They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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My bigger problem is that it is always used as the foot in the door for more censorship and banning of things because the government said so. Australia banned loli, then they went and said that any porn actress with smaller than a B-cup is a child and also banned (as well as banning many a Japanese video game or anime).
I defend the loli shit for the same reason I defend hate speech and people saying nigger: The government always targets scoundrels to justify targeting everyone else.
You give the censors a chance, they'll strip you of ALL your freedoms as we have history to show that..
And with the amount of parental controls available, there's LESS of an excuse if you try the popular censor angle of 'think of the children', we did, you have the tools to not just block certain content from them but even time lock their device use, USE IT.
And a lot of people dont really seem to grasp the lengths they would go to to do it. My biggest example being that the Soviet Union decided that it was "mental illness" to be against "the Revolution" and would use that to arrest everyone they desired. If you get laws passed to ban "degenerate" behavior, it is only a matter of time before they declare being an enemy of the Globalist order is degeneracy. Hell, I have already seem them starting to try and pull that with Christianity, citing all of the weird shit that happens in the early parts of the Old Testament as proof it is just as "degenerate" as any pornography.
But then I might actually have to do my duties as a parent and not make the government do it all! That's not fair!
Oh yes, please illustrate for us the exact milestones on the slippery slope between banning cartoon child porn and 1984.
I could use a laugh.
You want to ask a none openly biased question or you going to be a DC judge in this?
Same. And the porn ID laws are the first step toward ending online anonymity, and thus the death of any pushback against the status quo. People who cheer it on, because they have a rightful distaste of porn, are not seeing the full picture.
If someone can convince me that porn isn't speech, and put a law forward that doesn't fuck over everyone, regardless of porn usage, then we can talk. Until then, I'll defend porn, defend loli, and oppose all these stupid laws that massively hurt free speech. I don't have to like the things in question, but when the cure is clearly worse than the disease, I certainly don't feel bad defending them either.
My favorite one is always when they say I should have my hard drives checked, and instead of giving them the answer they want I tell them "Go ahead. You aint gonna find what you are looking for, because it doesnt exist." Because I am sure it will come as a shock to them (since they are usually the types to project), I actually dont have a thing for loli. Hell, if you searched my hard drives, you would be hard pressed to find anything more risque than women in lingerie. Because the only thing I am weird on is that I dont necessarily find skimpy looks to be all that sexy, and in fact find looks like this or this or this to be the infinitely sexier option than just some too small bikini.
No jetpack for you
Jokes on you. As a Novelite, I can just grow wings with my ink and fly that way.
That's a fair argument and frankly the only one I'm listening to about this topic.
The saddest part is despite the aggressive stance Australia took with anti-anime policy, they kinda allow real predators to run around and do whatever because the country wants to follow the trend and be the cool progressive.
Well of course. Because it was never actually about preventing that kind of behavior, it was about finding a way to attack a medium that is popular, pushes messages they dont like, and/or is outside of their control. They just know that there are some people who would normally oppose them that are going to lose all sense and go along with it if they say the right trigger words to make it happen.
I'm not going to go into it, but the Australian Aboriginal population has a fucking outrageous rate of child sexual abuse, intimate partner abuse, family violence, and more.
They get a free pass though, because reasons.
Meanwhile, your comic books can get you thrown in prison because you are not an Aboriginal.
This is not an exaggeration.
And I wasn't even aware of that, still it reinforces me further to ignore a lot of anglo puritan hysterics about loli anime even more. What I said about Britain a few days ago seems to apply to just about any anglo-countries. They force their own unreasonable cultural standard and in my opinion they are pretty inconsistent about the rules. What's more ironic is the westerners in general love making fun of busybody karens on the internet, but many of them are inherently karens as seen in the goonergate fiasco. What an absolute shitshow, the modern culture is.
All laws are selectively enforced, that doesn't mean anarchy is viable.
And the goal is to maximize liberty without allowing anarchy, but not allow so much law it can be used as a cudgel against you.
That is all laws, all laws can be used against anyone who publicly engages in any activity because they are all subjective to a "reasonableness" test.
And that is good because the real purpose of laws isn't to tell people what to do and not to do but to be a legitimizing pretext for collectively harming bad people.
And when that weapon of law is inevitably turned against you, you will have no defense against it because you signed it yourself.
You void your right to complain about any law that encroaches. You're not perching yourself at the top of a slippery slope, you're on a fucking canyon.
Says who? You are making these proclamations like you are wearing a crown. Anyone can complain about anything.
Sorry, I forgot that like most statists, you need a parent to help guide you through life and figure it out, and since you'll need this explained as well, the government is your stand-in for a parental figure.
You have as much right to bitch about encroaching laws as a person that leaves their door unlocked with a sign saying as much does when they get robbed. So sure, you can bitch and moan, but what YOU say can instantly and rightfully discarded as the complaints of a fucking moron.