They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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And when that weapon of law is inevitably turned against you, you will have no defense against it because you signed it yourself.
All weapons are dangerous, should guns be banned because someone might misuse them?
That doesnt even logically follow. People can own weapons because they are under individual control, and one individual can protect themselves from someone misusing theirs. The law is and always will be the domain of the state, and therefore should be blunted as much as possible to protect the individual.
Sure it logically follows.
You say that a weapon against sexualized depictions of cartoon children shouldn't exist because said weapon might conceivably be turned on something else. It's the same premise liberals use to demand gun control.
Because it doesn't really have anything to do with the government or not. It has to do with malefactors and the inevitability of their existence.
Just because a law banning pedophilia might be misused does not mean pedophilia should be legal. Laws as a concept exist for the purposes of codifying and punishing evil. If they are not doing this then they are useless.
Again, the difference between gun control and law is one is an individual right with individuals who can defend themselves from other individuals using their right, and the other is a collective weapon aimed by all at one person because they demanded it. Which is why you must be very careful about what weapon you forge for that purpose.
And the difference is, one involves an actual physical child that has been wrong, and the other involves ink and paper and therefore no victim. And for the edge cases where that sometimes crosses over, it is already illegal (Shadman for example was arrested because he was using pictures of actual children as a base for his drawings).
Nobody does regardless of whether or not they agree with or voted for it or whatever. That is the way things work.
Do you think Trump supported that tarded business records law they tried to jail him for a billion years over? If someone wants to get you, and they have the pull, they well.
Which is why you dont make it easy by giving laws that can be used in such a way. Again, this isnt even a hypothetical, they have already weaponized the laws you are proposing to go after more mundane aims because it offends their delicate sensibilities. Which is why the line must be drawn and resisted against, lest it go further.