They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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How do we know it's only in fictional content though? It could start with loli and lead to CP or molesting. Someone in one of those positions could have liked loli to start. The point is normalizing child attraction is a problem. The argument that it acts like an outlet and stops them from acting on it is false, it doesn't work like that, it just makes their appetite stronger.
Who said anything about normalizing it? Not criminalizing or banning it doesn't have to mean normalizing it. I am strongly against it being banned but I am even more against it being normalized. It should be banished to secluded corners of the web and should have a stigma associated with being found to like it. But we cannot go even one step down that path of censorship because it doesn't lead to good places.
The people who are into are absolutely trying to normalize it, or minimize what is at least. That's what the "she looks 12 but she's 12,000 years old" memes are making fun of. Based on your post I don't have a problem with your position. I think there's a legit debate to be made about leading to censorship etc, but as to whether it's creepy as fuck and tantamount to bring a pedo, I don't think there's an argument
So if I watch porn and jerk off as an outlet for my sexual needs I'm going to start raping women? Or if I play violent video games I'm gonna shoot up a school?
different things are different
I already said sexual attraction isn't the same. And no but it won't quench your thirst and actually makes you want more sex, it's not an outlet that stops the desire.
Fucking LOL at this being downvoted. This is a fact. You weirdos are super sensitive about your cartoon little girls. Almost like you know it's wrong...
Japan has the one of the lowest rape rates and child abuse per capita in the world, yet Netherlands is the country that hosts most csa material in the world...
Japan is awesome but they are extremely sexually deviant. And as much as I like Japan they seem like they fudge stats like that, appearances are very important there. I know the groping on the train is supposed to very common, but I doubt they're being counted in the stats.
I was simply pointing out the flawed logic in your argument. Unless you already have a violent nature and/or seriously lack empathy you won't start raping kids or women because of pornography or start up shooting schools because of violent video games or hack people to death because you look at gore.
Mind altering drugs can completely twist your personality and make you do things you would never be capable of under normal circumstances but media? Absolutely not.
Actually jerking off is an outlet that stops desire. It's called postnut clarity.
Not everyone who disagrees with (parts of) your statements is an individual who wants to normalize loli porn. You can be against it and still point out a deeply flawed argument.
I don't know how many times I have to say sexual attraction isn't the same as violence, you're arguing against shit I didn't say. And you're wrong about jerking off stopping desire, studies show it does the opposite and increases your desire. Post nut clarity is the immediate effect of busting a nut, in the long run consuming porn increasing your appetite for more
These apologists here are speaking as if what you are saying isn't true?
"Drawings aren't people." "It's policing thought crime."
Both are retarded arguments that ignore the reality of the situation. If you create pornographic sexualized images of children (that are anime/cartoon or otherwise) you are no longer in the realm of intangibles or hypotheticals.
You knowingly created a now existing product or material that serves the purpose of stimulating sexual arousal towards images of children. That's not happening just in your mind anymore.. It has now become something tangible by your actions.
I'm not saying we should lock people up for that alone. But yes, those caught distributing & creating it for the use of pedophiles should be at the very least taken a closer look at.
Also, as you said if anything this is proliferating the problem not keeping it in check. Rarely does behavior like this deescalate of it's own volition.
The central pillar of your argument is assuming that others, like yourself, are unable to distinguish representational art from real people.
I get that you really, really, don't like pedophiles. Your solution is to convict people on what they think rather than what they have done. That is a bridge too far.
That is bullshit.
If you want, argue that people who sexually abuse children should be shot. I won't even protest. As long as they actually did it.
I don't see how this matters in regard to creating pornographic images of children? Whether the child is real or not doesn't change the purpose of the imagery. Which is to produce sexual arousal towards children.
Wrong. I already addressed this point in my other reply here. Once you create pornographic images of children (anime or otherwise) that has the sole purpose of sexual arousal for pedophiles, you are no longer in the realm of thought, intangibles or inaction. It's extremely suspect that so many here cannot make this distinction and are fervoursly defending the creation and distribution of pedophilic imagery.
I also never said they should be in jail for this act alone. Although if it were up to me, I probably would just put a bullet in their head as you suggested. I said they should be looked at more closely. Because rarely is this a behavior that exists in a vacuum, that doesn't escalate into further interest and/or action.