Its a running meme with Stonetoss comics, people post them, someone says "I don't get it" and then it gets explained in hilarious or overly verbose ways.
Its to take the piss out of Leftists who have to pretend to not understand it at all when shitting on him, because even explaining it would undermine their worldview because of how obvious shit is.
I don’t get it.
Don't mass import the bad to get a small amount of good.
Yeah I'm not sure what's confusing about it. It doesn't even need the last panel.
Its a running meme with Stonetoss comics, people post them, someone says "I don't get it" and then it gets explained in hilarious or overly verbose ways.
Its to take the piss out of Leftists who have to pretend to not understand it at all when shitting on him, because even explaining it would undermine their worldview because of how obvious shit is.
When you consider the intelligence of the average voter, the overexplanation might be necessary.
People give Ben Garrison shit for labeling literally everything in his political cartoons, but old "legitimate" cartoons were just as wordy.