They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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The saddest part is despite the aggressive stance Australia took with anti-anime policy, they kinda allow real predators to run around and do whatever because the country wants to follow the trend and be the cool progressive.
Well of course. Because it was never actually about preventing that kind of behavior, it was about finding a way to attack a medium that is popular, pushes messages they dont like, and/or is outside of their control. They just know that there are some people who would normally oppose them that are going to lose all sense and go along with it if they say the right trigger words to make it happen.
I'm not going to go into it, but the Australian Aboriginal population has a fucking outrageous rate of child sexual abuse, intimate partner abuse, family violence, and more.
They get a free pass though, because reasons.
Meanwhile, your comic books can get you thrown in prison because you are not an Aboriginal.
This is not an exaggeration.
And I wasn't even aware of that, still it reinforces me further to ignore a lot of anglo puritan hysterics about loli anime even more. What I said about Britain a few days ago seems to apply to just about any anglo-countries. They force their own unreasonable cultural standard and in my opinion they are pretty inconsistent about the rules. What's more ironic is the westerners in general love making fun of busybody karens on the internet, but many of them are inherently karens as seen in the goonergate fiasco. What an absolute shitshow, the modern culture is.