Would be better if it was cut so they all ended on "that is the truth" at the same time
Bro stop. There's no water left, it's just mud.
We need to bring back those gold stars
>And this was over Bitcoin??
It's kind of shocking that it doesn't happen more often. It's a liquid transferable currency, not quite untraceable but close enough. Imagine showing off that you have 200 gold bars in your house to a million strangers online.
In the book all the starship pilots are women and they shave their heads bald.
Western comics had a mass die off and only cape shit survived. There aren't any good male comic writers either. I don't think anyone actually reads floppy comics. I think the two sources of income for comic shops are dead guys with active pull lists and laundering small time weed money.
"Also i call anyone I don't like a nazi, then i punch them. Anyone who questions this is a nazi"
Most lefties just have part of their brain wired up backwards. The heat graph shows it.
What's happening here is they like the demons because they're evil. The lower parts of their brain (that are wired backwards from normal) give them this signal, then their higher brain confabulates a reason as to why that should be true. It's all just gish gallop. They like demons because demons are evil and they want to be evil.
The new guy comic is another great example - the author self insert is a complete piece of shit and they don't even realize it. They will willingly align with evil when given the chance and only avoid it to disguise themselves.
They just say the words that they think will get the result. They are the demons from frieren.
Or you know, good old fashioned drug abuse. The traditional hollywood death.
Nah, fires are dangerous and everyone can see them, plus you lose the capital investment and you can't undo it quickly, so you have no leverage. If you want to create a shortage for international leverage, there's a million bureaucratic ways to do it. "Oh these products are unsafe, your factory permit expired, we're investigating corruption, the shipment is uninsured, there's a covid outbreak" on and on, and there's a mandatory ccp officer in every factory so it's easy to do. The government can also just buy the products and dump them in a field somewhere, they did this with electric cars and scooters.
Anyone with eyeballs and a half functioning cerebral cortex knew. Biden had obvious signs of dementia in 2020.
Murray, a single woman
Is she sure she isn't black?
She's not doing anything. It's fake tiktok shit for views. I clicked a related video and she's talking about how she scheduled her wedding venue before being proposed to. There's another one "my bf told me we were doing a blindfold march in place challenge but he took his stuff and moved out". It's not real.
This is like writing a serious news article on something that happened in a sketch comedy show.
You mean his lawyers have. Luigi is gonna fry. His lawyers are gonna buy a vacation home in Gaza.
And then what? Gave them machine guns and asked them nicely to only shoot the other team? Ask them nicely never to post a video online? Same with their family and friends? This doesn't pass the sniff test. No one has that kind of media control.
I've seen a few videos alleged to be conscription grabs and it just doesn't make sense. You can't drag someone kicking and screaming to the front line of a modern war, it just won't work. At the very least you'd have to drag them to jail for draft dodging and use that to pressure others into signing up willingly - that would be a plausible story, but propagandists just can't help themselves and make up insane shit. I'd bet half those videos are just drunks being arrested for disturbing the peace.
Reality check: 4% approval in a country currently at war on its home territory is not possible. How would they recruit and arm anyone for the front lines if 96% hate them? There wouldn't even be enough believers even for barrier troops. Cell phones are everywhere, there would be leaks of front line soldiers speaking out against the leadership all the time, but we only see that from russians. At least make the lies plausible.
People who want change are dissatisfied, film at 11. What else would you expect? This is a meaningless result.
I question if it's possible to do this while being unarmed. People like to meme on Americans for having guns and never using them, but they're a part of every conversation in an unspoken parenthetical. Legal discussion is allowed because there is always an alternative that no one wants to see. "We need to talk about this (or I'll shoot you)"
Posting a video with a title like "Everyone is talking about this" should be illegal. Asmongold, moistcritical et al should be in jail.
When someone has a schizophrenic episode, they'll latch onto whatever the big talking points are in their community or the media and amplify them in their mind. Drones are in the news? Well now they see drones following them everywhere. Racial politics? Well now they're being gang stalked by racists. Sonic weapons reported in Havana? Suddenly the CIA is attacking them personally with sonic weapons.
I'm going to guess this attack is not the result of a policy decision, but is just a crazy person who latched on to anti christian sentiment.
It's quite literally the oldest trick in the book. If it works on g-d, it'll work on goyim.
neither Europe, nor the Biden administration, nor the Ukrainians had any pathway to victory
I'm not sure if this is meant to mean "they had no plan that could work" or "there was no possible way to win". Victory was definitely possible, but the war has been incredibly mishandled by bean counters and micromanagers from washington. To the point where it seems like the goal was to kill as many people on both sides as possible.
From the outset, there are only two levels of military aid that make sense: zero, or whatever it takes. Instead they chose a slow trickle of increasing range and capability that allowed the russians to adapt and grind it out through the casualties. Not allowing strikes inside russian territory is just comical. They even had weird press conferences where they were hinting that they wanted ukraine to disobey that guideline but couldn't say it - it's like the whole thing was being run by a female erotic fantasy author.
Then there's europe who's all gung ho except for any meaningful materiel. France and UK gave a few hundred stormshadow/scalp cruise missiles and they worked - so are you going to make 10,000 more to win the war that you claim is so important? No? So wtf was the point of the hundred? Just kill some people I guess? Korn will be pleased.
Snarf x Cheetara offspring
Logan Paul was the prototype.
For comparison, the US military budget is $842 billion dollars per year