They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
Comments (173)
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Drawings aren't people. Society is free to detest and shame people who enjoy loli all it wants, but the law shouldn't be involved. Zoom out for a moment, and it's very easy to see how allowing the government to decide what content is legal will quickly apply to a lot more than just anime. Anyone here and paying attention should be adamantly against more government regulation, especially when it's for thought-crime.
But strangely, many aren't, just because the subject matter is icky. You'd think, for example, "hey, let's not end internet anonymity," would be something we could agree with nearly across the board. But when you throw porn and loli into the picture, some people lose their minds.
Sociopaths and egotists are always looking for reasons to do generally unacceptable things but in a socially accepted context. Its why so many people decided to simp for covid laws and draconian measures despite how badly it screwed everyone over because it meant looking good even though they were doing evil. They're not losing their minds, its far more likely they only protect free speech because its socially accepted thing to do but really do want to just plain censor and report people to ruin their lives for the fun of it.
It's doubtful these people even care if they actually helped anyone. They got to hurt people and call them pedos (even though they most certainly aren't by any practical metric) and that's all that matters. There isn't going to be a single child actually helped by conflating child rights with anime characters many of whom display non-child like behavior.
If anything it'll be the like UK where children are routinely abused because discussion is routinely diverted (such as running wild with the claim that the rape gangs aren't real because one accuser listed 3 innocent men she didn't like while ignoring the several actual child rape gang members that she did list). It'll only actually increase the amount of child abuse occurring while limited actual police and civil response to it.
In addition the guy who married Hatsune Miku got completely screwed over lol. He married the program on a limited time 3D girl projector system which got turned off permanently a few months afterwards. Leave him alone, he is legitimately a victim of live service bullshit.
That is because they are not in fact principled individuals, but are unthinking animals that react solely to emotional stimuli. This will forever be the litmus test that differentiates humans from subhumans.
The last 75 years have pretty heavily debunked the idea that the slippery slope is a fallacy instead of a natural consequence.
It's a stupid strategy to allow people who are evil to tiptoe closer to that evil until they commit provable harm, so they can forever push the boundary of what's acceptable, until the unthinkable is considered normal. This has happened with every form of degeneracy across generations, and now it's pedophilia.
If you could go back in time to the 1950s and show them what loosening those laws would result in today, even the most liberal would recoil in disgust at the resulting damage and would make the members of conpro look like liberals. Today, the people who have foresight can tell what's going on with pedophilia, and want us to avoid that same fate for our children's children.
You want to let the degenerates succeed in the same exact way they've succeeded for generations, but just hope it'll be okay this time. I guess you still haven't learned from the failures of the boomers.
And you haven't learned anything from the Satanic Panic.
What are they drawings of?
Do you think Dragon ball should be banned because there are sexualized anime minors in the show?
No, just like I don't think family pictures of bath time are CP. You don't need to be disingenuous.
But the fact undoubtedly remains that if you are looking at pictures of bath time, or explicit hentai, and getting your rocks off, when are we allowed to say what you're doing is, at the very least, very questionable behavior?
Ah so you think Bulma flashing herself to other characters to arouse them, and to the audience was fine then is it? You think Goku's dick on screen was ok then was it? You think Goku pulling off Bulma's underwear while she is asleep to feel for her balls, followed by her flashing Roshi the next day her nude lower half with the full ass on display for the audience was fine is it? Why are you pretending like Dragon Ball wouldn't get banned by the bill's wording?
Because I agree the bill is retarded but also think loli is bad. I don't think my stance is impenetrable. I'm not pretending anything and only simply pointing out the obvious. If you thought I was addressing Texas and not the overarching argument then my bad.
And for the record, yes there are questionable things that happen at the start of DB, like Oolong trying to date rape Bulma, but the context of all these scenes is blatantly comedic.
What character? Bulma? She's a late teenager, is her age even revealed? And acting like a couple panty jokes about her is the same as pornographic depictions of literal children is the same is insane. Unless there were hardcore pornographic scenes of children in DB that I'm forgetting?
She was 16 when introduced in the first chapter, and the first panty joke involves Goku pulling off her underwear while she is asleep to feel for her balls, followed by her flashing Roshi the next day her nude lower half with the full ass on display for the audience.
The very first page of the original Dragon Ball manga had Goku's dick front and center as he fished naked. He was 13 at the time.
To act like this wouldn't be called pedo shit and rev up a huge controversy if it was released today is equally insane. That's more than most actual loli focused anime get away with.
This is what I mean. 16 is legal in Japan and in some other places. The Goku feeling for her balls is a funny gag, Goku's dick is a funny gag, no one's jerking off to it. Comparing that to loli porn, which is literally hardcore pornographic of prepubescent girls is ridiculous.
Lol, lmao even.
So we can have 13 year old prepubsecent boys be fulled naked on screen, as long as everyone pinky promises to never ever jerk off to it?
Got it, I see we are working with a very well defined and strict set of principles that will work very well when turned into laws that define our land.
If you can't see the difference between a gag manga from the 80s and hardcore porn graphic material depicting little girls having sex and being raped (which loli porn does) then you may have some serious issues.
You may as well attest that National Geographic photos of topless natives are pornography. We all know the difference between Goku's caricature and erotica.
Lol dont waste your time, all of that would get the ban hammer and we both know it.
If you can't see the difference between DB and hardcore pornographic loli then you may have some issues
just cut that part? This isn't rocket surgery.
If you think its CP then wouldn't you want to ban the whole show? Because surely the person who made it is a pedo according to your logic . And we can't be having shows made by pedos. Or are you going to be a hypocrite and say that its fine?
Breathe man. Oxygen to the brain. If the plurality of the show isn't questionable then there is no reason to do anything about it. Just get rid of the one part.
But you haven't answered the question. What are they drawings of?
You still haven't answered my question. If you think its CP then it was made by pedos, and if its made by pedos then, you are saying you are fine with shows made by pedos.
I asked first. What are they drawings of? You will keep dancing around it but you don't that one simple question answered honestly makes you look really bad.
Just like this? Yeah, no thanks
I don't think women's eyes turn into hearts as they stick their tongue out when you rape them either. There are no muscle mommies with giant bazongas...
Im not losing any sleep over it, but being into loli is weird as fuck and degenerate and everyone who isn't into it can see that. Do all the mental gymnastics you want, it's fucking weird. I wouldn't let anyone into loli around kids sorry
Sure, I can agree it's weird. It's just because their interest is only in fictional content, they're less dangerous to kids than those that become teachers, nursery workers, medical professionals, law enforcement and even parents to GET closer to kids to abuse them for their own sick pleasure.
My bigger problem is that it is always used as the foot in the door for more censorship and banning of things because the government said so. Australia banned loli, then they went and said that any porn actress with smaller than a B-cup is a child and also banned (as well as banning many a Japanese video game or anime).
I defend the loli shit for the same reason I defend hate speech and people saying nigger: The government always targets scoundrels to justify targeting everyone else.
You give the censors a chance, they'll strip you of ALL your freedoms as we have history to show that..
And with the amount of parental controls available, there's LESS of an excuse if you try the popular censor angle of 'think of the children', we did, you have the tools to not just block certain content from them but even time lock their device use, USE IT.
And a lot of people dont really seem to grasp the lengths they would go to to do it. My biggest example being that the Soviet Union decided that it was "mental illness" to be against "the Revolution" and would use that to arrest everyone they desired. If you get laws passed to ban "degenerate" behavior, it is only a matter of time before they declare being an enemy of the Globalist order is degeneracy. Hell, I have already seem them starting to try and pull that with Christianity, citing all of the weird shit that happens in the early parts of the Old Testament as proof it is just as "degenerate" as any pornography.
But then I might actually have to do my duties as a parent and not make the government do it all! That's not fair!
Oh yes, please illustrate for us the exact milestones on the slippery slope between banning cartoon child porn and 1984.
I could use a laugh.
You want to ask a none openly biased question or you going to be a DC judge in this?
Same. And the porn ID laws are the first step toward ending online anonymity, and thus the death of any pushback against the status quo. People who cheer it on, because they have a rightful distaste of porn, are not seeing the full picture.
If someone can convince me that porn isn't speech, and put a law forward that doesn't fuck over everyone, regardless of porn usage, then we can talk. Until then, I'll defend porn, defend loli, and oppose all these stupid laws that massively hurt free speech. I don't have to like the things in question, but when the cure is clearly worse than the disease, I certainly don't feel bad defending them either.
My favorite one is always when they say I should have my hard drives checked, and instead of giving them the answer they want I tell them "Go ahead. You aint gonna find what you are looking for, because it doesnt exist." Because I am sure it will come as a shock to them (since they are usually the types to project), I actually dont have a thing for loli. Hell, if you searched my hard drives, you would be hard pressed to find anything more risque than women in lingerie. Because the only thing I am weird on is that I dont necessarily find skimpy looks to be all that sexy, and in fact find looks like this or this or this to be the infinitely sexier option than just some too small bikini.
No jetpack for you
Jokes on you. As a Novelite, I can just grow wings with my ink and fly that way.
That's a fair argument and frankly the only one I'm listening to about this topic.
The saddest part is despite the aggressive stance Australia took with anti-anime policy, they kinda allow real predators to run around and do whatever because the country wants to follow the trend and be the cool progressive.
Well of course. Because it was never actually about preventing that kind of behavior, it was about finding a way to attack a medium that is popular, pushes messages they dont like, and/or is outside of their control. They just know that there are some people who would normally oppose them that are going to lose all sense and go along with it if they say the right trigger words to make it happen.
I'm not going to go into it, but the Australian Aboriginal population has a fucking outrageous rate of child sexual abuse, intimate partner abuse, family violence, and more.
They get a free pass though, because reasons.
Meanwhile, your comic books can get you thrown in prison because you are not an Aboriginal.
This is not an exaggeration.
And I wasn't even aware of that, still it reinforces me further to ignore a lot of anglo puritan hysterics about loli anime even more. What I said about Britain a few days ago seems to apply to just about any anglo-countries. They force their own unreasonable cultural standard and in my opinion they are pretty inconsistent about the rules. What's more ironic is the westerners in general love making fun of busybody karens on the internet, but many of them are inherently karens as seen in the goonergate fiasco. What an absolute shitshow, the modern culture is.
All laws are selectively enforced, that doesn't mean anarchy is viable.
And the goal is to maximize liberty without allowing anarchy, but not allow so much law it can be used as a cudgel against you.
That is all laws, all laws can be used against anyone who publicly engages in any activity because they are all subjective to a "reasonableness" test.
And that is good because the real purpose of laws isn't to tell people what to do and not to do but to be a legitimizing pretext for collectively harming bad people.
And when that weapon of law is inevitably turned against you, you will have no defense against it because you signed it yourself.
All weapons are dangerous, should guns be banned because someone might misuse them?
Nobody does regardless of whether or not they agree with or voted for it or whatever. That is the way things work.
Do you think Trump supported that tarded business records law they tried to jail him for a billion years over? If someone wants to get you, and they have the pull, they well.
You void your right to complain about any law that encroaches. You're not perching yourself at the top of a slippery slope, you're on a fucking canyon.
Says who? You are making these proclamations like you are wearing a crown. Anyone can complain about anything.
Sorry, I forgot that like most statists, you need a parent to help guide you through life and figure it out, and since you'll need this explained as well, the government is your stand-in for a parental figure.
You have as much right to bitch about encroaching laws as a person that leaves their door unlocked with a sign saying as much does when they get robbed. So sure, you can bitch and moan, but what YOU say can instantly and rightfully discarded as the complaints of a fucking moron.
How do we know it's only in fictional content though? It could start with loli and lead to CP or molesting. Someone in one of those positions could have liked loli to start. The point is normalizing child attraction is a problem. The argument that it acts like an outlet and stops them from acting on it is false, it doesn't work like that, it just makes their appetite stronger.
Who said anything about normalizing it? Not criminalizing or banning it doesn't have to mean normalizing it. I am strongly against it being banned but I am even more against it being normalized. It should be banished to secluded corners of the web and should have a stigma associated with being found to like it. But we cannot go even one step down that path of censorship because it doesn't lead to good places.
The people who are into are absolutely trying to normalize it, or minimize what is at least. That's what the "she looks 12 but she's 12,000 years old" memes are making fun of. Based on your post I don't have a problem with your position. I think there's a legit debate to be made about leading to censorship etc, but as to whether it's creepy as fuck and tantamount to bring a pedo, I don't think there's an argument
So if I watch porn and jerk off as an outlet for my sexual needs I'm going to start raping women? Or if I play violent video games I'm gonna shoot up a school?
different things are different
I already said sexual attraction isn't the same. And no but it won't quench your thirst and actually makes you want more sex, it's not an outlet that stops the desire.
Fucking LOL at this being downvoted. This is a fact. You weirdos are super sensitive about your cartoon little girls. Almost like you know it's wrong...
Japan has the one of the lowest rape rates and child abuse per capita in the world, yet Netherlands is the country that hosts most csa material in the world...
Japan is awesome but they are extremely sexually deviant. And as much as I like Japan they seem like they fudge stats like that, appearances are very important there. I know the groping on the train is supposed to very common, but I doubt they're being counted in the stats.
And one in five (American) women are sexually assaulted in college. No, if women were raped there you'll never hear the end of it, if anything, groping on japanese trains stats are exaggerated
I was simply pointing out the flawed logic in your argument. Unless you already have a violent nature and/or seriously lack empathy you won't start raping kids or women because of pornography or start up shooting schools because of violent video games or hack people to death because you look at gore.
Mind altering drugs can completely twist your personality and make you do things you would never be capable of under normal circumstances but media? Absolutely not.
Actually jerking off is an outlet that stops desire. It's called postnut clarity.
Not everyone who disagrees with (parts of) your statements is an individual who wants to normalize loli porn. You can be against it and still point out a deeply flawed argument.
I don't know how many times I have to say sexual attraction isn't the same as violence, you're arguing against shit I didn't say. And you're wrong about jerking off stopping desire, studies show it does the opposite and increases your desire. Post nut clarity is the immediate effect of busting a nut, in the long run consuming porn increasing your appetite for more
What exactly is pedophilia if not a type of sexual attraction? You argue that if pedophiles consume loli porn it's gonna make them molest kids i.e. make them violent. Sexual molestation is violence.
You're arguing that loli content is a gateway drug.
Yeah for more porn. That's why the average porn addict is rarely a sex addict. Because fucking people takes a bit more effort than choking your snake. Often porn addicts actually have serious problems during actual sex.
These apologists here are speaking as if what you are saying isn't true?
"Drawings aren't people." "It's policing thought crime."
Both are retarded arguments that ignore the reality of the situation. If you create pornographic sexualized images of children (that are anime/cartoon or otherwise) you are no longer in the realm of intangibles or hypotheticals.
You knowingly created a now existing product or material that serves the purpose of stimulating sexual arousal towards images of children. That's not happening just in your mind anymore.. It has now become something tangible by your actions.
I'm not saying we should lock people up for that alone. But yes, those caught distributing & creating it for the use of pedophiles should be at the very least taken a closer look at.
Also, as you said if anything this is proliferating the problem not keeping it in check. Rarely does behavior like this deescalate of it's own volition.
The central pillar of your argument is assuming that others, like yourself, are unable to distinguish representational art from real people.
I get that you really, really, don't like pedophiles. Your solution is to convict people on what they think rather than what they have done. That is a bridge too far.
That is bullshit.
If you want, argue that people who sexually abuse children should be shot. I won't even protest. As long as they actually did it.
I don't see how this matters in regard to creating pornographic images of children? Whether the child is real or not doesn't change the purpose of the imagery. Which is to produce sexual arousal towards children.
Wrong. I already addressed this point in my other reply here. Once you create pornographic images of children (anime or otherwise) that has the sole purpose of sexual arousal for pedophiles, you are no longer in the realm of thought, intangibles or inaction. It's extremely suspect that so many here cannot make this distinction and are fervoursly defending the creation and distribution of pedophilic imagery.
I also never said they should be in jail for this act alone. Although if it were up to me, I probably would just put a bullet in their head as you suggested. I said they should be looked at more closely. Because rarely is this a behavior that exists in a vacuum, that doesn't escalate into further interest and/or action.
No you don’t understand, she’s just drawn to look 12, she’s really a 13,000 year old god!
You know there are people like that in real life? Say, professional gymnasts or figure skaters.
If you draw one of these people, should you go to prison?
How big are their boobs?
Are you serious? Is cup size the metric of maturity you want to see enforced?
Google Zhou Yaqin Chinese balance beam medalist. She is 19 now.
Does drawing a picture of Zhou Yaqin engaging in sexual acts deserve conviction and sentencing as a sex offender?
Look, I’m not on this for your artistic freedom, I just want the women to have bigger boobs.
In my opinion, the people defending anime of this kind so fiercely need to be on a pedo watch list. Children presented in an overtly sexualized way in any context is wrong. The fact that some are trying say there is some degree of nuance to the argument (like that makes a difference) says a lot about the people making it.
Yup. The only nuance is that not all anime is loli and degenerate. But actual loli is just straight up gross, pedo shit and I can't look at anyone into it without serious concern
And you think the people making these arguments will make that distinction?
Lol, lmao even.
I am, right now. I can't speak for others. But it's not a hard distinction to make.
I don't take most internet discourse on pedophilia seriously, people often just turn into drooling retards on the subject I've found.
I'm a simple man who follow these rules:
If yes to either or both, then you are a pedo and should be locked up.
And anime drawings are not either of these things .
And said anime drawings are voice acted by adults.
Where I do draw the line is if the fictional characters are depicted realistically.
Have you seen what actual loli shit looks like? It's literally just drawn child porn man, it's gross
I have and loli is:
Now why did I say that I draw the line if fictional characters are depicted realistically? Because they are depicted in real body and facial proportions, i.e. they resemble very closely to real humans.
I can differentiate between what's real and what's not. Apparently for you...
Intent matters more than execution.
What is it a drawing of?
If it's not realistic and it's just a bunch of lines why do guys get off on it? It's supposed to be human girls, they aren't attracted to a bunch of random lines. And I'm not sure what loli you've seen but when I search hentai and this is one of the first images (
How is a loli version of that not realistic exactly?
Do you have prosopagnosia or some other disorder that causes you to be unable to distinguish faces and thus have a hard time distinguishing a stylized imaginary drawing and a phototealistoc reproduction of reality?
It can easily lead to the consumption of real CP or molesting children. It's sexualizing children. Why do you find children attractive? What's to stop someone who finds lolis attractive from graduating to the real thing?
Rather than hypothetic scenario, you need to supply with actual proof. By now we have tons of data and evidence that backs up your claim, right? What you are implying is you are ok with criminalising a thought crime and that's going to open so many doors to more censoring.
So what you're saying is to ban violent video games because what's to stop someone who finds FPS fun from shooting up a Walmart?
Different things are different.
I've said like ten times in this thread that entertainment and video games aren't the same thing as sexual desire. It's like being attracted to drawings of little girls makes you guys unable to read or something
"Why aren't people just accepting my flawed premise uncritically?" Nah.
It's not flawed you guys just don't like being told that being attracted to kids makes you pedos and keep bringing up a separate argument boomers make about video games to feel better.
I've gotten into it at length on this subject many times and don't feel like doing so again, but I can't help but add one thing to the discussion. The linguistic manipulation needs to stop. Loli never ever used to refer to "any anime girl who could remotely be construed to be under the age of consent of 18 determined by the US government." However there has been a disturbing trend of people, even ones who are generally defending it, who are willing to cede that ground. Hatsune Miku is not a loli lmfao. She may be "underage" (pretty sure she's supposed to be 16), but she is not a loli. No, the words are not interchangeable.
Loli refers to pre-pubescent girls. Think 12 years old or something. No, being petite (as most actual Japanese girls are in real life) does not automatically make someone a loli.
loli is a body type and has nothing to do with age. That is the original definition. And im not calling Miku a loli im simply saying that those people who are anti loli would definately call the guy who married Miku a "pedo" since Miku is under 18
The continuum between cute --> suggestive --> pornographic is wide and blurry but just because the exact boundaries are subjective doesn't mean the categories don't exist.
We know what it is, they know what it is, they are just hiding behind ambiguity and whataboutism because being honest about it is still outside of overton.
Miku is considered loli? I thought she was too "big" (tall? developed?) for that category.
Any anime girl that isn't drawn with visible aging marks like wrinkles or the like is loli. That's half the problem.
The same way Americans call lusting after a 17 year old girl pedophilia, the definition stopped making sense when they realized you could just say the magic word and everyone would jump on your side.
This is something that a lot of anti-loli people don't understand, a lot of what many would consider to be "loli" are body types that many REAL ACTUAL adult women have. Should an adult woman be banned from ever having sex for her entire life because she's only 5' tall with A-cups?
Check this very thread for people conflating age with a body type. Very loudly. Language matters and people saying one thing and meaning something else ehile expecting people to agree based on the common umderstanding of 'thing' is typical leftistlinguistic bullshit.
You missed the xitter posts complaining about that brazilian Miku meme, because she's a minor or something
Absolutely not. Just made a comment ranting about that.
Universal suffrage was a mistake, and low IQ "voters" enable both fraud and retarded shit like this.
Another victory for Vietnam! 18 year olds can vote! Many of which had no responsibility past mowing the lawn now have a say in who governs you and they’ll voting for whoever the funny Jew tells them too!!
Zionist neocons push this shit to make themselves appear law-abiding while sucking off Israel in the background.
I agree with the idea that using the law to crack down on drawn pictures is stupid, but let's also not forget to address the coomers who fiend for their drawings so badly that even the suggestion that they may be engaging in unhealthy behavior is immediately met with massive pushback and defensiveness.
If you jerk to porn of drawings of literal children, don't be surprised when people won't let you near their kids if they find out. It's pretty simple.
It is exactly like for homos. They would have so many fewer problems if they could just pretend to be normal unless they knew for sure they were amongst their own kind.
Let normal people live their lives without having to think about degeneracy.
Here's what has me stuck on the whole issue. I can kinda buy that furries are to animal-fucking as lolis are to kid-fucking. It's a way to live out degeneracy that you don't have the balls to actually do in real life. It is also a degeneracy accelerant that takes people who would otherwise be relatively vanilla and gets them hooked on the harder stuff.
Degeneracy is bad for society, despite what liberals will tell you. There is a level where community is responsible for weeding that stuff out. So, no not government but also yes we should be against it.
The common rejoinder is that some people are into furry/loli for the aesthetic but that's just bs.
You can't marry a cartoon.
Not with that attitude!
Skill issue.
I lucked out by falling in love with a character who's 5 years older than me (And also ages until her franchise inevitably gets cancelled). But I think for many people they don't get that, they fall in love in Middle School with Miku for example, and she stays canonically 16 forever
not this again
just stay in the closet guys
I have a simple solution to this (and all) problems. Omnicide. We simply should just kill every single person on Earth so we won't even have a possibility of Lolicons existing
No no, it's worse! See, leftists give lesser punishments to actual child-rapers than dissidents!
Keep this rhetoric in Blue Sky
they are pedophiles, just not (inherently) predators
My favorite part about loli apologists is when they accuse anti-loli people of being the real pedophiles. Because everyone knows you’re supposed to be chill with loli if you want to oppose pedophilia…?
That aside, it cracks me up when they accuse the anti-loli side of being the real fanatics. Not calling out OP specifically, don't know his stance, but I've seen a lot of super obsessed loli enthusiasts, who are totally wrapped up in trying to force everyone into pretending it's normal.
I don't really care, personally. I'm somewhat in the middle between some of the comments here. It's definitely fiction, and I think some people can consume it without being actual pedophiles...but don't fucking pretend it's normal. It's clearly not. It's gross and degenerate. It's not CP, but the intent is clearly quite similar.
That said, I will defend it (legally speaking), as the laws are often worse than the loli. A lot of the shit the laws go after are much too broad, and infringe on basic freedoms, no matter how anyone feels about loli itself. Loli is fiction, it's - ew - "art," and to some extent it is speech.
But, yeah, it's not fucking normal, and I'm deeply suspicious of people who try to force society to accept it as such. If they had any shame, they'd keep that shit to themselves. I'm wondering if there's some serious autism overlap or something. It's just so clearly gross, and they insist on acting like it isn't, and can't seem to understand how they come across. Honestly, the obsession is more worrying than their enjoyment of loli, often, because it further shows they're not functioning normally. If they're not hurting anyone, I don't care what they enjoy in private...but keep your fetishes to yourself. If you can't, I respect you as much as I do the LGBTQ+++ retards who can't shut up about their gay shit.
Lmao don't think you can hide up on that fencepost, u/AndurilElessar is still putting you on the pedo list! Any more nuance from you and you're going to face the wall.
Yep. Not much nuance required when discussing someone being guilty of creating and distributing child pornography.
Unfortunately for this line of thinking, a lot of the internet's anti-loli crusaders have been busted for either consuming it themselves or being involved in worse sexual degeneracy. Dr. Pizza was just the most famous one, but it happens a lot. Which means, by their own logic, they are either massive hypocrites or actual pedos.
It doesn't mean anyone against it is a secret pedo, the same way all anti-gay people aren't secretly gay because a few big names got caught fucking dudes, but there is a trend of the loudest names being duplicitous on this front.
Has there ever been a prominent right wing anti loli crusader? Pretty sure RW just think there's bigger fish to fry
Anti loli specifically? No. Anti-anime as a whole? Absolutely.
As the other guy said, most of them are too normie to actually know a thing about it to know the word "loli", but they are absolutely anti-anime as a whole because they think its all pedostuff. A full baby with the bathwater situation, and the reason why so many of us oppose trusting these bills wholesale.
Most of the crusader level ones are either Leftist or just make that their only political belief, screaming about it.
It's degenerate, and should be banned, full stop. I will not apologize, and do not care about any kind of slippery slope argument.
Its a fetish like troonery or butt piracy. They can't NOT bring it up because inflicting it on people who don't want to hear about it is part of the fetish.
Anime is pedo!
Typical Trump supporters 12 yo daughters are literally hookers...
America needs a reset button.