They absolutely are. As with all capital investment, the automation never eliminates the workforce, it just forces the workers into different positions and areas of responsibilities.
John Henry is an excellent example, because it's their claim that basically the industry would die without the miner. But that's not the case. A steam powered hammer drill killed a man because he could barely keep up with it. But what do we have now? This gigantic monster. People stopped hitting nails and instead took up over-seeing the machine, or doing other work in the industry until they retired. This includes training. If it was really so bad that a worker couldn't adapt, they could be fired, but would most likely just go and work at a smaller company that couldn't afford the new capital investment yet. Like a smaller rail road company that doesn't have the money for steam drills.
The working class who is good at their jobs are going to be just fine. They are still competitive and will get improved productivity.
But what of the bureaucrats? Well, if they can't manage any organizational structure, they are gone forever. They don't actually have a transferable skill if they are a bureaucrat that isn't actually good at bureaucracy.
That's the trick here. Even the bureaucrats, who are good at bureaucracy, will continue to exist and can transition out into other organizational logistical efforts. What you are seeing are the useless people who won't adapt, refuse to. They are the people who are losing their jobs and careers and that's a good thing.
And I don't just mean a subjective good from my political stance, but an objective good for everyone. They cost consumers money, they cost businesses money, and they are normally a problem in the work place. You should be firing these people. Twitter fired 85% of it's staff and suffered minimal disruption. Among my employers and my friends employers. Firing 10% of the staff could collapse the company. That was all bloat.
The bloaters are worried the AI will call them out.
It's worse because I think they believe that sending out Azov will kill enough of them to stop the movement in it's tracks. Instead they are gaining political legitimacy. It's going to blow up in their face.
To your original point, it's hard to nail them down still. Some will lie, some are honest. Hell, the Nazis themselves were revolutionaries that promised to revoke the constitution if put into power. They absolutely did that. They lied about other issues. But not all of them.
I see your Strin Quartet, and raise you a pianist:
Most of Trump's picks were Federalist society promotions. Trump will probably end up picking people much further to the right than before, because he kept getting screwed by FedSoc members at basically every turn last term.
"Anti-Vaxxers are creating the spread of diseases that were once not seen!"
Sure it wasn't from all the unvaccinated illegal immigrants you kept letting in? Or the rampant sanitation issues from your open-air drug markets and free needle programs?
You'd think a pro wouldn't put on a suppressor and be surprised that the suppressed gasses prevented the gun from cycling as expected.
I'm not sure how professional this actually is. This is something you could test very quickly at the range.
Also, professionals tend not to work alone, but in teams, especially to clean up the evidence. When a Mossad hit was accidentally recorded by Hotel security, they had 30 people broken up into 4 teams (security, kill, cleaner, observer) to shoot one man in his hotel room with a prostitute.
It's more like, loosely justified.
Kinda like with Covid, if you are explicitly given fraudulent information that was intentionally created to deceive you, and then you believe it because everyone else is urging you to accept the fraudulent information as accurate, how much of it are you really to blame?
It was justified in so much that all available intelligence suggested that Syrians or Syrian backed fighters used poison gas, despite the fact that all available intelligence was intentionally false.
Kinda like when Trump claims he saved millions of lives in Covid. Don't forget that Trump was told over 1,000,000 Americans would be dead by December of 2020. No one disputed this claim at the time, despite it being completely fabricated nonsense.