when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

So it would be easier to get a loan for land and pay cash for construction?

I think if the "bank" is a credit union in a rural area, the incentives would be aligned.

when_we_win_remember 5 points ago +5 / -0

Haiti is where white women go to get AIDS. Thailand is where white men go to... get AIDS.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I'm just saying people trying to get a job couldn't, and it set their career back.

when_we_win_remember 27 points ago +27 / -0

Is this the woman trying to fuck as many dudes as possible? Check.

Has anyone considered... not giving her attention? I think that's the problem right there. Dudes are fucking her. They should be ignoring her.

when_we_win_remember 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, me neither, but apparently he's not put off by the stench.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's still not what's creating the situation of not being able to own a home.

To me, that is simply way more people and the same amount of space in places where people want to live. The perceived changes in where people want to live are cosmetic compared to the increase in population. hence, why California grows despite people fleeing it.

Essentially, immigration, because our population isn't growing itself exponentially.

I was hoping that a decentralization from downtowns would alleviate some of our problems (traffic). However, it's more like the airline business going from hub and spoke to point-to-point flights. People don't go downtown, but they sure do love commuting from one side of town to another suburb.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was in my 20s, I watched the next "class" after me get destroyed by the 2008 recession. I don't know if this was accurate, but it felt very sharp. On one side was me, doing the things you would expect but doing "well" at them. Meanwhile the next gen trying to do the same thing would be unable to get a job. Thus making it very difficult to get started.

At the same time, a house in California was already pushing a million dollars, so I knew what the score was. In that respect, we were both screwed.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewhere between Rust-belt abandonland and those resort towns is what I need.

I want to live somewhere that is actually desirable to live but without too many people. Kind of a tall order.

Now if you want to talk about what hte boomers had that we don't... that's one thing. You could move to, like, California to get some extra room when the Midwest was too crowded.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Scientology stuff was interesting. Otherwise, don't care. She started writing the story about a girl with clear mental problems. For some reason, this never strikes them as a weakness.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are always reports of arsonists during these major fire events.

when_we_win_remember 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's a story not just of envirofascism but also of little dictators. Overall, California made it way too profitable to become a part of the government. Because they gave it too much power.

when_we_win_remember 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, but another possibility is that he himself wants to be surrounded by Indians. Technically, no policy crap makes sense as a means to an end. There are waaay easier ways to get what you want than getting the law changed. But you might do it to achieve the harder goal of changing the demographics overall.

when_we_win_remember 13 points ago +13 / -0

I still think it has to do with suppressing wages. But as far as Republicans, no one should be surprised. Most people want decreased immigration period. Republican politicians have just been saying "as long as they come legally." The Chamber of Commerce wing is still active.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why are former colonies independent of France, but France is not independent of former colonies?

Let them lie in their bed. I don't get to move to the UK just because it's hard to get a job.

when_we_win_remember 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right you say non white because that is the important part. No paper bag test defines white.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

They just select who becomes academics for pliability. You notice they're hugely Asian?

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn't do per capita adjustment. Transgender are a small % (tho larger than the rest of the world.). So. 16% or what ever of the most censurious are trans. So what % is trans overall? Data useless without that.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

Houston has a lot of buildable area too. Or did. They ran out and started building in flood planes. Downtown didn't flood.

NO was at least well aware of where they sit and what happens when it floods. Levee breaks aside.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

Newsome : it's too soon. You can't criticize us for our past policies yet. We are still in fire.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has. But Californians hate it. But they benefit from it. So there's your hypocrisy.

I think people working any job that you'd put a firefighter in is fine. They should be safe but not exempt from the hard work which can be done away from the fire front.

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