nuggetpatrol 10 points ago +10 / -0

Remember how much they raged at this comment?

"If sex with a druid in wild shape is not bestiality, then sex with a druid in child shape is not pedophilia."

Because they know it doesn't work both ways. And that makes them uncomfortable.

nuggetpatrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

I figured I would try this around some of the luxury areas. But you can't win there either.

The affluent just put a wall between them and the mountain of trash/rubble/debris so they don't have to look at it. And 10-20 paces away, there is still trash and litter all over the street.

nuggetpatrol 9 points ago +9 / -0

I saw this picture ( https://files.catbox.moe/bv7ggk.jpg ) of Sony exclusive titles on shelves for PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and then PS5 and it got me thinking.

On another post here I said that DEI was to blame. I still think it's the biggest issue, but I'm going to ignore it for this post and just focus on exclusive titles.

As you can see the PS1 and 2 shelves were full. Multiple rows and multiple shelves full of titles you could only play on a playstation console. PS3 had about a dozen games, and PS4 and PS5 so far have one exclusive title.

While I'm also not a fan of exclusives, it does prove a point. Sony was once a powerhouse. If you wanted great, fun and exciting games, you bought a playstation, and you could play some great games.

Starting with the PS3 they lost their grip. And now with the PS5, there's no reason to own one. One higher up at Sony even lamented they have no great IPs anymore. They let their legacy stagnate until it was forgotten, and people for the most part, have.

nuggetpatrol 14 points ago +14 / -0

So beauty standards are okay to be ignored, picked at, and torn down ... unless you need them to denigrate someone to a standard that you do not approve of, like or endorse, but use because ... just because okay?

The self gotchas are pretty funny when they happen like that.

nuggetpatrol 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dustborn and Flintlock come to mind as well.

All the games you mentioned and I mentioned had one thing in common.

nuggetpatrol 26 points ago +26 / -0

You know what I noticed a lot of?

"DEI wasn't the reason this game was bad / shut down / didn't sell well" etc

Especially from gaming journalists.

Y'know, let's say I believe you, (I don't) but for the sake of argument, I'll meet you half way there. A lot of games have come and gone this year, and I've noticed DEI at every single one of their funerals. It might not be the only cause, but when a game dies, there they are. That's a little suspect don't you think?

Secondly, if DEI wasn't an issue (it's totally not you guys) where the fuck is the audience this was for? Why make a 200 million dollar game (potentially 300 million with marketing and advertising) only for less than 25,000 people?

It's almost like the modern audience isn't there. And you're only making this to help kill big studios so we can't have nice things.

nuggetpatrol 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sites like this typically have mirrors. Especially if they use uploading software. I wonder if they will be taking that mirror down too?

nuggetpatrol 20 points ago +20 / -0

This is breaking all kinds of records. But not the ones they wanted.

Most expensive failure in recent memory.

Quickest player base loss of any game, ever.

Fastest server closures in at least 10 years.

For all the flack lawbreakers, battleborn and others got, they at least got more than a month. FFS, The Day Before, the scam game we all saw coming, it got 53 days iirc.

Like I said before, I dislike it when games fail, even if they're not ones I'd play. But this one was made by people who hate me and my way of life. So no, I'm very okay with this one being killed so quick.

It got exactly two weeks. Aug 23rd to Sept 6th.

nuggetpatrol 15 points ago +15 / -0

[current thing] is to blame for me being legendarily slow and bad at writing.

Sure it is George.

Sure it is.

nuggetpatrol 6 points ago +6 / -0

We cost Gawker over a million in advertising losses.

They have to hide their consultancy work rather than be proud of their contributions.

We live rent free in the heads of journalists everywhere who believe they are more important than they are.

More and more people daily are waking up to the fact that video game journalism, and journalism altogether is a nest of favor currying, and marketing agitprop, rather than the hobbyist news and information it once was.

When print media died, so did the journalist. Now it's rage bait, race bait and clickbait.

We have weathered this storm for ten years.

These things aren't just minor to some. But from the outside looking in, trying to make heads or tails of GG and just wtf happened without getting 'official' sources that make it look like we ate kittens and didn't let women abort all the fetuses, I can understand that it looks like nothing happened.

But the above does not feel like nothing to me.

nuggetpatrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had heard that it's going to require a Take 2 account in order to play. So I'll be sitting that one out for that alone.

Especially since VI wasn't something I wanted either.

nuggetpatrol 32 points ago +32 / -0

This is the sort of thing that makes me want to bring a wifi jammer into a polling station.

nuggetpatrol 40 points ago +40 / -0

I'm supposed to have empathy for people who hate me and my way of life, that bullied and appropriated their way into gaming?

Not going to happen.

nuggetpatrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone did some digging on this. She is not fluent in cantonese or mandarin, and has said so herself.

I mean, why bother telling the truth when a lie is good enough.


nuggetpatrol 12 points ago +12 / -0

This was part of the idea behind Not Your Shield.

nuggetpatrol 6 points ago +6 / -0

So GG is a big enough group to make or break games now?

Come on, I thought we were 12 sock puppets and a token black guy.

Can't be both.

nuggetpatrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh my fucking god.

How dare those women pretend to be men pretending to be women.

Don't they know only men can pretend to be women?


nuggetpatrol 11 points ago +11 / -0

Try this new viral glitch and then have your bank close and rescind your debit card and deny you of service for trying to pass off a bad check.

nuggetpatrol 12 points ago +12 / -0

If it's an ideology so untenuable that it might as well be a nebulous cause that jumps onto the next "thing" to make it a goal, then it's a cult and it should be treated like one, instead of being celebrated.

nuggetpatrol 6 points ago +6 / -0

Allegedly, on the apprentice he was asked if he would support Donald Trump as a president and he said no.

Penn then said it was down to him and one other and they just couldn't pick because the race was so tight. That's when he was asked the presidental question.

Then he wasn't picked, and believes that was the deciding issue.

But is it true? Find out on this episode of Bullshit.

nuggetpatrol 29 points ago +29 / -0

I remember reading on a mongolian basket weaving forum that reset era were struggling to figure out if Dustborn was on the nose leftism in action, or a hits too close to home parody they should be concerned and angry about.

Which leads me to believe the thing we all already knew. You can't "do it right" enough for a general consensus, let alone perfect. So we can all stop trying and just go back to making games that are fun instead of ones that tickle our politics.

nuggetpatrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

You make a good point. We'll have to see how it plays out.

nuggetpatrol 15 points ago +15 / -0

I guess TF2 didn't inspire this one to do a silhouette of the models to see if there is a unique structure to quick identify the character. There are only two outlines that are distinct. The bottom left corner, and the one with the tail.

The rest of the group could be confused with at least one or two others. So you never know who you're up against at a glance.

nuggetpatrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

In a perfect world: too many to list. If they're not touched by the modern audience disease, remakes and re-releases get the touch of bad craftsmanship, or the censorship disease, or all of the above. So I'd rather they be left alone if that's the case.

Having said that, in a perfect world, I'd pick these ten games.

  • Tenchu

  • Syndicate

  • Evo: The search for Eden

  • Alien vs Predator (The Capcom arcade version)

  • Gunstar Heroes

  • Parappa The Rapper

  • Ghost In The Shell (PS1 version)

  • General Chaos

  • Dungeon Siege 1

  • Super Metroid

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