DemolitionsPanda 8 points ago +14 / -6

So here is the thing, guy. The only credible investigations of false rape accusations put the number at about 40%. It is probably more.

As a counterpoint, there is a credible study that says of the female collage students surveyed about 40% admitted to behavior considered to be sexual assault. You know, like blackmailing a guy into sex, or having sex with him while he is too drunk to resist, or even using violence to get sex.

So until our society manages to overcome this crippling blind spot when it comes to women, I think that vigilante justice to "protect the children" is probably going to be a fucking terrible idea. In the same way that "Me Too" was a terrible idea, but with more bloody violence.

DemolitionsPanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

Travis and Gregory McMichael sentenced to life in prison for the death of Ahmaud Arbery.


If you don't remember the case, Ahmaud Arbery charged the pair and just about got his hands on one of their weapons before being shot. It was about as clear as self defense gets.

My point is that self-defense is a defense in court that requires you to admit the crime and then justify your actions. It doesn't work if you can't find an honest judge or honest jury.

DemolitionsPanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait, you yanks can get 128oz sodas? For real? That sounds awesome!

DemolitionsPanda 8 points ago +8 / -0

Its also fucking free and easy.

It is the absolute minimum possible participation in government.

You want to do more? You can do more. You can do so much more. But the minimum is voting.

DemolitionsPanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like that father son duo who were jumped by that jogger!

DemolitionsPanda 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trumpian is 3.4 Tera-Hitlers.

The Science! says Trumpian people commit genocide just by thinking about it. Every day.

DemolitionsPanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are underestimating how willing console 'tards are to just buy all their games again.

Most XBOX 'tards I knew, back in the day, were buying games. Blasting through them in a weekend or two then selling their games at a GameStop or something.

They are the perfect customer! Too stupid to be critical of shit run-and-gun games. Too stupid to shop for better prices. They love pre-orders so they can get the hottest, newest CODBLOPS crap (or whatever) the moment it comes out.

The target market for an XBOX emulator couldn't even spell emulator, let alone know what one is. Anyway, how could they use that to play new, shiny EA games?

DemolitionsPanda 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gizortnik, we wound up on this channel because everyone from every media source lied to us. I don't know about you, but I wanted to know the actual truth, and it started with challenging the sources of information and verifying what could be verified.

The more I did that, the more of my worldview fell down around my shoulders. My relentless search for truth has lead me to some very uncomfortable places and shown me that I was wrong about almost everything.

Watching you toe the party line on their major points, like "colonialism BAD" is both sad and infuriating.

Watching you come right out of the gates by insulting the shit out of everyone who disagrees with you has been even sadder.

I have known that Phizer were lying from very close to the start, partly because I've studied pharmacology, design and analysis of biological studies, and statistics.

During the pandemic, I grew very, very wary of "facts that may not be challenged"

And here you are with the number of 6 million and a bad attitude.

Applying Game Theory to the pandemic bullshit worked pretty well. How about we apply exactly the same Game Theory to your number?

I never denied the Jewish holocaust, but the harder you argue that the facts are not to be challenged, the more I start to doubt that facts are as they have been presented.

DemolitionsPanda 8 points ago +8 / -0

Gosh Gizortnik, "Colonialism was an evil mistake" AND "The Jewish Holocaust is divine truth from Zion"

Any other mainstream positions you want to espouse? Perhaps "Phizer is above reproach" or "Money laundering through Ukraine is a moral good?"

Oh! Oh! How about: "MSNBC gives me all the facts I need"?

DemolitionsPanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hunter is a crack addict who is willfully in sway of the CCP, who provided him with drugs and (at least one) underage prostitute during Joe's vice presidency.

The idea that Hunter actually has it together to manage the affairs of the PotS is laughable.

Hunter has a team of handlers who keep him out of trouble enough that the major media organizations can memory-hole his fuckups.

If Hunter faced any serious political opposition, there is enough evidence to see him go down for a decade in federal prison.

Hunter is useful because he does what he is told. He is not, and never has been a mastermind.

I am more inclined to think that Obama's presidential staff are actually making almost all of the day-to-day decisions in the Whitehouse.

DemolitionsPanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

France funded the American Revolution to the point it was broke when the hard winters followed.

France's spending on the American Revolution was a major cause in the French Revolution.

The UK has always treated her colonies well. Look at Australia, Canada and the African colonies. They went on to become some of the most prosperous nations in their respective regions.

To sum up I disagree with your characterization.

DemolitionsPanda 24 points ago +24 / -0

Just to be clear: "The Means of Production" are the workers. Factories are well and good, but without workers they are useless.

When a socialist says: "The Workers seize the Means of Production" what they actually mean is: "The political party seize the workers and direct their labor"

For socialism to work everything produced by the workers must belong to The Party. If a worker were to make something for himself and sell it, they would be stealing from the people (The Party) and contributing to the Black Market.

Socialism literally wants to own you (like a shovel) and own all that you can make with your hands.

DemolitionsPanda 1 point ago +2 / -1

I already took care of that.

I used the time machine to change how timekeeping works. Now all analog clocks reset at noon and midnight.

It was an effort, I'll tell you. Did you know that timekeeping uses the Sumerian base four counting system? TIL!

DemolitionsPanda 10 points ago +10 / -0

If we are honest about it, the biggest killer of communists is other communists.

DemolitionsPanda 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women can be taught to take accountability, to self-reflect on their internal (emotional) state and to not think with their feelings. It just takes enormous social pressure to do this.

Feminism has been fantastically successful at removing all responsibility and accountability from women, while increasing the accountability and responsibility for men.

Society of the past has recognized that women are infantile and selfish and has demanded that men take care of them accordingly, in return women birth and care for the next generation. Now that social contract is irredeemably broken and it will lead directly to the end of entire cultures (Korea, Italy, Japan, etc) in the near future. The situation will be irreversible (even with breeding camps) in about 20 years.

This has been a textbook example of Tragedy of the Commons. The selfish desires of women have literally doomed entire cultures.

Things are going to get very much worse before women decide to let men make changes. Cultures that do not empower women's choices will become dominant specifically because they do not empower women's choices.

So, no. He isn't wrong.

DemolitionsPanda 8 points ago +8 / -0

In fairness, Imp doesn't think that women are inferior. He thinks they are literally evil.

That the base, most essential nature of women will cause them to selfishly drive society towards decadence, decline and eventual implosion.

This by Telia
DemolitionsPanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mother Teresia thought that the suffering of the poor was holy. Her nuns gave almost exclusively palliative care in the slums of Calcutta, superficially so that the poor could die in agony, and she could save their souls with a deathbed conversion to Catholicism.

She was offered millions of dollars in aid, including drugs and doctors. She skimmed the money off the top and funneled it into the Vatican for use in other projects, refused the medicine and doctors and ensured that the poor Hindus died in agony. Because souls.

She was a fucking monster.

DemolitionsPanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

Modern MBTs don't destroy roads. Rubber track pads prevent this.

Yes they do. They weigh >100t each. How many do you think can trundle down a road before it is mush? I watch the (very few) Abrams saddle up for exercises and see each and every one loaded onto a custom low-loader to be transported to and from the exercise, specifically to prevent a convoy of Abrams (with rubber track pads) from wrecking the roads.


Logistics is king. Diesel is the resource, and unless the Chinese Navy lands in fucking Darwin, they are going to have to haul their supplies across the most rugged continent on earth.

Australia just signed a contract for the delivery for 75 M1A2 Abrams, and I am not alone in thinking that for the job the Abrams is overweight and over armored.

Sheridan’s critique of the opportunity cost of purchasing the SEPv3 models is valid, notwithstanding Australia’s continued need for the direct-fire support capabilities that tanks provide. Australia’s M1A1s were initially intended to operate until 2035, and it seems likely this upgrade will push the platform’s operating life in Australia out to at least the 2040s. While the army should continue to operate a tank platform, the Abrams is simply too heavy for Australia’s needs, and Defence has missed an opportunity to consider lighter alternatives, such as the US Army’s light tank ‘mobile protected firepower’ program, which is set to deploy its first units by 2025.

The M1A2 SEPv3 is a continuation of the army’s tank capabilities: fast, powerful, reliable and overkill and overweight for Australia’s needs, with little room to manoeuvre for future developments.



As amusing as it is to watch you stroke your e-peen and daydream about tank on tank battles in the outback, Main Battle Tanks are not the most effective armored vehicle for ground combat under every circumstance.

DemolitionsPanda 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look, you are right. Every point you made is correct.

However, unless there are tanks fighting tanks, all of those roles can be fulfilled by a medium tank or a light tank, which is faster, doesn't destroy roads and gets better fuel economy. For example the entire continent of Australia doesn't need a MBT because no one is ever going to land a MBT. If they do the Aussies will send sappers (combat engineers with explosives) and SAS to blow up their diesel tankage.

I misspoke when I said that a modern air force makes tanks redundant. The situation of air superiority makes them a big fucking target, and then on fire. See Gulf War 2, etc. The specific example I gave of a modern howitzer is because they are much better at "shoot and scoot" to evade attack by aircraft.

DemolitionsPanda 10 points ago +10 / -0

Russians were actually pretty clear about it. You don't kill them before you dump them in the pit because it is hardier to carry a dead body than a person who is just tied hand and foot.

For ease of loading and unloading the bodies, tie them with fencing wire and bury them alive.

Socialism has shown us the way.

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