Gizortnik 0 points ago +1 / -1

There's Left Libertarians, and Right Libertarians.


Listen, stop being right for a minute, so I can argue a point somewhere here.

Gizortnik 7 points ago +9 / -2

Honestly, I'm one of the few people that actually thinks this shooting was "Awful but lawful". Video

He was allowed to shoot her for being attacked with scalding water. He was attacked with scalding water, for some reason, people aren't seeing this in the badge cam. He didn't shoot until that happened.

Where he looks guilty as fuck is his attitude. He was initially quite abrasive because she didn't answer the door. His attitude didn't get better as they went into the house, which he didn't have to do. He asked for an ID, rather than just letting her spell out her name. She didn't need to give him an ID. When she said "I rebuke you in the name of jesus", he said he'd shoot her in the fucking face (which is word for word exactly what he did), and isn't necessarily a threat by itself. When she ducked down, he pursued her and got close, rather than just backing off and leaving.

He really was on full "predator drive" mode the entire time. He took every step to escalate a situation's tension, without ever taking a single step back. He was looking for a reason to put her in prison. He's literally the reason I don't call cops: I don't want him anywhere near an emergency situation because he's looking to go after me the second he arrives on scene, even if I'm the victim, because I inconvenienced him with my emergency.

However, there was no murder here, and there was no cover-up. He's likely going to get convicted because he's a cunt.

Gizortnik 14 points ago +14 / -0

Arch is absolutely right here.

Basically, the whole Black-Racialist system has been fairly up-ended by BLM's major corruption. They're being criminally investigated because they never really "shared the wealth" when it came to those donations. They just straight pocketed all that money. As a result, there is no logistical system to support it.

I would secondly point out that a "Summer Of Love", 155 consecutive days of race rioting would do more to hurt the incumbent rather than help. Trump literally got blamed by some normies for causing the race riots, despite having nothing to do with it. That is the level of guilt by association that some normies will develop, and it can easily fall back on to Harris.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

The cleansing fire from the next gaming crash will be well deserved.

Gizortnik 9 points ago +9 / -0

"If Helldivers 2 is EDF 6, then let's just literally do everything that Helldivers did."

"But sir, there was a real uproar about..."


Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Chinese have no regard for animal welfare.

Animal Welfare is basically an Anglo concept almost in and of itself that hardly anyone else shares.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, once you start understanding how a stable family can organize, you really understand how powerful they can become (and why the Left and government seek to destroy them).

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know they're on the list here somewhere...

US's Bestest Friends

  1. Canada
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Australia
  4. New Zealand
  5. France
  6. Norway
  7. Poland
  8. Germany
  9. Ireland
  10. Estonia
  11. Argentina
  12. Bolivia
Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're not funded by Iran, they're funded by Qatar. No one wants to talk about it because boy would we look stupid funding a country with one of the largest US military bases in the world, so that the government can support terrorism abroad.

It's even more stupid than our relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Gizortnik -5 points ago +1 / -6

Typically, the spear is being thrown by the alt-right.

You consider Libertarians to be greater enemies than the communists because we don't actually want to listen to you, and we know you'll still kill us all the same for being "a crypto jew" or whatever bullshit you make up. Being white, just gives you the right to kill us for being 'race traitors' regardless of what we actually do, or who we actually are.

Genuinely, we're better off without you.

Gizortnik 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm still trying to get conservatives off fucking Patreon.

By the way, if you have MasterCard, you're fucking wrong.

Anti-parallel systems must be anti-parallel. Convenience is the central authority's greatest weapon against you.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +5 / -2

I don't even consider VDare to be proper storm-fag alt-right.

They're barely white nationalist lite.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

"tRuMp Is An ElEcTiOn DeNiEr!"


Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

That and they don't have a social network that would allow them to safely live with other people that wouldn't re-invigorate the problem. Everyone of their old friends are all drug users too.

And this me saying this, but even fixing the monetary problems doesn't fix the social problems. It just makes the currency and regulatory issues less of a problem.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's exactly the problem. You can't make their lives more comfortable. You actually have to make their lives worse until they choose to get out.

I listened to a guy who actually ran homeless shelters in the UK and he said that you should never give money to homeless people because it allows them to stay out on the streets longer. Until they can be forced back to the shelters, where they will basically be forced to get counseling and drug rehab or jailed (where they will also be forced to at least get clean).

Gizortnik 10 points ago +10 / -0

They actually tend to transport homeless people as a human trafficking mechanism. They use federal subsidies to transport homeless people from NYC, to Portland, to SF, to LA, and back again. Every time each city gets a homeless population, they get federal money to 'deal with the crisis'.

The Left are literally manufacturing homeless drug addicts to sell to each other in order to leech off tax dollars.

Yes, the Left are demons.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate that.

Despite the stormfags slurs against me, I'm no philosemite, and there is quite a lot worth discussing about jews as a demographic in European societies, and how as the rise of the merchant classes in post-feudal Europe gave rise to integrated, secular, jewish intelligentsias; while their poor, religious, working/peasant class counter-parts had wildly different experiences.

There's also plenty of valuable discussion to be had regarding American jews (being that it's history of jew-hatred is mild by comparison, and made the US uniquely positive for jews in ethnically european countries), and Portuguese jews (which seamlessly blended into the population while prospering heavily around the trade of the Portuguese Empire). The jews who integrated the most became part of intelligentsia's and embraced Socialism and atheism, and were the target of anti-jew conspiracy claims; while segregationist and isolationist jews integrated the least, never joined the intelligentsia, remained staunchly religious, had antagonism with Leftist jews, were subjected to violence under Socialism, and were the primary stereotype traits of anti-jew sentiment.

"The Eternal Jew" actually demonstrates the weird double-think of jew-hatred with these two groups. They always focus on demonstrating poor, low IQ, immigrant, isolationist jews for the majority of their disgust conditioning and insist that this is the nature "of the eternal jew", and heavily focus on them been poor, huckstering, dirty people. Then, just abruptly, they assert that there's also this swath of super right, intelligent, integrated (subversive) jews that control the world... and who's goal it is to turn the rest of the world into the poor jewish communities they just showed you... but if that's true, why are they rich and married to Germans?

Truth is, they're mashing together a bunch of different sub-ethnic (or simply just different ethnic) groups to fit an overall narrative. But we need to have properly intelligent discussions on ethnicity with the nuance that it requires, now more than ever. You're just not going to get that from most people that aren't: Thomas Sowell & Tik History (Though Black Pidgeon Speaks has done a few good points). There's valuable information, we just can't get past the starting block of: "It's annoda shoa" said either seriously or sarcastically depending on the speaker!

Hell, it's important for American elections. Orthodox jews in NYC went from 80% Dem to 80% Rep in one election cycle because of outreach by Lee Zeldin, and anti-jew discrimination being institutionalized by Bill DeBlasio; and despite that fact, overall, most American jews will mostly be voting Democratic because they are not of that Orthodox bent. You can actually see that this is where Trump's leads are coming from with minorities if we take a careful look at nuance. He's not winning over that many urban blacks, but he's winning the majority rural blacks. He's not winning over hispanics generally; but he's winning white hispanics, anti-communist latino immigrants, and devout latino catholics. He's winning whites, but he sucks with middle-class anglos.

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