They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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If you can't see the difference between a gag manga from the 80s and hardcore porn graphic material depicting little girls having sex and being raped (which loli porn does) then you may have some serious issues.
Lol, lmao even.
Any argument can be won if you specifically ignore the point being made, and then keep adding additional evocative adjective to one side to make it sound worse and worse while minimizing the other with two words. Shows how poor your position is.
Also, my point from the start wasn't that I can't, its that the law won't. There is no way to write it in which it can other than broad subjective means that make it useless.
Ignoring what point? Anyone being intellectually honest can tell the difference between fucking DB and loli porn. Do whatever mental gymnastics you want, it's not a hard distinction to make and normal people would have zero problem making it. It's why every normal person who knows what loli is thinks it degenerate pedo shit and there's never been someone calling DB child porn and trying to ban it.
Lol, lmao even.
So explain to me, Mr. Intellectual, when does an underaged boys dick turn from gag to sexual? At which exact point? This is important, because you are working with legal proceedings that need these exact lines ironed out.
Also, my point was and continues to be that "everyone just knows!" is a laughably bad position by a person who not only knows nothing about the topic, but people and politics and general.
Again, if you can't look at porn and DB and see the difference that's a you problem. Funny how no one else seems to have this problem. Nowhere else are people comparing DB to loli porn, yet you seem to have a problem making the distinction, why is that? Japan has managed to differentiate between gag manga and porn, do you think they put DB in the adult sections? So why is it impossible to use an ounce of critical thinking or discretion and figure it out?