They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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Drawings aren't people. Society is free to detest and shame people who enjoy loli all it wants, but the law shouldn't be involved. Zoom out for a moment, and it's very easy to see how allowing the government to decide what content is legal will quickly apply to a lot more than just anime. Anyone here and paying attention should be adamantly against more government regulation, especially when it's for thought-crime.
But strangely, many aren't, just because the subject matter is icky. You'd think, for example, "hey, let's not end internet anonymity," would be something we could agree with nearly across the board. But when you throw porn and loli into the picture, some people lose their minds.
Sociopaths and egotists are always looking for reasons to do generally unacceptable things but in a socially accepted context. Its why so many people decided to simp for covid laws and draconian measures despite how badly it screwed everyone over because it meant looking good even though they were doing evil. They're not losing their minds, its far more likely they only protect free speech because its socially accepted thing to do but really do want to just plain censor and report people to ruin their lives for the fun of it.
It's doubtful these people even care if they actually helped anyone. They got to hurt people and call them pedos (even though they most certainly aren't by any practical metric) and that's all that matters. There isn't going to be a single child actually helped by conflating child rights with anime characters many of whom display non-child like behavior.
If anything it'll be the like UK where children are routinely abused because discussion is routinely diverted (such as running wild with the claim that the rape gangs aren't real because one accuser listed 3 innocent men she didn't like while ignoring the several actual child rape gang members that she did list). It'll only actually increase the amount of child abuse occurring while limited actual police and civil response to it.
In addition the guy who married Hatsune Miku got completely screwed over lol. He married the program on a limited time 3D girl projector system which got turned off permanently a few months afterwards. Leave him alone, he is legitimately a victim of live service bullshit.
That is because they are not in fact principled individuals, but are unthinking animals that react solely to emotional stimuli. This will forever be the litmus test that differentiates humans from subhumans.
The last 75 years have pretty heavily debunked the idea that the slippery slope is a fallacy instead of a natural consequence.
It's a stupid strategy to allow people who are evil to tiptoe closer to that evil until they commit provable harm, so they can forever push the boundary of what's acceptable, until the unthinkable is considered normal. This has happened with every form of degeneracy across generations, and now it's pedophilia.
If you could go back in time to the 1950s and show them what loosening those laws would result in today, even the most liberal would recoil in disgust at the resulting damage and would make the members of conpro look like liberals. Today, the people who have foresight can tell what's going on with pedophilia, and want us to avoid that same fate for our children's children.
You want to let the degenerates succeed in the same exact way they've succeeded for generations, but just hope it'll be okay this time. I guess you still haven't learned from the failures of the boomers.
And you haven't learned anything from the Satanic Panic.
What are they drawings of?
Do you think Dragon ball should be banned because there are sexualized anime minors in the show?
No, just like I don't think family pictures of bath time are CP. You don't need to be disingenuous.
But the fact undoubtedly remains that if you are looking at pictures of bath time, or explicit hentai, and getting your rocks off, when are we allowed to say what you're doing is, at the very least, very questionable behavior?
Ah so you think Bulma flashing herself to other characters to arouse them, and to the audience was fine then is it? You think Goku's dick on screen was ok then was it? You think Goku pulling off Bulma's underwear while she is asleep to feel for her balls, followed by her flashing Roshi the next day her nude lower half with the full ass on display for the audience was fine is it? Why are you pretending like Dragon Ball wouldn't get banned by the bill's wording?
What character? Bulma? She's a late teenager, is her age even revealed? And acting like a couple panty jokes about her is the same as pornographic depictions of literal children is the same is insane. Unless there were hardcore pornographic scenes of children in DB that I'm forgetting?
She was 16 when introduced in the first chapter, and the first panty joke involves Goku pulling off her underwear while she is asleep to feel for her balls, followed by her flashing Roshi the next day her nude lower half with the full ass on display for the audience.
The very first page of the original Dragon Ball manga had Goku's dick front and center as he fished naked. He was 13 at the time.
To act like this wouldn't be called pedo shit and rev up a huge controversy if it was released today is equally insane. That's more than most actual loli focused anime get away with.
just cut that part? This isn't rocket surgery.
If you think its CP then wouldn't you want to ban the whole show? Because surely the person who made it is a pedo according to your logic . And we can't be having shows made by pedos. Or are you going to be a hypocrite and say that its fine?
I don't think women's eyes turn into hearts as they stick their tongue out when you rape them either. There are no muscle mommies with giant bazongas...