They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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What character? Bulma? She's a late teenager, is her age even revealed? And acting like a couple panty jokes about her is the same as pornographic depictions of literal children is the same is insane. Unless there were hardcore pornographic scenes of children in DB that I'm forgetting?
She was 16 when introduced in the first chapter, and the first panty joke involves Goku pulling off her underwear while she is asleep to feel for her balls, followed by her flashing Roshi the next day her nude lower half with the full ass on display for the audience.
The very first page of the original Dragon Ball manga had Goku's dick front and center as he fished naked. He was 13 at the time.
To act like this wouldn't be called pedo shit and rev up a huge controversy if it was released today is equally insane. That's more than most actual loli focused anime get away with.
This is what I mean. 16 is legal in Japan and in some other places. The Goku feeling for her balls is a funny gag, Goku's dick is a funny gag, no one's jerking off to it. Comparing that to loli porn, which is literally hardcore pornographic of prepubescent girls is ridiculous.
Lol, lmao even.
So we can have 13 year old prepubsecent boys be fulled naked on screen, as long as everyone pinky promises to never ever jerk off to it?
Got it, I see we are working with a very well defined and strict set of principles that will work very well when turned into laws that define our land.
If you can't see the difference between a gag manga from the 80s and hardcore porn graphic material depicting little girls having sex and being raped (which loli porn does) then you may have some serious issues.
You may as well attest that National Geographic photos of topless natives are pornography. We all know the difference between Goku's caricature and erotica.
Lol dont waste your time, all of that would get the ban hammer and we both know it.
If you can't see the difference between DB and hardcore pornographic loli then you may have some issues