when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ok, so it's Nickelodeon. That's interesting, I guess.

I never thought for a minute that anything Beast did was 'real'. He's making content.

Maybe I'm jaded, but teasing subscribers with giveaways doesn't faze me.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

Beast said he fired him for this shit.

when_we_win_remember 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's no more implicit than anyone else's view of the social contract. Libertarianism isn't anarchism. It's just a different social contract that you never agreed to. (Never agreed to unless you're an immigrant.)

when_we_win_remember 17 points ago +17 / -0

Libertarianism can only work in a world populated by educated, right-leaning White people.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this. I'm not sure how often I hear that expressed. It seems pretty obvious to me.

I think you don't hear it because libertarian people tend to be race cucks. And they tend to give up libertarianism if they stop being. But it's clearly true. The only caveat I would give is that I think almost any system could work with the right population, because you just don't need much government for those people. You could excessively tax them to provide a welfare state, a la the Nords, and people would still work.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +1 / -0

blacks serve more time on average, even for the same crime, because the most effective mechanism for crime reduction was figured out in the 90s... amplifiers like 3-strikes laws.

Right. Amplifiers are what I was thinking of. The "same crime" often covers a lot of ground, and that's why judges have discretion. Blacks are more violent, so they get longer sentences. They also suck at defending themselves in court. Lawyers know.

It seems like most crimes are down-charged. I see a lot of assault charges for what clearly was armed robbery and definitely involved some kind of battery. That's easier for the prosecutor to prove. But then when it comes to sentencing, the facts are the facts.

when_we_win_remember 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frankly, Harris knew that her being the border czar was to basically blow up her political career so she couldn't challenge Biden.

I believe you, and yet something doesn't make sense. Biden didn't force her to never visit the border. He didn't force her to ignore it. She could've visited and talked about it, and Biden could have kept pursuing whatever policy he wanted. Some his changes, very late in his term, actually reduced traffic, basically by reinstating Trump-era policies. So Kamala could have talked that shit up for 3 years, pretending to care, and at the end she could've pitched herself as mildly successful. But that's not what she did. She mainly rejected the role. I guess for the reason you gave.

If I didn't know better, I'd say kamala was acting like she wasn't right about to run for President. You do wonder who knows what. But clearly she was planning on Biden's quitting because she had all the delegates wrapped up 18 hours afterwards.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think so. BLM was a terribly run grift. Staying power requires people to volunteer their effort, which nobody wanted to do on behalf of BLM, the organization. All the BLM organization did was take money in and push it out, but apparently a lot of it was missing. As you might expect, their books weren't good enough to figure out what went where, except forensically. When it looked like someone might get prosecuted for all this, they stopped taking donations, and hired someone to clean up. I don't think they were an ongoing interest after that.

when_we_win_remember 14 points ago +14 / -0

Fucking crime rate data.

The numerator is the number of incarcerated criminals -- which they don't know because they don't know the immigration status of every criminal they collect. The denominator is the number of illegal immigrants, which, again, no one knows.

So not even for the state of Texas. No one knows exactly what the illegal incarceration rate is, much less the crime rate. They also make a point of arguing that incarceration rates parallel crime rates, but again no one can know if that is true to the same degree for illegals as for other groups. In fact, blacks serve longer sentences when they are caught for crimes, supposedly because they're back, but no one can verify that it's not because they commit worse crimes or because they "don't do themselves any favors" in court. So blacks should have relatively more incarcerated per crime committed.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfect, well, then let the Pineapple-niggers have 'em. I'm sure they'll form a multicultural paradise.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's amazing how just putting true things in panels that most people suppress makes it's own point. Like it's such obvious stuff that the comics would be trite But for the fact that you have to be fucking fearless to publish them.

when_we_win_remember 3 points ago +3 / -0

In order for that to work you have to prosecute crimes. That would be a good step any ways that several cities / large blue counties have stopped doing.

You could do it in places that already have law and order I suppose.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

13% could fill 13% of America which is a lot. I know people disagree with me on this but I would give it to em. We'll waht you should do is take territory from someone else and give it to em. Hawaii is sort of like that. They do well in island countries, relative to Africa.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eh you'd have to put a bunch of societal effort into changing that.

when_we_win_remember 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think the government should treat people differently at all. At least not the Federal one. And I won't tell you what your state should do unless it is also mine. But people should be able to discriminate how they want, and government should have less power.

when_we_win_remember 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is why I love this website. The correct answer up voted without bullshit.

The whites that supported it. Back then thought they were doing the negro a favor, and they had so much trust in authority that it would never get out of hand. They lived to see how wrong.

when_we_win_remember 5 points ago +5 / -0

If the Trump assassination was an inside job, then she never once considered how she was ever going to cover her ass.

Who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes. She could've been appointed so Clinton's people had an easier time taking out political figures.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like you're right that they don't make it available with the GUI, but you don't need regedit. Just disable services.msc ... they say. I have had Windows re-enable services before.

when_we_win_remember 3 points ago +3 / -0

Double playback speed video. Some people are 0.5x. This woman seems stoned.

when_we_win_remember 2 points ago +2 / -0

It kind of depends on how they're structured. You should get some help for 250k a year. From a guy who gets paid 250k a year. The help is not cheap. On both ends, you really gotta make the time count, ya know cuz of the bean counters. But yeah for that amount you should get some engineering help. In some places you would. If it were my company, I would put you in contact with someone who can help. I don't know that every company is positioned to do that.

I've been dealing with a small services business lately, and they're very responsive to email during the weekday. You know that makes me feel good about doing business with them, so that's why I'd make sure any customers of me had that warm service. As the service provide, it's very easy to let it eat all your time, though.

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