RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

... I had no idea any of this shit was going on.

Illegal lotteries, lol.

P.S. : It really is shadowbanned, won't even show in my video history.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

She talks like the most insufferable hypocondriac no doctor wants to deal with, plus accusing everyone of racism for not giving her answers they can't give her.

Black people should only go see black doctors. Problem solved.

Oh and guess what fat lady, I also got sent-out with permanently impaired vision in one eye and told "I don't see anything wrong" by the specialist.

Sometimes they don't know. And they don't want to refer you to other specialists who already have their hands full.

If your problem isn't clearly visible and fitting a diagnostic checkbox, or dosen't respond to the default treatment, you're shit out of luck.

But "muh racism muh racism" fucking Hell letting non-Whites in our countries was a horrible act on vandalism.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

The ACLU is "deeply concerned that banks' freedom to block or track your legal firearm purshaces is being infringed-upon by the far-right" in some Red states.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you want digital games that aren't tied to an account, you have few options like GoG or torrents.

There are old-ish games on abandonware websites too.

Not forgetting console emulation and ROMs.

All your games bought on Steam are linked to your Steam account though.

RoulerBleu 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's one hell of an unhealthy obsession. Dying for some silly status symbol. It's not like they saved their people, or developped a cure for some disease. Nope, bragging rights and a shiny medal.

Wait till they figure they all take the same pills and only one gets gold but they die 4 years later anyway.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know someone who accidentally cut his finger off while using some tool. It was in a bad shape but he made it in time to get it reattached.

It dosen't ''work'' ( a non-problem 99% of the time since it isn't the thumb ) but his hand looks normal.

RoulerBleu 48 points ago +49 / -1

Complaints like these should only make the titties bigger and whiter.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

''Reputable sources'' ( mainstream media ) claimed it was the worst ''terrorist attack'' since 9/11.

This is how they falsify history.

RoulerBleu 13 points ago +13 / -0

"Refutes the claims" = "it happened, but I didnt think it was bad".

RoulerBleu 23 points ago +23 / -0

''Here are harsher penalties for secks crimes against children and teenagers.''


What an odd thing to say...

RoulerBleu 16 points ago +16 / -0

... even Call of Duty is getting slaughtered in the reviews and it's over really basic things like the installation sizes, ...

CoD Black Ops 6 fills 310GB of disk space. I can't fit that on my computer.

N64 Resident Evil 2 fits on a 64MB cartridge, so 0.064GB

It seems some devs don't give a single fuck about optimisation.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Concord happens to be the name of an infamous viaduct that collapsed and wounded + killed a bunch of people a while after it got flagged for careful follow-up, which wasen't done.

Only in Baguette because it happened in Quebec : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viaduc_de_la_Concorde

TL;DR : The viaduct wasen't up to code, and some structural elements didn't follow the plan, weakening it further. The inquiry after the incident claim the collapse had nothing to do with the previous forgotten recommendation to keep a close eye on the structure of the viaduct and nobody was responsible.

Honk honk.

If the forgotten recommendation has nothing to do with the collapse, then the ones responsible are the crew who built the viaduct, specifically the supervisor in charge of validating the ongoing work lines up with the plan, and the construction company paied to build it.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

Capcom, where basic Quality of Life in a full-price game is a DLC.

( Dragon's Dogma 2, (CAD)$95, packed with microtransactions. Made tedious for the sake of microtransactions. Oh and malware DRM always-online single-player game. Fuck Capcom. DD2 has potential once it get fixed on the High Seas. )

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

They eventually mute you for X days.

Some of the things that will get you flagged for ''hate speech''

Wanting to deport illegal immigrants.

Wanting to close the border so they can't come in and resist with force if they try to force into the country.

Not wanting the demographic replacement or genocide of White people.

Pointing who is pushing for the above.

Pointing who is doing a disproportionate amount of crime due to their race.

RoulerBleu 17 points ago +17 / -0

There is no evidence whatsoever for a black samurai, they are still lying.

RoulerBleu 27 points ago +27 / -0

It's not a ''matter of debate and discussion''.

There was no black samurai, and ''Yasuke'' was not one, unless unambiguously proven otherwise. Which won't happened, because the evidence is that he was not.

RoulerBleu 14 points ago +14 / -0

I encountered a few Canadian and American tourists who seemed irritated I didn't speak fluent English to them. This is a semi-rural area.

WTF is up with that.

This never happened with tourists who spoke different languages but tried to communicate in English.

Many tried to communicate in French, which is always appreciated.

The whole world should NOT be made into a bland ''tourist-worshipping'' safe-space. Our nation is for ourselves first ; guests should keep that in mind.

Learning some language of the place you're visiting is not only courtesy, it might save you alot of trouble.

RoulerBleu 11 points ago +11 / -0

Some feminists complain about the hijab being a tool of subjugation for women. And get accused of islamophobia and racism by other feminists.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

Democrat bragging about Harris achievements :

''She had a vagina to fill that position.''


RoulerBleu 17 points ago +17 / -0

He only missed because Trump turned his head at an angle in a fraction of a second during trigger travel.

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