nuggetpatrol 18 points ago +18 / -0

Fuck Rolling Stone magazine for many things, including this.

But also for putting the boston marathon bomber on the cover.

Ideologically driven psychopaths.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

"This is working for us. We should fuck it up."

Brilliant, Capcom.

nuggetpatrol 6 points ago +6 / -0

"I made her my border czar"

Joseph R Biden, March 2021

nuggetpatrol 24 points ago +25 / -1

He's not wrong about the no stake in america line. If you have a kid, you're probably going to try and do your best for them, whatever that implies economically and how you can help them. And try and leave them a decent country to live in too.

But if you don't have to because of lack of child, there's no reason to want to do any of that. But there is still a need. Hence the cat lady insult.

There was a study done awhile back that said childless women will find something to latch that child ideal onto. Be it a pet, or a political cause, or something in their lives.

Which is why women will go insane if you talk abortion and how it actually works (federal versus state law) and that abortion is not illegal if it means you're going to be injured or die during birth, or that your child would.

Heck, some states (very few, but they exist) even allow you to abort if you do the test and find out the child might end up with some debilitating life long issue that drops their quality of life into the toilet, and becomes a huge financial drain on you.

nuggetpatrol 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Your criticism isn't valid"

[valid points presented]


All the discussion and debate ability of an emotionally unstable toddler.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's her. Thanks. I couldn't remember anything about her to search online to get a clue about her name.

nuggetpatrol 11 points ago +11 / -0

Aside from her history of horrible actions, all that has to be done is show the footage of whatever the hell her name was absolutely trouncing everything Harris said at that one debate back in 2016 or 2020, to applause no less.

Literally nothing has changed since then. She hasn't done anything since then.

nuggetpatrol 6 points ago +6 / -0

Speed of light shirt printing service. Cool.

I'd like to find out who prints and delivers shirts in a 16 hour period from knowing Biden is no longer president to getting and wearing a Harris '24 shirt.

Amazon is clearly not working their employees hard enough if you can have less than 24 hour turnaround times for merchandise in DC.

nuggetpatrol 12 points ago +12 / -0

So you're saying there's a cabal of UGLY people out there doing mischief because they've got too much free time?

Ugly by the way stands for Unemployed Genital-removed Losers Yelling

nuggetpatrol 17 points ago +17 / -0

"It's a matter of discussion and debate"

I agree.

The discussion is why you felt the need to insult a nation with your repeated hubris.

The debate is whether or not Japan is going to bring the hammer down on you for the level of disrespect you've shown them so much that the government is now involved.

nuggetpatrol 50 points ago +50 / -0

"We break the rules to show our displeasure"

Okay, then we the right will do the same.

"No, you can't do that, only us. Never you. Arrest them for even thinking that"

And this is how you push normal people to the extreme, you giant idiots.

Is there a 100 year cycle for this shit? Seems like the entire world has flipped and has become germany circa 1934.

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have a few questions about all this.

Does that make him the VP now?

Does this also mean that Trump, for the time being, is running unopposed?

This happened after the primary, so something like 14 gorillion people voted democratically for Biden, and that doesn't matter because the party of 'our democracy' says different?

Is it too late for them to pick and run someone else because it's too close to change who is on the ticket?

Find out this and more from the party that definitely embarrassed the hell out of themselves so much they don't know what to do, and that fear is more terrifying to the money funding said party than what the guy that just dodged a bullet had to feel.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, that's been a big dissuader of mine in trying any new online only kind of game.

They do not put any value on the player's time to collect all those items or do all those dailies or whatever. Instead of just being fun and unique and interesting, it has to have a checklist of all the same things every other online game has to keep you connected and hopefully spending.

Too much stick to carrot ratio. From this player's standpoint, it's hard to justify every single online game having a to do list bigger than the real one I'm avoiding doing, just to play video games in my free time.

I don't know whether that's just the state of the medium right now due to pressure to make more money, or the state of those who are paid to be in it and make games who would rather be doing something else and are on the same auto pilot as the players. Or maybe both.

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

They can't figure out why someone would show solidarity with someone else.

Unless they got kneeled on.

nuggetpatrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

"this kind of racism good, this kind bad, and if you disagree, she's a kid lmao, cry about it. BTW these other kids matter more than you do because of their skin color."

That hit the nail on the head. Absolutely disgusting behavior from a judge.

nuggetpatrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that's why people watch star wars. Not for all the other stuff it used to stand for, but this one new thing, that if the sexes were reversed and it was a woman, would get their asses cancelled back to the stone age.

Do you ever get tired of the left in general that can't go more than 15 seconds without being the things they hate, and pretending it's everyone else who is bad? They're the fucking principal skinner am I out of touch meme.

nuggetpatrol 8 points ago +8 / -0

dude weed lol is attached to the show, so I expected this.

I just didn't think it would take 4 seasons to trainwreck the show this way.

That's incredible restraint from them.

nuggetpatrol 18 points ago +18 / -0

How has anyone that runs these companies not realized it's just racketeering with extra steps.

A group of people come up to you and tell you everything you're doing is wrong. They shame everything you do. A group of people definitely not connected to them hound everything you say and do until you give the group money and jobs.

So you give in. You compromise. You pay them to make it stop. And suddenly it does. Almost like they were working together to get in to a place that would otherwise not let them in with their zero skillset outside of being manipulators.

Now there are so many of them, in every part of the company. The cancer has spread all through the company and you've got no choice but to continue going, because the original audience that was happy with what you're making doesn't want this.

So you talk to the money guys and they tell you that the previous audience is just not there anymore. And that the fabled new audience that loves whatever this new thing is, is nowhere to be found.

And this multi layered grift keeps working because they tell you it does and you keep listening because they've wormed their way into your head.

Wake up and change it before you don't have a say in anything that goes on in your company anymore, while you've still got a company.

nuggetpatrol 8 points ago +8 / -0

Was it because DEI almost caused a former president to DIE?

That might be reason number one as to why you're footing the blame on this one.

Another could be the pathetically bad excuses tossed out immediately upon being questioned about it. "Not my department" "Slanted roof" "Out of the area" It was less than 150 yards away. The guy that got shot could sink a golf ball from that range.

nuggetpatrol 17 points ago +17 / -0

The same company that had the shooter in their commercial also were betting on his death the day before it happened.

That's two pieces of information that alone would be "huh, interesting" worthy, but together, they're suspect.

nuggetpatrol 30 points ago +30 / -0

How is this new? Does anyone remember operation disrespectful nod?

We cost gawker media over a million dollars in revenue. One of the higher ups there cursed GG for doing so at the hulk hogan trial.

We've been cancelling people who deserve it, when they deserve it. As we've been told, you have freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

We should ban conversation because stupid people might talk and we would all have to hear it.

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