RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

He really failed to defend his position.

It all boils down to ''I feel like it and I think the people in power ( lawmakers, media ) in the USA agree with me''.

Lawmakers disagree with him? Well ''he feels that...'' so he's still morally correct, since the mainstream media, and his people agree with him. He also thinks current political pushback is just a fluke and once Trump is out, trooning children and males in girls changing rooms will be cool again among lawmakers.

People overall disagree with him ''well he feels that...'' and the media and his immediate woke circle says he's still right, so he is.

Was he eventually able to articulate that religions are the same thing, but the people in power who wrote the code of behavior down did so 500, 1500, 2000 years ago depending on which?

That those religious codes of behaviors definetively changed anyway influenced by attitudes in each society, media, education and politics? ( And hand half of the argument to religious fundamentalist with that reasoning. )

Even if you are an atheist ( I sort of am ), it's obvious something about current society is toxic to White people, and leftist morality isn't going to save us ( it's killing us faster ).

We're headed towards extinction. Which subsets of Whites are not commiting collective suicide? The most religious ones having many children. ( This excludes most US conservatives today, with an average fertility below replacement. )

RoulerBleu 28 points ago +28 / -0

Despite being only 13% of spellcasters, Dark Wizards cast 60% of unforgivable curses.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

Liberals like to virtue-signal about ''climate change'' but never stop their plane trips and private jet flights.

They also aprouved a pipeline project that will transport petrol to burn for 75+years, which is totally incompatible with their claims. Also make excuses for China's brand-new and upcomming coal powerplants that will operate for 50 - 100 years.

It's a scam.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why didn't Liberals vote for Strong Whamman?

Because they were instructed to vote for the Central Banker directly instead of via proxy.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Federal elections are in Octobre unless there is a vote of no confidence making them earlier.

Then Canada will be a 9/10 of a joke instead if the ''Conservatives'' ( Trying to ''conserve'' 2015's Canada ) win a majority.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

It seems LA firefighter departments policies boiled down to ''we must hire as many brown lesbians as possible, especially in high positions''.

You know the result. A fat brown lesbian in a promotional video bragging that ''don't ask me why I can't carry your husband out of a fire, tell him he shuldn't have put himself in that situation instead''.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

I assume it's just lazy writing.

Like how interplanetary sci-fi shows usually have one language per planet, if they bother having anything but insert language of the dub here for the whole universe.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Clark Kent renounced his citizenship?

He did not.

So ''Superman'' ( nickname and public persona ) virtue-signaled. Hahaha these writers are pathetic.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

He looks anxious like a puppy in fear of getting kicked at any moment.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can hear the sheeboon mulato mix.

She was obviously being loud and annoying because other people filming weren't told to stop.

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +10 / -0

The ''Rape is sex + power/privilege'' NPC patch has been brewing as the next firmware update for a while.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

''The request of a phallic-free space is not about exclusion.''

Imagine being such an NPC you recoil in horror at the mere thought that you are practicing ''exclusion'' because you think it's always a bad thing. So you make-up your own language where excluding males isn't exclusion.

Here is a thought for NPCs if they can still have one : exclusion is a good thing in many situations. You already practice discrimination yourself, but usually call it something else ( ''affirmative action'', ''restorative justice'' etc. ).

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol, never watching that shit.

I like the books and the original movies. as the children / teenager stories they were.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a little bit of fencing forces the creativity to take shape with measured purpose, such that it creates something rather than flailing uncontrolledly.

Segway into this for videogames :

Here is an example of hardware limitations forcing creative use. on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

New NES game called Micro Mages. It's 40KB. They even make NES cartridges of their games.

Today, most devs would make that into a 500MB game.

This is why each console back then had a certain ''feel''.

Is there a console that still has this? Maby the Nintendo Switch for part of the games catalog.

Almost forgot, for worse, Android ( mobile games definetly have a ''feel'' to them : built for macro/microtransactions and advertisements )

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

''Gamer backlash against All that is Good and Pure (D) got Trump elected, surely this will win gamers back to the Democrats.''

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