut Novel Protag is "beta behavior."

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

Even back then, that was almost entirely narrative.

Harvard was top tier because they told you it was top tier so you would immediately be impressed when someone name dropped it.

And their "grads" were almost entirely the elite and rich buying their way through, the kind of people who had their success guaranteed regardless of education and college was just a field of nepotism with other future elites to forge political connections.

The actual school portion of it was a formality. It was just the top of society telling you how awesome and amazing they were any time its "reputation" was brought up.

Adamrises 20 points ago +21 / -1

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the "help fight it" part comes from bringing immunities and diversity of genes, something that is inherent to literally any outside group not just brownies.

But to gain access to that basic biological benefit, you need to interbreed with them and then your children might gain that until you breed enough to make it baseline among the population.

And anyone interbreeding with a bunch of "POC" migrants is bringing more negatives to this country than positives and deserves to have themselves and their mud children shot.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

by all definitions, that's a "beta male".

Glad we have denigrated the definition of words so far that you think that the definition of a word is whatever women have decided it means.

Also glad the world has only two types of men. Ultra unga bunga violent psychos and weak little dainty boys, as that's clearly how you define alpha and beta.

Shit nigga, why ain't you outside right now clubbing some beta bitches? They probably have things you want and you don't want to be a beta male by not being willing to jump to violence on impulse?

Or could it be, you recognize there are consequences to actions and don't wish to incur the consequences for something ultimately unworthy to you. Just like this homo likely didn't want to risk literally dying (as all physical confrontations have the chance of) for some random hoe on the street who would almost certainly have denounced him for it later.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

instead does what they want.

Alpha is a social designation for pack rankings. Someone who does this is completely asocial.

The problem hoes have is they think they are part of a society wide pack still, when a man's only loyalty is to be the "alpha" of his own tribe. AKA his family and maybe his friends.

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

He got his start with building a camgirl empire.

If you think he didn't traffic girls into that lifestyle, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

If you simply accept conclusions without doing your own investigation into it, then you have never "critically thought about it." You can come to agree with the accepted mainstream narrative while still going through the evidence to confirm it for yourself.

That's why they hate people "asking questions." Because it reveals they never actually did think about these things, they just swallowed what they were told and let it go on from there. Which in a lot of cases is fine. You don't have time to delve into every fucking wild story and event out there. But then, if you don't do so maybe don't fucking involve yourself in discussions surrounding it or try to "debunk" people spouting wild shit against it.

"Conspiracy theorists" as they are rarely have critically thought about what they are espousing, they are just parroting what some talking head told them and it fed into their paranoia, contrarianism, and hatred of the government. That should make it super fucking easy to prove them wrong, but, as they people did the same damn thing, they end up getting rolled by them.

Double so because the so called "conspiracy theorists" usually have a point about something being fucky or an outright lie with a story, even if their details get wild.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

Jury tampering is so little enforced that Lawyers regularly and openly discuss doing it on cases as a matter of course.

Plenty of huge cases they deliberately pick jurors based on things like their death penalty stance or their race because they know it'll influence the entire case for them.

Adamrises 33 points ago +33 / -0

Western people have lost the ability to distinguish from personal and private.

So they think that because the Japanese are huge perverts in their media consumption, they'll easily fall for the overt displays of degeneracy. Despite their other love being collectivist social cohesion to the point that they railroad any criminal they find just to instantly close cases.

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