SomeRando 10 points ago +12 / -2

There are nicer ways to say that your pussy stinks Becky.

SomeRando 22 points ago +22 / -0

If you've ever been to former commie blocks you'd know they're still a million times better than any multicultural ghetto. And I fucking dare you to call polish food bland again.

Fear not me, but the babcia who knows a thing or two about perogi and oscypek cheese.

SomeRando 7 points ago +7 / -0

Day of the REDEEM is soon at hand.

SomeRando 29 points ago +29 / -0

Oy fuckin' vey, look at that schnozz!

SomeRando 6 points ago +6 / -0

I believe that about as much as I believe that there are moderate muslims.

SomeRando 50 points ago +51 / -1

Yeah come on guys, they would never do this haha (((happens)))

SomeRando 11 points ago +11 / -0

Firstly, they see it as uplifting regardless of whether or not this is historically accurate.

Secondly, they want to negrify history to make it more inclusive for the future they have in mind. Basically this isn't going to stop - they need their stochastic suppressive forces to feel welcome, so that they may steer "democracy" in the "right" direction. I guess Japan just wasn't complicit enough.

This is the first of many weaponized forms of this type of media that will likely hit their shores.

SomeRando 49 points ago +49 / -0

Isn't it interesting how these prosocial behaviors overall benefit the status quo? Can't think of aaaaany reason as to why they would ever want to quietly find ways to reduce the testosterone in the populations of the first world.

SomeRando 16 points ago +16 / -0

Even if you have enough money for a gold digging gook to stay loyal, your kids will grow to be one of two things:

A hot half-asian chick or Elliot. The Chad genes just don't carry and it's a pretty cruel thing to do. You're basically trusting your daughters to carry the torch.

SomeRando 11 points ago +11 / -0

It seems a lot of people cared.

SomeRando 18 points ago +18 / -0


Funny thing is I remember there being an edited version of this with the dumb roastie getting eaten. But you know what? The visceral example does it better.


SomeRando 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because you guys left, far left. right, far right. are just 2 sides of the same coin.

The monkey is already out of its totalitarian cage, and at some point that monkey is going to pull out an AK and force you into it. In my eyes it has already happened and it will happen again; my ideas are not unilaterally to divide and conquer, but to use the horseshoe to its full effect. To flip the coin enough times to where it should land on its edge. Turn the monkey into one of us by his own monkey logic.

All monkeys are then very pleased, and crawl back into their respective boxes.

There is a reason I think in the ways that I do, and my previous draft is one of them.

SomeRando 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem I see is this: they won't let us self-segregate. You can move to the middle of the fucking desert on some unincorporated plot of land where no one wants to be and they'll still find a way to flood it with "diversity", usually by filling the neighboring city council seats with blues - from there it's only a matter of time. I think legal boundaries of who is and who isn't a guest where is the only real way to go to actually live in a high trust society.

SomeRando 3 points ago +3 / -0

It feels like the simulation has broken and that we've stepped into an episode of Xavier Renegade Angel.

SomeRando 7 points ago +7 / -0

When I tried to get back into it, it was like "Oh cool, the same endgame since 2017", and quit. You'd think they would do more with that. Most of the game development seems to be just putting new pokemon in and balancing around that.

I thought about picking it up again so I'd have something to do with my neice, but then they made the player characters hideous.

SomeRando 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow... you, eh, REALLY grew up.

SomeRando 1 point ago +1 / -0

that Robin DiAngelo guy sounds like a dick

Hahaha, you're alright kid. I'm not even going to correct you.

Cool, so your pro race segregation...

Maybe, but not entirely (lest we end up like the Rhodesians) - "segregation" implies an occupation, or governance above said people, or that we'd even live in the same system for any such discrimination to occur.

SomeRando 4 points ago +4 / -0

Forgive them with millstones, if we're being Christlike. Next.

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