Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

No no - it's Democratic Socialism - get with the times.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

We will save Democracy by insuring that the people only vote the way we want them to and only our candidates are selected...

Skywise 20 points ago +20 / -0

These people just pushed out a kernel level update to EVERY computer that asked for it?! No staggered roll out?!

(And probably written by some green haired trans-woman who asked ChatGPT what to code…)

Skywise 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes - it IS wrong to play that game and until the left STOPS playing it (and they haven’t) then make them own up their own rules.

Skywise 40 points ago +40 / -0

He wasn’t blindsided - I’m sure he and Kyle were discussing the same sentiment before the concert.

But it’s nice to see the left feel the heat for once.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s copium. We do it on our side too.

I entertained the notion for about a minute to play “what if?” but aside from the fact that there’s no way to be that accurate a shot without Trump himself getting killed, who’s going to sacrifice their life to take the “fake” and “super accurate” shot for a political stunt?!

You want conspiracy theory? As “not a military guy” I think Biden ordered it.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah - it's very strange.

No gloating of the shooting. But no condemnation of the shooting, either, from the same people that 2 weeks ago were slathering my common chats with messages like "May the sins of Trump follow his supporter to their graves"

I suspect they're pissed that they know that Trump just won the election.

Skywise 30 points ago +30 / -0

On the bright side, the left has suddenly discovered they support gun rights again.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sort of... It's odd that the shooter kept his ID on him. With explosives in the car I suspect his plan was to do the shooting escape in the car and then minecraft himself with the explosives. Why carry the ID? Amateur night I guess or he wanted people to know who he was. (although they could've ID'd him from the serial # on the rifle and the VIN on the car)

Still... isn't it odd that a 20 year old kid has almost no social media?

Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0

whoa whoa whoa, slow down their pardner, you're just a STATE licensed biologist... The FEDERAL licensed biologist says otherwise and has approval from the WHO.

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Please tell me there's an archive link of the before Forbes article

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

They may be right for asking the question but how about a few days after as part of reflection after the investigations have been completed and NOT GO STRAIGHT FOR THE POLITICAL NARRATIVE LESS THAN 14 HOURS AFTER THE SHOOTING?!


Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

Typical. Terrorist bombing in London? Oh, we can't jump to conclusions until the facts come out. Black man drives a truck through a christmas parade? Well, we're not sure what exactly happened here... it might've been a problem with the brakes... White man shoots up a church? REEE TOTAL HATE SPEECH, GUN CONTROL, WHY WONT THE WYTE MAN STOP HIS HATE.

Trump gets shot.

Whoopi Goldberg: :"well.... wuz he shot shot?"

Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

That’s what we call “being shot” back home.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did they get the original Star Wars print?

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

By default a documentary has to have a narrative. Why is the author bothering with this person/subject matter? What's the point? That part doesn't bother me and yeah, it's used by the left for the propaganda all the time "Whoee, let's look into the life of super-hero woman Ruth Bader Ginsberg!"

My comment here is that this isn't even "propaganda documentary" level - it's bad tumblr fan-shipping fic level!

I mean... Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is probably more factual!

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh yeah - it's tiring. My older relatives who are still plugged into the propaganda and relatively centrist are all talking about "Project 2025" as if they're informed and thinking they're just not gonna vote this election because Biden is obviously demented and, well, we had all those riots under Trump and that'll happen again so what's the point.

Really - people do NOT think for themselves.

Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0


So fan-shipping is now considered a "documentary".

This is all the way up there with people claiming transgenders have always existed. Like, they had hormonal therapy and plastic surgery back then? I mean, yeah, eunuchs and all, but they didn't even consider themselves transgender... and it only went one way...

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